Student of the Month – December 2014
VSA Florida is proud to announce Brittany Burgoyne and Emiliana Riccias the December 2014 Students of the Month.
Brittany Burgoyne was nominated by Helen Snow, her music instructor at Palm Avenue Exceptional Student Center in Jacksonville, Florida. Brittany is a member of the school Chorale, a soloist in school concerts and won Best Female Adult Vocalist for 2013-2014 school year.“She is developing leadership skills”, writes Snow in Brittany’s nomination, “along with her progress in the musical realm has come increased self-confidence and willingness to take on responsibility. She is an excellent example of what one can do to achieve one’s goals and dreams if one has desire, motivation, drive and perseverance. She reminds us that limitations only exist to be overcome”. Outside of school and music, Brittany has been employed by the City of Jacksonville as a Summer Library Aide, is active in Special Olympics competing in flag football, basketball, soccer, swimming and surfing, and was nominated as a Publix Torch Campaign inspirational Athlete last year.
Eleven-year-old Emiliana Ricci shares her love of the arts through her music. Stacey MacDonald,Emi’s teacher at Westside Elementary School in Palm Bay, writes Emi’s “talent is impressive but her attitude is motivational.” Although she began as a member of art club, her interest changed to playing the cello in the Strings afterschool group. She also plays the violin, guitar, drums and keyboard showcasing her ability to transfer what she understands about the cello to other instruments. MacDonald shares that Emi has substantially improved her reading skills on her FCAT scores and suggests the arts have enhanced Emi’s ability to enjoy many other subjects throughout her school curriculum. Often Emi can be found helping other students with understanding sheet music, despite her Language/Speech disability. “She is a wonderful leader”, MacDonald says.
In the coming weeks, VSA Florida is looking forward to presenting Brittany and Emilianawith their gift certificates and personalized trophies for being the 2014-2015 December Students of the Month.
The VSAFL Student of the Month Program is designed to increase public awareness and recognize the impact arts make on students with disabilities statewide. Students who participate in the arts develop creativity, have increased self-confidence, understand teamwork, have increased language and math skills and are generally more engaged.