Minutes of the Meeting of the

Morley Schools’ Sports Association

Thursday 14th July 2016 at 4:00pm at Westerton

  1. PresentAngela Booth (Westerton)

Jez Whawell (Westerton)

Mike Woodburn (Westerton)

Matt Walker (Woodkirk)

Louise Cribbes (Gildersome)

Laura Walker (Churwell)

Louise Raistrick (Fountain)

Dan McTernan (East Ardsley)

Julie Fletcher (East Ardsley)

Rebecca Secker (Hill Top)

Helen Holdsworth (School Games Organiser)

Hannah Claydon (Morley Newlands)

Jennie McPhee (Morley Newlands)

Kate Unsworth (Morley Academy)

Claire Fowler (Bruntcliffe)

Steve White (Blackgates)

John Costello (Birchfield)

  1. ApologiesOlivia Greaves (St Francis)

Hannah Young (Morley Victoria)

Leigh Wilson (Gildersome)

Kieron Harvey (East Ardsley)

James Oldroyd (Seven Hills)

  1. Minutes of the last Meeting–Thursday 31st March 2016

The minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 31st March 2016 were shared and discussed. The minutes were agreed as a true record.

  1. Matters Arising

LSSA affiliation fee- Angela explained this again, each school will need to pay the fee although ‘Active schools’ do not have to pay the extra affiliation fee.

New sports equipment has not yet been acquired for indoor athletics, Matthew will pass on this plan to the new Josh Milnes.

If school would like to book the 3G pitch at Woodkirk, they will need to contact the reception at Woodkirk and book through Mr Sutcliffe.

  1. Review of events this term
  • Dodge Ball – 21/04/16 - Very well attended, this led to difficulty in finishing the event. Next year Birchfield will try to mark out another dodgeball court. 2 winning schools, Birchfield and Gildersome. Thank you to John for organising.
  • Netball – 03/05/16–At Morley Academy, started at 3:30pm, could this be 4 p.m. next year so that schools finishing at 3.30pm can arrive on time? The winners were Churwell Primary. Thanks to Katie Streets for organising.
  • Football U9 – 09/06/16- A very good event, some issues resulting from a team not turning up. Westerton were the winners of the event. 11 schools attended. Thanks to Dan for organising.
  • Football U11 – 16/06/16–12 schools attended, Birchfield were the eventual winners. A well organised event but it would be beneficial to have more young leaders to referee. Thanks to Dan for organising.
  • Morley Sports – 23/06/16– An excellent event, very well organised. Some issues with the organisation of the throwing events. Very respectful crowd this year.Next year, Bruntcliffe will clarify how many events each child can do. Thanks to all the staff at Bruntcliffe for organising the event.
  • Rounders – 11/07/16 – This event moved to the 11th July to avoid the clash with the NUT action. A successful event, 6 schools attended. Rules were sent out prior to the event to avoid misunderstandings although it was still challenging because all schools play different versions. Westerton were the winners. Kate Unsworth will send out a rule sheet at the start of the year so that all schools can practice. Thanks to Morley Academy for organising.
  • Other events added to the calendar during the year.

Girls football at Bruntcliffe, 28th June, 6 schools attended. Thanks to Kevin for organising – may be something to consider adding to the calendar at a later date.

Year 4 friendlies at Bruntcliffe. Organised by Mike Woodburn, the schools enjoyed this and feel it could become a permanent fixture in the calendar.

  • WPPP Events

Dodgeball event organised by Matthew. This went well.

Gymnastics event didn’t take place due to lack of interest for KS1.

  • Active Schools/School Games/other Events.

Hill top came 2nd in the West Yorkshire school Games, representing Leeds at tennis, congratulations.

Churwell reached the city final of the High five netball competition.

  1. MSSA Calendar of events for 2016-2017

Angela shared the plan for the calendar of events to be discussed.

  • U11 football Tournament- To be held at Bruntcliffe and organised by Mike Woodburn, Thursday 13th October. Mike to contact Heidi regarding sports leaders.
  • U11 football league- Woodkirk expressed an interest in hosting and running the league this year. Dan will liaise with Josh and explain the current format. Suggested dates are on the calendar, Angela ran through these dates. The matches will be on a Thursday night starting at 4pm
  • Tag Rugby- Morley Rugby Club would like this event to be an annual fixture, supported by Woodkirk and involving young leaders. This was added to the calendar.
  • Girls football - U11 tournament. Woodkirk Valley happy to host to develop good community links. This will be at 4pm at Woodkirk on the 19th October.
  • Indoor athletics- This will take place again in the Spring term at Woodkirk. Proposed dates: 25th Jan small schools, 1st Feb. James and Josh will organise.
  • Cross Country- Discussion took place regarding the success of this event recently, it has been a shame for parents not to attend. The event will now take place at Bruntcliffe. U9s 4 boys, 4 girls and U11s 4 boys and 4 girls. This will take place on 23rd Feb in the afternoon.
  • Swimming gala- Wednesday 29th March- Angela will organise this. Woodkirk to provide sports leaders.
  • Dodgeball- Yr 3-6 team. To be held at Birchfield, Thursday 27th April. Rules will be distributed prior to the event.
  • Netball full rules - Yr 5/6 maximum of 3 boys. Katy Streets to organise. Thursday 4th May.
  • Summer Football Tournaments- John Costello will organise the events at Bruntcliffe. 4pm start. U9s - 8th June, U11s - 15th June.
  • Morley Sports – 1pm – 3:15pm on 22nd June at Bruntclifffe. Reserve date the following week.
  • Handball competition at Morley Academy - Proposed date Thursday 24th November. Kate Unsworth to liaise with England Handball and Neil Jones from Leeds Sports Development.
  • Rounders- Tuesday 4th July at Morley academy. Kate Unsworth and Katie Streets to organise.
  • Year 5/6 Rugby- Wednesday 1st March at Woodkirk/Morley Rugby club tbc 10-2.30 p.m.
  1. Active Schools/School Games Calendar of events – update from Helen

All events can be found on the website. Calendar will be on there.

Full details of all MSSA events will also be on the website under the MSSA section. Angela will continue to send Helen as much information as possible for this section.

Helen asked schools, that haven’t done so already, to meet up with her to look at the School Games award. Schools could potentially get the Gold Award!

  1. Funding Update– Morley Sports Account– update from Steve

Current budget stands at £1,207.19. The swimming gala pool hire from this year has not yet been paid for out of the Morley Sports account. Angela will check this with Michelle as Westerton would have been invoiced for this.

A discussion took place regarding medals / trophies / certificates to get some consistency across events. It was agreed that certificates would be used for all events. Every event would have a winning trophy which would have the MSSA logo on. This would be engraved by individual schools that win the events and returned for the following year. Medals would be used for Morley Sports and the football league only.

  1. Sports Premium Funding – Plans for 2016-2017

Finding is set to continue with the added bonus of the sugar tax. Some schools have decided to change how they are spending their Sports Premium money. Matt reminded that the contracts for the Woodkirk Primary Partnership will come to an end next year. Schools in this position would need to be thinking about their plans over the coming year.

  1. AOB

Dan talked about his meeting with Peter McQuillan-Strong. Winners of our football league may be entered into the champions of champions event. Mike mentioned the U11 event at St Theresa’s as a great pathway to bigger events.

Angela thanked everyone for their hard work and commitment to MSSA over the year. Specific thanks go to Cliff Summers at Churwell for his massive contribution to Morley sports for many years. Also, a big thankyou to Dan McTernan for his effort in the last few years, the football provision has been excellent! Thanks to Matt Walker for his commitment to Morley Sports and good luck in your new career path.

  1. Date, venue, time of next meeting

Thursday 1st December 2016, 4pm at Westerton.