Vergennes Holiday
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Contact: 802-388-7951 x1
7:30-10:00 / Breakfast with Santa at VUHS Cafeteria - Adults $6, Kids under 10 is $4, under 3 Free. Come and eat breakfast with Santa andmake a craft inhis workshop! Sponsored by VUHS students and Friends of Music. Info: 759-29229:00 - 2:00 / Open House, Bake Sale and Crafts at Armory Lane Senior Housing. Proceeds from sales go to the Resident Fund. Come and visit this Energy Star, GreenBuilding at 50 Armory Lane.
9:00-3:30 / 12th Annual Winter Holiday Craft Fair at VergennesUnionElementary School - Admission:canned goods and non- perishables for the local food shelf
9:30 - 5:30 / “Spot the Candy Cane” - Visit shops to play;find a candy cane and receivea discount coupon *Help supply the Community Food Shelf - drop off non-perishable items in merchant’s food shelf boxes
10:00 - 2:00 / Bixby Library Open House and Annual Silent Auction of Holiday Baskets donated by local businesses and patrons(Bidding ends at 1:45 - winning bids announced at 2pm) bring items / donations to hang on the “Mitten & Sock” tree!
Make & Take Crafts for Kids - St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (Park St.)donations appreciated
10:30 / Ring in the Holiday Stroll by joining Santa and his elves strollingfrom the Vergennes Opera House to the Bixby Library -bring bells to ring and a voice to sing!
10:30 - 5:00 / Grab Bag at Creative Space Gallery-Purchase over $20 & receiveFREE artist’s handmade gift!
10:45 / Santa Claus reads “Twas the Night Before Christmas” at the Bixby Library
11:00 - 12:00 / Jon Gailmor, a VTsinger / songwriter at Bixby Library - great family event- FREE
11:00 - 12:00 / “Reminiscing with Father Time” at the Clock Shop - 33 Green Street -Listen or share memories, photos, objects, etc. of Christmases past or Days of Old (conversation style). Enjoy mulled cider and cookies.
12:30 - 1:00 / Bixby Library -delectable lightHoliday refreshments offered by Vergennes Community Forum
1:00 - 1:30 / Maiden Vermont, ensemble a cappella group at Bixby Library- FREE
1:00 - 2:00 / Chris Sabick playing acoustic guitar at Creative Space Gallery
2:00 - 4:30 / Visit a Winter Wonderland atVergennes Opera House - a community effort! Bake sale to benefitLittle City Playerstheater group; Hot cocoa offered byNorthlandsJobCorpsAcademy
2:00 - 3:00 / Champlain Brass Quintet at the Vergennes Opera House
2:00 - 3:00 / Dickens Carolers (Little City Players) in front of businesses on Main Street
2:00 - 4:00 / Make & Take Christmas Cards at Vergennes Opera House - free for all ages by the Vergennes Masonic Lodge
2:30 - 4:30 / Children Visit with Santa in a Winter Wonderland at Vergennes Opera House(VOH)-suggested donation of $5 per family to defray VOH heating cost. Enjoy: 5x7 child’s picture with Santa taken by The Custom Image (Ralph Muzzy & Elaine Eldridge)Pictures are compliments of Kinney Drugs!
- Gingerbread cookie decorating for children of all ages by NorthlandsJobCorpsAcademy
- Make ornaments at Santa’s Workshop for the “Children’s Holiday Tree” which will be on display at Jackman Fuels for the month of December
- Mrs. Claus reads stories
- Bake Saleby Little City Players
3:30 - 4:00 / VictoryBaptistChurch Choir at Vergennes Opera House
4:45 / S D Ireland lighted Holiday Mixer Truck in CityPark
5:00 / Lighting of City Park & Memory Tree with Mayor Daniels - caroling by Addison County Gospel Choir - do join in!
ATTENTION! More Holiday Fun!
Dec. 2 - 4:00 pm / Broadway Direct at Vergennes Opera House hosted by Bill Carmichael to benefit Friends of the Vergennes Opera House. Classic Broadway tunes and holiday songs.Admission: $25, Seniors/Students - $20 Children under 12- free.
Dec. 8- 10:00 - 2:00
Dec. 8 - 7:00 pm / Christmas Cookie & Craft Sale at Champlain Valley Christian Reformed Church. Dutch pastries,Fancy cookiestreats. Candy by the pound. Enjoy hotcider & festive atmosphere whileyou shop, choose & package your favorites.
Otter Creek Choral Society Concert at Vergennes Congregational Church performing the Christmas portion of Handel’s “Messiah”
Visit Vergennes during the holidays and reap the benefits of Vergennes Rotary’s two Holiday Decorating Contests: one for Main Street businesses and one for area residents. Judging will beDecember 21st. Info: 877-2134
Help supply the Community Food Shelf
Holiday Stroll is the kick-off for a week long collection for the Community Food Shelf. Please bring non-perishable food items
December1st-8thtothese participating Vergennes businesses:
Bixby Library
258 Green Street
The Clock Shop
33 Green Street
Century 21 Jack Assoc - The Lynn Jackson Group
86 Main Street
Classic Couture
63 Main Street
Classic Stitching
185 Main Street
Daily Chocolate
7 Green Street
233 Main Street
Gaines Insurance Agency, Inc.
154 Monkton Road
Landmark Financial Services
86 Main Street
Linda’s Apparel & Gifts
175 Main Street
The Men’s Corner at Linda’s
179 Main Street
Tapestry Midwifery
20 Armory Lane
Vergennes Laundry (Bakery)
247 Main Street
Vergennes Wine & Beverage
211 Main Street(donate food & be entered to win one of two $50 Gift Certificates)
Sponsors:Addison County C of C, The Men’s Corner at Linda’s, Bixby Library, Boys & Girls Club, City of Vergennes, EverywearBoutique, Kinney Drugs, Linda’s Apparel, Northlands Job Corps Academy,The Custom Image, Dorchester Lodge #1, Vergennes Opera House, VUHS Students Friends of Music, WowToyz
The Vergennes Community Working Together!