9th Annual David Webb Invitational – June 20 – 22, 2008
301 Kenton Lands Road, Erlanger, KY 41018 859-342-4000 www.clipperswim.orgHeld under the sanction of United States of America Swimming, Inc. - Sanction # 3051OH
Directors: / Patti Molony, Mark Koors, Debbie Ogden, Bill Margroum
Entry Chair: / Rita Larkin - 859-342-4000 E-Mail –
Entry Deadline & Criteria / · Teams can send in entries in from Saturday, May 17 and through May 20.
· We will review the entries and determine which teams will be accepted based upon:
o Balance of swimmers in all age groups;
o Level of competition;
o Number of officials provided to assist.
· Teams will be notified of their status by May 23. Those teams not accepted will have their checks returned to them.
· No team will be accepted unless a paper copy of entries, a signed USA Swimming Registration Waiver form and check are submitted with entries.
· Times can be updated through June 10. Psych sheet will not be posted until after this date.
Entries can be sent on a disc or via email to . Files should be loadable into Hytek Meet Manager.
Facility: / Silverlake Recreation Center, 301 Kenton Lands Rd, Erlanger, KY 41018 Please note the following.
1. This privately owned facility offers a concession; coolers and food from other restaurants are not permitted to be brought into the facility.
2. Only drinks with screw on caps are allowed in the spectator stands. Since Clippers office and weight room are below the stands, we do not permit drinks without caps, because leaks could damage our equipment..
3. Web site address – www.go2silverlake.com
Directions: Take I-275 to the Dixie Highway South Exit in Kentucky (Exit #83). Go south, approximately one mile. Turn right on Kenton Lands Road (across from K-Mart). Go 1/2 mile and turn left into the facility.
Pool: / The facility consists of one 10-lane, 50 meter course, with the ability to start at both ends. For all sessions we will run all 10 lanes and take breaks for warm down.
Shuttle service / Silverlake is a membership only facility and there is no on site parking for visitors at this meet. Off site parking and shuttle from Dixie Height High School will be provided for visiting teams on Saturday and Sunday. Swimmer drop off and pick up is not available at Silverlake. Swimmers and families must take the shuttle.
Directions – when you turn onto Kenton Lands Road from Dixie Highway, turn right into Dixie Heights driveway.
Shuttle times - The shuttle will start 45 minutes before warm ups and run for at least 30 minutes after the meet is finished on all days.
Age Groups: / 10 & under, 11-12, 13-14, and Open
Scoring / Individual & Team Scoring – Individual scoring – 24,21, 20, 19, 18, 17,16,15,14,13,11,9, 8, 7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Awards: / Individual - Medal for 1st –3rd. Ribbons awarded to 4th -20th places.
Rules: / Current USA Swimming rules will govern the conduct of the meet. All swimmers, coaches and officials must be registered USA Swimming members. Coaches and Officials must wear their USA Swimming card while on deck. Age on the first day of the meet will determine age group for the meet. We will be using the WHISTLE/ NO RECALL STARTS as well as flyover starts.
Entry Fees: / $5.00 per individual event
$2.00 per swimmer Ohio LSC charge
Entry Fees must accompany entries. Entries will not be accepted without payment. Please make checks payable to Northern Kentucky Clippers Swimming, Inc.
If deck entries are accepted the entry fee will be $5.00 per individual event, plus $2 LSC charge if the swimmer was not already entered in the meet. See entry limits for more details.
Entry Limits
And Requirements / Entry limits will be based on Ohio LSC time line restrictions.
Friday events are timed finals and swimmers are limited to 2 events.
On Saturday and Sunday, swimmers 11 & over will compete in prelims/finals sessions and will be limited to three individual events per day – note that the 400 free is timed final event. Swimmers 10 & under compete in timed final events and are limited to four events per day.
1. All entries must be in long course meter times - “NT” will not be accepted..
2. Some events have time standards and are limited (See order of events page). If the time line permits we will add additional heats, or combine some events (even if different sexes) so that as many swimmers as possible can swim.
3. The 400 free is a timed final event with the top 2 heats swimming at finals.
4. Clipper swimmers will not be limited and can be deck entered or change events. If change events, the events will not be reseeded.
5. Clippers reserve the right to add extra heats of Clippers Swimmers or extra heats in the restricted events if the time line permits. This is solely at the discretion of the meet coordinator.
6. Clippers Swimming reserves the right to limit the entries in events 200 meters and longer (excluding the Clipper swimmers) if the time line is too long.
7. Deck entries for Clippers will not be restricted. However deck entries for all other swimmers NOT be accepted unless stated otherwise on the web.
Format: / 1. We will use fly over starts.
2. We reserve the right to combine heats.
3. For the limited events, we reserve the right to fill empty lanes of one sex with another for the same event without leaving an open lane so that as many people have an opportunity to swim.
