Russell County Hospital
Policy/procedure name: General Quality Control
Policy/procedure number: 400-PE-QC-103 Issued: 11/93 Revised: 3/18/06
Russell County Hospital
1610 Dowell Road
Russell Springs, KY 42642
DEPARTMENT: Laboratory Issued: 6/02
Revised: 5/15/06
Timer Accuracy Check Prepared by: L. Johnson
Approved: Reviewed:
Medical Director
Laboratory Director
I. PURPOSE. All timers used in the clinical laboratory must be verified for accurate time determinations to prevent errors in clinical laboratory procedures for which there is a need of timed intervals.
II. POLICY. All timers used in our laboratory will verified for accuracy by comparison to a stopwatch that has been verified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) before initial use, at any time there is a reason to suspect change or damage, or annually thereafter.
A. Stopwatch.
B. Timer to be verified.
C. Timer Verification Log.
A. Verify/synchronize the stopwatch. Call the NIST at 1-303-499-7111 and follow the instructions. The stopwatch must be acceptable before continuing with the procedure below. If the stopwatch is not acceptable, notify the laboratory supervisor.
B. Check all timer at “one minute” and at “five minute” intervals.
C. Simultaneously start the stopwatch and the timer to be tested.
D. At the designated time, stop both the stopwatch and the timer.
E. The stopwatch and the time must agree within 5% (S/T X 100 must equal 95% to 105%).
F. Record any deviations and the correction to the minutes/second reading of the timer.
G. If the timer does not meet established limits, remove it from service until it is repaired or replaced. Document corrective action on the Timer Verification Log.
H. Record the date of testing, the time recorded for the timer, the % difference, if acceptable, and initials of the tech performing the procedure on the Timer Verification Log.
V. REFERENCE. National Institute of Standards and Technology,
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