Patterson PTA Agenda

October 13, 2016

I. Call to Order at 9:37

II. Approval of September 8, 2016 Meeting Minutes.

A. Minutes were approved and will be filed as written.

III. Principal’s Report, Mrs. Frost

A. Mrs. Frost Introduced Jaime Culp the new Assistant director for Special Education

B. Thank you to Jorie for the support with Orange Ruler

C. Guidelines for Halloween this year went out asking for no scary clowns this year. We will still have our traditional costume parade. Parents working a party will have a preprinted badge.

D. There will be an IPEF cheering area for run - kids who signed up are allowed to do the last mile. Tonya Barnes is the coordinator and we will work with her as to where the specific Patterson cheering area/

mile marker is to cheer on our runners.

E. Courtyard - our quote came back as $7000 to do the hard scape. Right now we are going to do mulch and our tables that have already been delivered.

F. Trees have been donated from Conservation Organization to go out back where we lost Ash trees.

G. Playground - We are looking at upgrading our playground equipment through he district. Right now we are at the planning stage.

H. Book Fair is the last week of October. Scholastic book Fair. We have been gifted an author visit from them. We will pick one night to have the fair open late.

I. Robotics Club - We have a new teacher sponsor this year. We are working on recruiting Mr. Anthony to assist. It is for 4th and 5th graders because how complex the kits are. There will be a local competition in February

J. World Cafe - coming up. We have a nice team of representatives attending. PDAC is our committee of bringing cultural understanding and diversity together. Each year there is a specific theme. This year the theme is educating staff and giving them resources. Building relationships with kids and families. This year a group of parents will be brining a lunch to the staff during the season of Diwali.

K. Parent University - Sign up is coming up next week.

IV. President’s Report

There is nothing to report.

V. Treasurer’s Report

A. Income Highlights $24539 is our current balance. Fall family fun event $2700. Membership - 336 members in the first wave. $4615 from parents. $4839 total. Pics with Pete. $440. Restaurant nights Sharkos 198.

  1. Expenses - Assignment notebooks $935. Fall Family Night $2999 (movies, bounce house, face painter). Ice Cream Social - ice cream $240. IPPC scholarship $200 dues $60. Pay state $1400 (membership taxes).
  2. Projected Expenses - Insurance $395. Fall class parties $735. We will buy new checks $150 out of the present’s discretionary fund We will make $870 on Pics with Pete. $2300 for T-shirts for Orange Ruler.
  3. Orange Ruler - $13300 checks $2900 in cash. It is deposited into our account. Then we reconvene with Orange Ruler to figure out the percentages. These numbers will change as we go.
  4. Misc. Preparing for taxes.

VI. VP - Finance/Fund Raising

A. Restaurant Nights - Mod Pizza $214. 11/15 Lou Malnati’s 12/7 yogurt beach after the chorus concert.

B. Butter Braid - Forms will go home with kids tomorrow. Nov. 4th forms due.

C. Box Tops - First Quarter totals. 6000 box tops. They are worth 10c a piece. 800 for Labels for Education. This is the last year for the program for Labels for Education. Labels are due the 1st day of each month. Every 2 months we will be totally up numbers and give a class a reward for the most collected. There is an app that will give you 2 extra box tops. Sign up for the app.

  1. VP - Administrative/Service
  2. Room Parties - all parties are filled for October. Snacks are ready to go.

B. American Education Week - Rita Malloy and Sarah McGinnis are going to do a salad bar and various types of pasta for the staff.

C. 5th Grade Celebration - Emily Dobry and Jenn Cole are asking that people share their pics on google drive this year so that they can be submitted all year round. They will recontact parents of those students that say no pictures to make sure that this is what they want.

D. IPPC - from 9/25 - There is a new volunteer protocol for anyone who is a regular volunteer. IPEF - you can nominate volunteer of the month on the app. At the high school they have heart screening that is supported by them. Air conditioning is a priority. The state is behind in their funding. At the middle school level there still be a science fair at Nequa. They also pay for our sponsor for the Robotics Club and the kits. In addition they sponsor the Fine Arts Festival.

VIII. VP - Enrichment/Social

  1. Fall Family Night was very successful.
  2. Orange Ruler was very successful. There was a lot of positive feedback. 79% participation. We will be looking for ideas as to what we can use our extra money for. We will tap into Spirit Council as well for ideas. We will look into doing it for next year as well.

C. Red Ribbon Week Oct. 24-28th - Monday Socket to drugs - crazy socks, Wed. turn your back on drugs = wear t-shirt backwards, Friday - scare off drugs - .

D. Reflections Due Oct. 17th.

E. Science Fair - 3/8

F. Cultural Night - 2/24

G. STEAM Academy Day - 4/27

H. Community Service - Food Drive in November and gift mart in December. Thinking of trying to do a Salvation Army bell ringer day.

I. Spring Family Night - working on coming up with some good ideas. One suggestion is candy bar bingo.

  1. Old Business

A. There was no old business.

X. New Business - We will put in meetings on the list serve.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:51