April 13, 2018
9:00 A.M.
Those present were:
Anthony Fasone, TrusteeWoodlandsFirefighters’ Retirement System
Jennifer HannaPlan Administrator
Erik Secrest, TrusteeWoodlands Firefighters’ Retirement System
Andrew Pitre, Trustee Woodlands Firefighters’ Retirement System
Doug Adams, ChairmanWoodlands Firefighters’ Retirement System
Jeff Johnston, TrusteeWoodlands Firefighters’ Retirement System
Susan Welbes, TrusteeWoodlands Firefighters’ Retirement System
Monique Sharp, Trustee Woodlands Firefighters’ Retirement System
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Called to order @ 9:05a.m.
No Public Commentscurrently.
Consent Agenda
All Items under this section, Consent Agenda, areconsidered to beroutine by The WoodlandsFirefighters’ Retirement System Board and may be enacted by one motion. If discussion is desired, anyitem may be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
3.Consider approving the consent agenda items for each of the following:
A)Financial Statements for March 2018.
B)Review and consider approving minutes of the March 9, 2018 regular Board of Trustees Meeting.
C)Approval of Present Invoices.
Motion by Jeff Johnston, seconded by Erik Secrest approving the consent agenda. Motion Passed.
Items for Individual Consideration
4.Motion by Jeff Johnston, seconded by Anthony Fasoneto accept the STMM up to date. Motion Passed.
5.Motion by Anthony Fasone, seconded by Susan Welbes to approve recommendations by STMM to move forward with the investments into Chartwell and Punch. Motion Passed.
6.Discussion only at this time on review of investment policy statement from STMM. We will revisit at next meeting.
7.Motion by Anthony Fasone, seconded by Jeff Johnston to re-elect Erik Secrest for another term of office by acclamation as there were no other nominations for the position. This term will be January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2021. Motion Passed.
8.Motion by Anthony Fasone, seconded by Jeff Johnston to reelect trustee position to be Doug Adams as Chairman, Erik Secrest as Vice Chairman, and Jeff Johnston as Secretary for 2018. Motion Passed.
9.Motion by Jeff Johnston, seconded by Andrew Pitre to approve the Plan Amendment and ballot in regard to compensation definition in Plan Document. Motion Passed.
10.Motion by Jeff Johnston, seconded by Erik Secrest approving DROP Plan Amendment. Susan Welbes opposed, Motion Passed.
11.Motion by Susan Welbes, seconded by Jeff Johnston to approve Form 400 Application for Service Retirement for David Parker. Motion Passed.
12.Discussion only regarding audit and actuary update.
13.Call for future agenda itemscurrently are to include DROP and Compensation ballots, actuary and audit, and RFPs for auditor and actuary services.
14.Motion byJeff Johnston, seconded by Erik Secrest toadjourn at 10:55A.M. Motion passed.
1- Minutes April 13, 2018