O. D. C. Children For Christ Camp
C/o Dr. D. W. Cummings & Minister Melanie Cummings
330 Main Street
Wheeling, WV26003
No one makes it on their own. Many people have helped create who we are. Remember that teacher or mentor in your early years that stopped to take the time to show you a technique or guided you through a challenging experience? You still remember that person(s), don’t you?
Well, now you have been blessed with that same opportunity to share love and make a difference in a child’s life. No matter how small your sacrifice, it transforms into much when the commitment is sincere.
Prayerfully select from the following list the areas you feel you would serve most effectively in mentoring children. Write your 3 favorite preferences on the “VOLUNTEER STAFF APPLICATION”.
CAMPPASTOR – This is a position especially appointed by the CampDirector. The Camp Pastor will appoint speakers, including himself from the Ministerial Staff to prepare Camp 2017 theme related sermons and sermonettes.
MINISTERIAL STAFF – This group of volunteers will be responsible to operate with the CampPastor to develop theme related messages and brief sermons to be presented during devotional periods and evening services. This group should also be available to assist the Head Counselor, Altar Workers and Intercessory Prayer Warriors whenever necessary.
HEAD COUNSELOR – This is a position especially appointed by the CampDirector. The Head Counselor will direct a team of counselors as an intervention team for kids who may have trouble cooperating within the small grade level groups during any of the camp activities or entire group camp assemblies. The counselor will counsel and praywith a troubled child to emotionally restore him or her to be able to continue the campprogram. This group of volunteers will also serve as altar workers who will submit a list of candidates for baptism to the CampPastor, prepare candidates for baptism and tarry with campers who desire to be filled with the Holy Ghost.
COUNSELORS/ ALTAR WORKERS/INTERCESSORY PRAYER WARRIORS – This group of volunteers will be responsible to operate with Head Counselor as an intervention team for kids who may have trouble cooperating within the small grade level groups during any of the camp activities or entire group camp assemblies. The counselor will counsel and pray with a troubled child to emotionally restore him or her to be able tocontinue the camp program. This group of volunteers will also serve as altar workers who will submit a list of candidates for baptism to the CampPastor, prepare candidates for baptism and tarry with campers who desire to be filled with the Holy Ghost.
SERGEANT-AT-ARMS – It will be necessary to have a male and a female Sergeant-At-Arms. This is not a position for the faint of heart!!! This team of volunteers will be the respectful authority who maintains order throughout the campgrounds. He or she will lend support to the Group Leaders and be responsible in making sure campers and staff arises at the scheduled time in the mornings and are in bed at the schedules time at night.
KITCHEN STAFF – This group of volunteers will be responsible for working the head cooks, prepare meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner for campers and staff of approximately 200 people. This staff will also be responsible to clean up the kitchen and cafeteria area.
MAINTENANCE STAFF – This group of volunteers will be responsible for clearing the dining room area after each meal and setting up the dining room area for the next meal. They will also be asked to wash dishes and dispose of trash in the kitchen and dinning room area. This staff will make sure lights are turned off and rooms and buildings are locked after hours.
HEALTH AIDES – This group of volunteers (preferably adults who have experience in the nursing profession) will be responsible in storing medication of campers in a secured area, possibly the kitchen area. They will be responsible of dispensing medication at scheduled times to individual campers. The Health Aides will mentor the staff of first aide pointers that will help to keep the staff and the campers safe and healthy.
CAMP GROUP LEADERS – Each of these volunteers will be responsible to supervise a specific age group of children from the time of registration on Sunday at 12:00 noon throughout the duration on Friday, until our final presentation assembly and dismissal. He or she must make sure each group follows their specific camp schedule from the time of early rising to bedtime. Each leader will ensure that each camper in his or her group follow the guidelines of the camp that are listed in the Code of Camper Behavior, included in the registration information to parents. Each age group will comprise of 6 to 10 children. We prefer that an adult male be the group leader for each boys’ group and an adult female be the group leader for each girls’ group.
Please select a preferred age group…
BIBLE EXPLORATION TEACHERS – This group of adult volunteers (preferably adults with Sunday School teaching experience) will plan age appropriate Camp theme related Bible lessons to be presented to the campers.