Disability Swimmers / Swimmers with disabilities are welcome to enter Ohio swimming meets. Coaches: 1. Enter the swimmers on Hy-Tek or the paper entry form; 2. Provide advance notice of any necessary accommodations; 3. List in the email with the entries (or on paper) the swimmer’s name, entry times, strokes/distance, days & sessions, and how the swimmer prefers to be seeded. Swimmers with disability will be seeded with the same age grouping either the same distance race or a longer distance race (i.e. 500 free during the 100 free). Qualifying time standards at regular season meets are waived for swimmers with disability. For more info go to ‘adapted’ on the Ohio Swimming website.
Check In Procedures and Penalties / All events on Friday and the 400 free require positive check in by the time listed on the order of events.
Swimmers not checked-in will not be seeded. Swimmers who do not appear for their races after checking in will forfeit their next event, even if it is the next day. Penalties will be enforced.
Individual swimmers names may be on more than one check-in sheet. They must sign in for all events. Swimmers not checked in will not be seeded. The check in table will be open 15 minutes prior to the start of each warm-up session. Please only check-in swimmers who will be swimming. Swimmers who do not appear for their races after checking in will forfeit their next event even if it is the next day. Penalties will be enforced. On the limited events we will fill with the alternates with the fastest to slowest times.
Scratch Rules from Ohio LSC / Pre-Seeded Meets (Prelims and Finals)
1. Any swimmer not appearing for a preliminary heat when finals are scheduled shall not be penalized.
2. Any swimmer who fails to appear for a consolation or championship final race in which he/she qualified shall be barred from their next event, even if it is the next day, except as noted in Paragraph 4.4(B)(4) below.
a) A swimmer who qualified for a bonus (if offered), consolation, or championship final must notify the Referee or designated meet official of his/her intent to scratch within thirty (30) minutes after the announcement of the qualifiers.
b) The swimmer shall further declare his/her final intentions within 30 minutes following his/her last individual preliminary event in the session.
4. EXCEPTIONS FOR FAILURE TO SCRATCH – No penalty shall apply if:
a) The Referee is notified of illness or injury and accepts the proof thereof.
b) It is determined by the Referee that failure to scratch was caused by circumstances beyond the control of the swimmer.
5. PENALTY FEE – On the last day of a prelim-final meet, failure to scratch consolation or championship finals according to the rules above shall result in a $25.00 penalty fee charged against the swimmer.
a) The penalty fee shall be paid promptly to the host group member.
a) In the event of a vacancy in the finals the Referee shall notify the first and second alternates in order to fill the consolation or championship final whenever possible. These alternates shall not be penalized if unavailable to compete in the finals.
b) If a vacancy is known to the Referee before the consolation finals are swum, the Referee shall re-seed the consolation and championship final in order to fill all lanes in the final.
If a consolation final has already been contested, the championship final shall be swum without re-seeding.
Disability Swimmers / Swimmers with disabilities are welcome to enter Ohio swimming meets. Coaches: 1. Enter the swimmers on Hy-Tek or the paper entry form; 2. Provide advance notice of any necessary accommodations; 3. List in the email with the entries (or on paper) the swimmer’s name, entry times, strokes/distance, days/sessions, and how the swimmer prefers to be seeded. Swimmers with disability will be seeded with the same age grouping either the same distance race or a longer distance race (i.e. 400 free during the 100 free).
Qualifying time standards at regular season meets are waived for swimmers with disability. For more info go to ‘adapted’ on the Ohio Swimming website.
Mail to: / Clippers Swimming, 301 Kenton Lands Rd, Erlanger, KY 41018.
Results: / Will be available on our web site.
Warm-Ups & Start Times: / See Order of Events Page and subject to change
Warm-up Procedures: / Ohio LSC Swimming Safety Guidelines and warm-up procedures will be in effect at this meet. Depending on number of entries we reserve the right to assign warm up lanes.
If teams are not assigned warm up lanes, each warm-up session will be split into two parts:
· The first part will consist of two-thirds (2/3) of the warm-up session allotted times and will be general warm-up in all lanes. NO DIVING or RACING STARTS ALLOWED from the blocks or edge of pool. Swimmers must enter the pool feet first in a cautious manner with one hand in contact with pool edge.
· The second part will consist of the remaining one-third (1/3) of the allotted time and will be designated for sprint and pace as assigned by the Marshall
Timers / Each club will be asked to supply timers. We will let you know your lane assignments after we have received your entries.
Officials: / If you have officials who can work the meet, please send those names in with your entries or email us at . We will be able to supply them a parking pass for Silverlake. We need the sessions they will work, their certification level and their mailing address (so we can send them parking passes. Any questions about officials contact: the office.
Admission / We reserve the right to charge an admission fee any session.
Questions: / Call or e-mail Rita Larkin, Entry Chairperson. Telephone: 859-342-4000
E-Mail: .
8th Annual David Webb Invitational June 20 – 22, 2008 # 3051OH
Women #
/FRIDAY - All events have a time standard to be entered.
