Leadership Education 2 Syllabus (Spring 2018)
CREDIT HOURS: 1 credit hour (elective course)
Leadership Education II (Textbook)
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Leadership Education 200 stresses communications skills and cadet corps activities. Much information is provided on communicating effectively, understanding groups and teams, preparing for leadership, solving conflicts and problems, and personal development. Written reports and speeches compliment the academic materials. Cadet corps activities include holding positions of greater responsibility in the planning and execution of corps projects.
1. Apply the key factors of effective communications.
2. Know the ways in which personal awareness affects individual actions.
3. Know the key elements of building and encouraging effective teams.
4. Apply the key behaviors for becoming a credible and competent leader.
GRADING PROCEDURES: Semester grades are determined by a composite score of your performance throughout the semester. The table below describes the point breakdown of each of the areas you will be evaluated in as well as the scale used to determine your grade. Note: You must pass this class with a “C” or better for continued membership in AFJROTC. The final grade in LE 3, Leadership Education, is 40% of the total course grade.
Item / Points / Grade ScalePresentation (Leadership Characteristics) / 10 / A = 90 - 100
Uniform Wear/ Drill / 40 / B = 80 - 89
Exams (2 @ 15 points each) / 30 / C = 70 - 79
Final Exam / 20 / D = 60 - 69
TOTAL / 100 / F = 59 & Below
Leadership Education 2 Syllabus (Spring 2018)
COURSE SCHEDULE: Wednesday & Thursday only
Chapter/Lesson / Title/Pages / DatesChapter 5/ lesson 1 / Wed-Group & Team Dynamics
Thurs- Drill/Uniform Day / 10-11 Jan
Chapter 5/ lesson 2 / Wed-Building Mutual Respect
Thurs - Drill/Uniform Day / 17 – 18 Jan
Chapter 5/lesson 3 / Wed-Establishing a Common Vision
Thurs - Drill/Uniform Day / 24 - 25 Jan
Chapter 6/ lesson 1 / Wed- Identifying Conflicts in Groups
Thurs - Drill/Uniform Day / 31 Jan – 1 Feb
Chapter 6/lesson 2 / Wed- Steps for Problem Solving
Thurs - Drill/Uniform Day / 7 – 8 Feb
Chapter 6/lesson 3 / Wed- Building Consensus
Thurs - Drill/Uniform Day / 14 - 15 Feb
Chapter 5 & 6/Test / Wed-Review, Thurs -Test / 21 - 22 Feb
Chapter 7/lesson 1 / Wed-Introduction Into USAF Leadership
Thurs-Uniform Day/Drill / 28 Feb – 1 Mar
Chapter 7/lesson 2 / Wed-Leadership Characteristics
Thurs - Drill/Uniform Day / 7 – 8 Mar
Chapter 7/lesson 3 / Wed- Air Force Leadership Principles
Thurs - Drill/Uniform Day / 28 - 29 Mar
Chapter 7/Test / Wed-Review, Thurs -Test / 4 – 5 Apr
Chapter 8/lesson 1 / Wed- Leadership Style/Mission Demands
Thurs - Drill/Uniform Day / 11 - 12 Apr
Chapter 8/lesson 2 / Wed-Followership
Thurs – Drill/Uniform Day / 18 - 19 Apr
Chapter 8/ lesson 3 / Wed- Leadership Preparation
Thurs - Drill/Uniform Day / 25 - 26 Apr
(Leadership Characteristics) / Wed- Prep Day
Thurs – Prep Day / 2 – 3 May
“Leadership Characteristics”
3-Paragraph Paper
3-Min Presentation / Wed – Project/Paper Due (9 May 18)
Thurs – Project Presentations / 9 – 10 & 16 – 17 May
Final Exam (Chapter 8) / Wed-Review, Thurs -Test / 23 & 24 May
Leadership Education 2 Syllabus (Spring 2015)
*******ABSENT/TARDY POLICY (NO EXCEPTIONS): This is to inform you that we have a new board policy on attendance. A student is absent from class if they enter the classroom more than ten minutes after the designated start time. If the student has a valid reason to be late to class, it will be an excused absence. The absence is unexcused if the student is late without being excused by the school administration or the parent signing in the child late. If you would like to receive attendance updates throughout the day, you have the option to sign up in ParentVUE.
The following is a breakdown of the disciplinary steps taken with regards to the Tardy Policy:
-1st Tardy: Student Conference/Talk
-2nd Tardy: Student Conference/Talk/Parent Call
-3rd Tardy: ASD
-4th Tardy: Office Referral
-5th Tardy: Office Referral/Consider removal from AFJROTC
*******Behavioral Policy (NO EXCEPTIONS): Cadets will act in accordance with the Cadet handbook. Should the Cadet fall short of expectations, the following actions will be taken:
-1st Offense: Student Conference/Talk
-2nd Offense: Student Conference/Talk/Call Home
-3rd Offense: Call Home/ASD
-4th Offense: Referral to Office/Immediate Removal from AFJROTC