READING GAMES AND ACTIVITIES TEACHERS – This group of adult volunteers will choose specific grade level reading games and activities, primarily as practice and review of concepts that were introduced during the academic school year. (Preferably, these will be adults who are certified school teachers or have had experience reading to kids in a classroom, home school or Sunday School setting)
MATH GAMES AND ACTIVITIES TEACHERS - This group of adult volunteers will choose specific grade level math games and activities, primarily as practice and review of concepts that were introduced during the academic school year. (Preferable, these will be adults who are certified school teachers or have had experience teaching math to kids in a classroom, home school or Sunday setting)
STORY READING/TELLING TEACHER – this group of adult volunteers will choose age appropriate selections of Children’s Christian Literature to explore and discuss with individual camp groups. (Preferably, these will be adults who are certified school teachers or have had experience teaching reading to kids in a classroom. Home school or Sunday School setting)
MUSIC TEACHERS – This group of junior volunteers and/or adults volunteers will plan age appropriate Christian Music, related to the Camp theme to be presented to individual camp groups. (Preferably these will be adults who are certified school teachers or have had experience teaching music to kids in a classroom, home school or Sunday School setting)
CAMPMUSICIANS – this group of junior volunteers and /or adults volunteers will work with the Music Teachers as well as to be on hand to provide accompaniment during the general camp assemblies and services. WE WANT TO ENCOURAGE ALL CAMPERS WHO PLAY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TO BRING THEIR INSTRUMENTS TO CAMP. WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE A CAMP BAND/ORCHESTRA TO ACCOMPANY US AS WE SING DURING ASSEMBLIES AND SERVICES.
TALENT HOUR STAFF – Kids are encouraged to bring their talent to camp, whether it be playing a musical instrument, or singing solo or with group, or choreography with Christian music, or art that involves drawing, painting or writing. This group of adult volunteers will audition the talents within individual camp groups. They will encourage campers to share their talents during whole group Camp assemblies and services.
CHARACTER BUILDING TEACHERS – This group of adults volunteers will plan age appropriate discussions related to building character in children. The Fruits of the Spirit which are Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Kindness, Meekness, Temperance and Faith and the Six Pillars of Character Respect, Responsibility, Trustworthiness, Caring, Citizen and Fairness will be the topics of focus. (Preferably these will be adults who are certified school teachers or have had experience teaching kids in a classroom, home school or Sunday School setting.)
CHRISTIAN VIDEO STAFF – This group of adult volunteers will select age appropriate Christian videos for individual camp groups to view. These videos should be related to the CampTheme. A discussion should follow the viewing.
ART AND CRAFTS – This group of adult volunteers will plan age appropriate arts and crafts projects related to the Camp theme to be presented to campers. (Preferably these will be adults who are certified school teachers or have had experience teaching art to kids in a classroom, home school or Sunday School class setting.)
COMPUTER LAB COACHES – This group of volunteers will be responsible to monitor the Computer Room by guiding campers to operate the computers, choosing the appropriate grade level software for each group and making sure the equipment is safeguarded. (Preferably these will be people who are familiar with operating computers and running computer software.)
WALKING GUIDE – This group of junior adult volunteers or adult volunteers will guide individual camp groups on the Moses Butler or Ruby Veal Walking Trail.
JUNIOR BASEBALL COACHES – This group of junior volunteers (age 16-19) will be responsible to introduce or review the rules and strategies of baseball to camp groups at the baseball camp station.
JUNIOR BASKETBALL COACHES – This group of junior volunteers (age 16-19) will be responsible to introduce or review the rules and strategies of basketball to camp groups at the basketball camp station.
JUNIOR TENNIS/JUMP ROPE COACHES – This group of junior volunteers (ages 16-19) will be responsible to introduce or review the rules and strategies of tennis to camp groups at the tennis camp station. While part of the camp group will be on the tennis courts, the remaining campers in the group will practice jump roping techniques.
JUNIOR VOLLEYBALL COACHES – This group of junior volunteers (age 16-19) will be responsible to introduce or review the rules and strategies of volleyball to camp groups at the volleyball camp station.
JUNIOR FISHING INSTRUCTORS – This group of volunteers will be responsible to introduce or review the rules and strategies of fishing to camp groups at the fishing camp station.
PHOTOGRAPHY AND YEARBOOK STAFF – This group of volunteers will be responsible for photographs, individual photographs and candid activity photographs of campers and staff. The camp group photographs will be available to order for a nominal fee. Other photographs will be used for advertisement purposes.
SNACK SHOP VENDORS – This group of volunteers will be responsible to operate the Snack Shop by setting out items for sale, collecting money as items are purchased from campers and staff and secure the money in a safe place until the CampSupervisor collects the money. Vendors will also need to keep an inventory of items for sale.
Do you have a special skill that is not listed with these selections? Are you willing to share that skill with kids at camp? Write a brief description of it and we may be able to add it to our camp 2017 program!
Kids on Computers…It’s a good thing! A computer lab will be set up in the Paul Bowers Complex. We are looking for all who are willing to loan a computer with monitor and any software for children. If you are able to loan these items, please indicate it on the volunteer registration form.
for Children For Christ Camp 2017 –
Sunday, July 9th to Friday, July 14th
2017 THEME: