Free Workshop
Care Notebook
Being the parent of a child with special health care needs can feel overwhelming at times. The Care Notebook was designed to help you maintain an ongoing record of your child's care, services, providers, and notes. It is also a way to maintain the lines of communication between the many service providers and others who help ensure your child gets the care she/he needs.
Families of children with special health care needs and interested professionals are invited to learn more about the Care Notebook and how to utilize it for maximum benefit. We will also cover how to tell your personal story, to most effectively impact change. Families will receive a FREE Care Notebook!
Who / Patricia Switzer, Family Voices Resource SpecialistWhat / Care Notebook training and How to Tell Your Personal Story
When / Monday, September 17, 2012 from 10:30 am-11:30
Where / Children’s of Alabama
Children’s Harbor - Bradley Lecture Center
Parking: LOT 133 (see map; shuttle transport from parking to hospital will be available)
To reserve your seat & Care Notebook call Tammy Moore at
205-290-4572 or 888-430-7423
Register early! Seating is limited!
Sponsored by:
v Children’s Rehabilitation Service (CRS) CRS is a statewide organization of skilled professionals providing quality medical, rehabilitative, coordination and support services for children with special health care needs and their families.
v Family Voices of AL aims to achieve family-centered care for all children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities. The Care Notebook was developed through its Family-to-Family Health Information Center project.
v Children’s Harbor Family Center at Children’s of Alabama provides family counseling and support services to children who have long-term serious illnesses as well as to their families. &
Families of children with special needs may be eligible for mileage reimbursement from Family Voices of AL