Present : Cllrs. Mr. Truesdale (Chairman), Mrs. Aston, Mr. Armitt, Mr. Fell, Mr. Moore, Mr. Young.

Jake Collinge & Dan Moore – Rectory Homes

Jeremy Elgin – Lower Waldridge Farm, Ford.

  1. New Applications

(a)12/00018 – land at 1 White Hart Lane & 7 Wyre Close – demolition of two existing dwellings and erection of five dwellings with parking and access.

Mr. Collinge and Mr. Moore attended to meeting to explain the new plans for the site and receive the Parish Council’s views. The previous application had been for 4 dwellings. It was felt that parking spaces were limited especially with the addition of a third plot from the Wyre Close entrance.

Since these discussions amended plans have been received.

(b)Mr. Jeremy Elgin attended the meeting to inform the Parish Council of the application he would be submitting for the installation of a wind turbine on his land. Mrs. Aston declared an interest. His thoughts were that wind energy would play a significant part of energy provision in the future. The proposal would produce 1 ½ million Kw hours per year which would provide 350 homes. The installation would cost £2 million. Clearance has been obtained from MOD and CAA. The Parish Council had concerns as the turbine would be 101 metres high and did question wind speeds in the area as it was felt they are comparatively low.

(c)12/00073 – 1 South End – fell one holly tree.

No objection.

(d)12/00099 – Grenville Manor, Aston Road – works to timber framed gable end, including repairs to window.


(e)12/00135 – 19 Station Road – fell one plum tree.

No objection.

(f)12/00153 – 13 Flint Street – pollard 6 willow trees and fell two plum trees.

No objection.

(g)12/00163 – 3 Townsend – fell one apple and one malus.

No objection.

(h)12/00085 – Long Honey, Church End – fell one horse chestnut tree.

No objection.

(i)11/01812 &11/01813 – Land adjacent and to the rear of 2 Fern Lane – demolition of storage workshop/buildings, erection of 4 detached dwellings with garages, parking and associated access, alteration to outbuilding to create garage for 2 Fern Lane and change of use of outbuilding to B1(a)/A2 business use.

No objections.

(j)12/00195 – 29 Churchway – demolition of existing out buildings and erection of detached dwelling with access and double garage (amendment to planning permissions 11/01221 and 11/01223.

No objection.

(k)12/00318 – Fort End House, FortEnd – remove Leylandii tree.

We would like to see appropriate replanting.

(l)12/00253 – Turn End, Townside – thin chestnut tree by approximately 10-15% and reduce tall lateral branch of one beech tree.

No objection.

(m)11/02586 & 11/02587 – Red Lion, Church End – minor amended plans – details of modern materials for games room.

No objection.

  1. Applications approved

(a)11/02558 – 78 Townside – conversion of integral garage into living accommodation with insertion of 3 roof lights to front roof elevation.

(b)11/02703 – 4 High Streeet – fell one magnolia tree, lift 4 conifer tr4ees and one bay tree by 5m, fell 1 ash tree, fell 2 sycamore trees, cut back one laurel tree, head back crown of 2 yew trees, raise crown on 1 yew tree by 5m and fell 1 coteaneaster tree.

(c)11/02619 – 21 Thame Road – demolition of garage and conservatory and erection of part 2-storey, part single storey side extension.

(d)11/02004 – 165-167 Churchway – retention of chiller units.

(e)11/02550 – 44 High Street – demolition of single storey extension and detached garage. Erection of two storey and single storey side extensions.

(f)11/012716 – 3 Potash Close – conversion of part of garage into office.

(g)11/02293 – 16 Thame Road – demolition of side extension, erection of replacement side extension, bay window and porch to front, two storey rear extension, raising of roof of bungalow and insertion of dormer windows to provide first floor accommodation.

  1. Application refused

(a)11/02622 – Diggs Field, Station Road – refurbishment of existing building comprising various improvements to external envelope and internal alterations including alterations to first floor bedroom, kitchen and new internal access to and conversion of integral garage to living accommodation.

  1. HS2 update received. 51m are campaigning.
  1. Correspondence received from AVDC on New Homes Bonus Scheme.
  1. Neighbourhood Planning – our comments were submitted to AVDC. There is a briefing at the end of March on where Aylesbury Vale has got to and there may be feedback. A Stakeholder Forum is being held on 28th March at 6.30 pm at the Oculus. There will be another update in July. The Localism Act allows us to do a Parish Plan or Community led Plan of there is a Neighbourhood Plan. A Neighbourhood Plan is about land use, design etc. and sits alongside the Local Plan which AVDC is doing. There is not guidance available on this at the moment. It was felt that perhaps we should do a Community led Plan. Article to be put in next Newsletter asking for volunteers to form a group to take forward. It must be undertaken by villagers other than Parish Councillors.
  1. A Feasibility Study is being undertaken on the Village Hall for both refurbishment and rebuild.