Linda Rousseva
Report: Water and Change
- Describe and include a map locating water scarcity
- Define physical water scarcity and economic water scarcity
- Physical causes of scarcity
- Human causes of scarcity (which of these are economic scarcity)
- Generally what methods are available to deal with these problems
- Case study (either make lots of little case studies or 2 larger case studies one Physical and one Human scarcity)
(Water Scarcity)
- Physical water scarcity mostly found
- Around Tropics of Cancer & Capricorn; 30-35˚ North and South
- Southern USA & central America
- North Africa
- Middle East and central Asia (including India and N China)
- South Africa and south eastern Australia
- Economic water scarcity mostly found
- In and around the equator
- Mainly in Central Africa
- West coast of South America
- Central and Western India
- Southern China
2. Physical water scarcity: The physical absence of water, “when the water resources cannot meet the demands of the population” (“Map Details Global Water Stress”).
Economic water scarcity:There may be plenty of available water, but it is potentially unaffordable for the population, or it costs too much money to make it safe drinkable water. It“occurs due to a lack of investment and is characterised by poor infrastructure and unequal distribution of water”(“Map Details Global Water Stress”).
3. Physical causes of water scarcity:
- Arid regions:
- Regions of high atmospheric pressure sinking air in the Hadley cell warms and dries no clouds, therefore no rain("The Causes and Distribution of Deserts.")
- Areas with >250mm rain per year
- Mainly around Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (30˚ N and S of the Equator)
- Rain shadows:
- When moving air reaches a mountain is rises and cools precipitation the other side of the mountain stays dry (Rain Shadow Effect)
- Climate change and variability
- Drought
- Severe flooding
4. Human causes of water scarcity:
- Population growth
- Leads to growing demand
- Land use
- Food production (deforestation)
- Agriculturee.g. crops like rice and cotton which require a lot of water to be grown
- Grazing
- The reduction of vegetation in an area can lead to more surface run-off and a reduction in groundwater infiltration
- Draining an area of water
- Pollution of water
- As water becomes more scarce and more of it is used, there is a smaller dilution factor, therefore the pollution in the water becomes more concentrated
- Water contamination due to
- Agriculture
- Industry
- Domestic uses e.g. sewage
5. Methods available to deal with human water scarcity:(Coping with Water Scarcity.)
- Investments in water supply, sanitation and management
- E.g. LIFESAVER®systems, which are highly effective water filters (relatively low-cost), and allow populations to stay in place to e.g. rebuild after a flood, rather than have to move to camps and rely on imported bottled water
- Managing wastewater and pollution control
- Not dumping it in places where it cannot be re-used e.g. the sea
- Using it for agriculture i.e. irrigation because it is rich in plant nutrients
- Putting in place low-cost primary and secondary treatment("Introduction to Wastewater Treatment Processes.")
- Primary treatment:
- Mechanical treatment to remove suspended solids
- Removes 50-60% of suspended solids
- Reduces BOD (biological oxygen demand, i.e. how many organisms are living in the water) by 20%
- Secondary treatment:
- Biological treatment to remove dissolved organic matter by undergoing aerobic respiration to convert organic molecules into carbon dioxide, water and energy
- 85% of suspended solids and BOD are reduced
- Desalination of sea water
- Increasingly affordable due to development of technologies
Methods available to deal with physical water scarcity:
- Transferring water from water-rich to water-scarce basins to reduce local imbalance; see LV case study below
6. LAS VEGASAND THE GREAT BASIN AQUIFER Case Study:(Garrington, Sally)
- Physical water scarcity
- Aquifer: an underground storage of water in permeable rock layers
- Arid southwestern USA
- In rain shadow because surrounded by Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Rockies
- Mohave Desert (Nevada-California) and the Great Basin (central Nevada)
- Las Vegas – southern Nevada
- Area has suffered drought since 1999
- 1999-2009 Colorado River’s flow: 66% of normal
- Southern Nevada relies on this for 90% of its water
- Lakes Mead & Powel: only 52% full
- Las Vegas
- Desert climate: 114mm rain/year and 40˚C max. temperature
- High water demand due to increased population because of:
- Immigration
- Land available for agriculture, grazing, military tests
- Mining minerals in the deserts
- Constructing and maintaining dams for water supply
- Electronic industries (clean, dry air)
- Tourism e.g. Grand Canyon
- Climate change may be a cause, because:
- Rain-bearing winds track further north
- Average temperature has increased over last 25 years
- Population increase in the area higher water demand
- Over-extraction of the water
- Nevada still allowing new developments e.g. 120 000 new homes and 6 new golf courses
- Water conservation, but more money spent on developing new water resources
- Alburquerque: reduced consumption by 33% 1993-2001
- $1 million budget for publicity & education water efficiency & conservation
- Tariffs for water so that more used = higher cost
- Free water-use assessment for households & businesses
- Rebates for efficient dishwashers, low-flush toilets, desert- rather than turf-landscaped gardens
- Water regulations, especially in drought
- Las Vegas:
- Recycling water e.g. for golf courses
- Watering
- Only before 11am and after 7pm (lower evaporation rates)
- 1 day/week in winter and 3 day/week in spring & autumn
- Car washes: collect, clean & reuse water
- 1986 - The Great Basin National Park
- Centered on Wheeler Peak snow provides water for the Basin
- Building a third, deeper intake pipe taking water from the Colorado River
- Controversial: Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) pipeline
- To be finished 2015, pumping 293 billion liters/year
- 485km long with 34 groundwater wells, 3 pumping stations, 6 regulating tanks, 1 storage reservoir (180 million liters)
- Cost: $5 billion, so far $78 million spent buying up land & water rights
- Problem = area that water will be pumped out supports family ranches and important ecosystems with xerophytic plants which will die desertification dust storms due to strong winds pollution & spreading desertification
BANGLADESHCase Study:(Mbugua, Alice)
- Human/Economic water scarcity
WHAT & WHERE: (Image: Ptel)
- Tropical climate because of Himalayan Mountains in north
- Warm & humid: average temperature is 26˚C and average annual rainfall is 2540mm
- External rivers 92% water in Bangladesh
- Brahmaputra: 67%
- Ganges: 18%
- Meghna and other minor rivers: 15%
- Local rainfall 8% water in Bangladesh
- Climate change rise in global temperature & drop in rainfall, increased extreme weather, changing patterns increased diseases, water scarcity
- Change of Monsoon direction from heading North to heading East
- 19 drought periods 1960-1991
- 1˚C rise in average May temperature 1985-1998
- 5˚C winter 2007: lowest temperature recorded in 38 years
- Himalayan glaciers diminishing
- Increase demand due to developing country with an increasing population
- Neighboring countries e.g. China building dams in Himalayan Mountains negative impact because restricting water flow from rivers into Bangladesh
- Farakka dam on Ganges in India, 17km from border
- Indian barrage construction lower water level of Teesta river
- Surface water of ponds & canals disappeared
- 147 billion cubic meters required, only 90 available
- 50-60% of irrigation water lost: improper technical management
- Reduction of biodiversity due to:
- Deforestation for firewood and financial gain
- 55% cover in 1849, now under 17%
- Agriculture and mono-cropping of rice
- Reduction of crop land (over 50% land use is for agriculture)
- Insufficient water management and treatment facilities
- Lack of energy, money, awareness
- Diesel: main power for irrigation, but price is increasing
- Impact on humans:
- Increased labor migration
- Decreased hygiene
- Food insecurity
- For food insecurity:
- Planting direct seeded rice, then rabi crops to “take advantage of residual moisture soon after rice harvest”
- Cassava and yams: drought resistant & do not need a lot of water
- Adapting to eating different foods e.g. leaves and grasses
- Introducing less water-intensive crops e.g. maize and wheat and high economic value crops e.g. chickpeas and mangoes
- Community education
- Reversing climate change impacts
- Family planning
- Helping small-scale farmers (90% of farming in the area is small-scale) to cope with rising diesel prices for irrigation
- Training in proper irrigation and soil management to increase efficiency of use
- Piping domestic water to households, using the community for manual labor
- "The Causes and Distribution of Deserts." Revision World. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2013.
- Coping with Water Scarcity. Publication. Rome: FAO, 2012. Print.
- Garrington, Sally. Water Supply Conflict: Las Vegas and the Great Basin Aquifer. Rep. Geofile Online, Sept. 2011. Web. 8 Dec. 2013.
- "Introduction to Wastewater Treatment Processes." Water Home. The World Bank, 2013. Web. 30 Nov. 2013.
- "Map Details Global Water Stress." BBC News. BBC, 21 Aug. 2006. Web. 02 Dec. 2013.
- Mbugua, Alice. Water Scarcity in Northern Bangladesh. Rep. Surrey: Voluntary Services Overseas, 2011. Water Scarcity in Northern Bangladesh. Web. 8 Dec. 2013.
- Pfly. Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basins. Digital image. Wikimedia Commons, 30 Apr. 2011. Web. 8 Dec. 2013.
- Rain Shadow Effect. Digital image. LIBGuides. University of Wisconsin, 12 Dec. 2010. Web. 5 Dec. 2013.
- Water Scarcity. Digital image. World Water Assessment Programme, Mar. 2012. Web. 2 Dec. 2013.