/Men #
/ SESSION 1 - Friday Timed Finals - Warm Ups at noon - lasting 45 minutes; start at 1:00 p.m.Positive sign in required by 12:15 pm /
/ Time Standard Required / Event / Time Standard Required /
/ Girls – 6:18.99 / Open 400 IM – Top 32 / Boys – 6:10.39 /102
/ Girls –6:20.79 / 13-14 400 IM – Top 32 / Boys – 6:25.09 /104
/ Girls –3:05.46 / Open – 200 Fly– Top 32 / Boys –3:00.59 /106
/ Girls –3:17.69 / 13-14 – 200 Fly– Top 32 / Boys –3:12.19 /108
/ Girls –3:24.19 / Open – 200 Breast– Top 32 / Boys –3:20.99 /110
111 / Girls –3:27.99 / 13-14 – 200 Breast– Top 32 / Boys –3:26.99 / 112113 / Girls –3:00.49 / Open–200 Back – Top 32 / Boys –2:57.89 / 114
115 / Girls –3:06.49 / 13-14 – 200 Back – Top 32 / Boys –3:00.19 / 116
SESSION 2 - Friday - Timed Finals – Warm ups estimated to start at 5:30 p.m.(subject to change, last 45 minutes. Meet should start at 6:30 p.m. Positive check in required by 5:45 pm
117 /Girls – 6:10.09
/11-12 – 400 Free – Top 32
/Boys – 6:23.79
/ 118119 /
Girls – 3:48.89
/10 & U – 200 Free– Top 24
/Boys – 3:37.49
/ 120121 /
Girls – 3:15.19
/11-12 – 200 IM – Top 32
/Boys – 3:30.99
/ 122123 /
Girls – 4:01.39
/10 & U – 200 IM– Top 24
/Boys –4:01.09
/ 124Women #
/Boys #
/ Girls # /SUNDAY
/ Men #Session 3– Sat. AM Session 6 – Sun. AM
Teams will be assigned a warm up session. Times TBA.
Positive check in for 400 free will be required 15 minutes after warm ups have started.
201 / 13-14 – 200 IM / 202 / 301 / Open – 200 Free / 302
203 / Open – 200 IM / 204 / 303 / 13-14 – 200 Free / 304
205 / 13-14 – 100 Free / 206 / 305 / Open – 100 Bacl / 306
207 / Open – 100 Free / 208 / 307 / 13-14 – 100 Back / 308
209 / 13-14 –100 Breast / 210 / 309 / Open – 50 Free / 310
211 / Open – 100 Breast / 212 / 311 / 13-14 – 50 Free / 312
213 / 13-14 – 100 Fly / 214 / 313 / Open – 100 Fly / 314
215 / Open 400 Free- Top 40 - timed
Girls –5:30.09 - Boys – 5:39.09
Fasted 2 heats swim at finals & are first event / 216 / 315 / 13-14 400 Free - Top 40 - timed
Girls – 5:12.19 - Boys – 5:17.79
Fasted 2 heats swim at finals and are first event / 316
Session 4– Sat. PM Session 7 –Sun. PM
Warm ups TBA – will last 45 minutes
217 / 11-12 – 100 Breast / 218 / XXX / 11-12 – 200 Free / 318219 / 10 & under –100 Breast– timed / 220 / 319 / 10 & under– 100 Free – timed / 320
221 / 11-12 – 50 Free / 222 / 321 / 11-12 – 50 Breast / 322
223 / 10 & under – 50 Free– timed / 224 / 323 / 10 & under – 50 Breast– timed / 324
225 / 11-12 – 100 Fly / 226 / 325 / 11-12 – 100 Back / 326
227 / 10 & under – 100 Fly – timed / 228 / 327 / 10 & under – 100 Back– timed / 328
229 / 11-12 – 50 Back / 230 / 329 / 11-12 – 50 Fly / 330
231 / 10 & under – 50 Back– timed / 232 / 331 / 10 & under –– 50 Fly - timed / 332
233 / 11-12 – 200 Free / XXX / 333 / 11-12 – 100 Free / 334
Session 5 - Finals/Console. Session 8 - Finals/Console
Top 24 return for finals session. Warm ups TBA – will last 45 minutes
Open 400 Free / 13-14 400 Free
11-12 – 100 Breast / XXX / 11-12 – 200 Free
13-14 – 200 IM / Open – 100 Back
Open – 200 IM / 13-14 – 100 Back
11-12 – 50 Free / 11-12 – 50 Breast
13-14 – 100 Free / Open – 50 Free
Open – 100 Free / 13-14 – 50 Free
11-12 – 100 Fly / 11-12 – 100 Back
13-14 –100 Breast / Open – 200 Free
Open – 100 Breast / 13-14 – 200 Free
11-12 – 50 Back / 11-12 – 50 Fly
13-14 – 100 Fly / Open – 100 Fly
11-12 – 200 Free / XXX / 11-12 – 100 Free
Northern Kentucky Clippers Swimming, Inc.