Enzymatic Browning Lab
To determine what does and doesn’t prevent enzymatic browning.
What do you think will happen with the apple in each substance?
Lemon Juice
Apple slices
1. Predict the relative amount of discoloration each of these apple wedges will show when exposed to air. Justify your prediction.
Sample 1: Untreated apple wedge
Sample 2: Apple wedge submerged in boiling water
Sample 3: Apple wedge submerged in lemon juice
Sample 4: Apple wedge submerged in sugar solution
2. Prepare 75 mL of each of the following: boiling water, lemon juice, and sugar solution in three 250 mL beakers.
3. Slice an apple into 6 wedges. Immediately use tongs to submerge each wedge in a different liquid. Put one wedge aside.
4. Submerge the wedges for three minutes, then place on a paper towel, skin side down. Observe for 10 min, then record the relative amount of discoloration of each apple wedge.
Data and Observation
Treatment / Lemon / Sugar Water / Boiling Water / ControlPrediction& Why
(I predict__because__)
(I observe___)
*make observations every two (2) minutes*
(The effect of___ on polyphenol oxidase is____)
*Observation comments*
Completely dark brown
Fully covered light brown
Half-covered light brown
Slight or scant brown patches
No browning present
Discussion Questions:
1. What causes browning when fresh fruits and some vegetables are peeled or cut?
2. What conditions enhance the browning process? Why?
3. How do food additives or treatment processes in use today prevent or slow browning fruits or vegetables?
4. Why do citrus juices slow browning in fresh fruits?
Conclusion: (Refer to your hypothesis: Were you correct? What were sources of experimental error? What happened?)