MCHS Governing Council Meeting
October 17, 2013 @ 12:35
Freshman Academy Conference Room
In attendance: Ruth Bearden, Brandi Nichols, Glenn Tolbert, Tyler Benford, Sally Tuell, Julie Speyer, Jim Malanowski.
Absent (excused): Jeffrey Rowser, Dana Buxton, Brandon Patch, Ken Kuperberg, Caroline Jones, Mauli Desai and Faye Craft
Call to Order Ruth called our meeting to order at 12:40
Inspiration Ruth read an inspiration that was quite poignant and boiled down to the concept that our thoughts can sow our destiny.
Pledge of Allegiance There was no flag present in the room so Brandi Nichols quickly pulled up a flag image on the Smart Board for us. Technology is great.
Approval of Minutes Because we did not have a quorum we deferred approval of the minutes from last month’s meeting.
Ruth informed us that the formal system-wide name for our group is the School Governing Council.
Pride Time Ruth introduced our Pride Time heroes: We heard from Aubrey Cox, Hayden Massey and Sidney Walker from the Girls Varsity Softball team. They have had an excellent season and have reached the Sweet 16in the State Competition. They will play Buford inthat round. Next we heard from the football players #7 Melvin Davis, #42 Marquis Benton and #3 Justice Chapman. They need to win at least 3 of the remaining games to make it to the playoffs. Their teamwork has produced a cohesive and cooperative group of which they all enjoy being a part. Their immediatefocus is to win the game Friday night (Homecoming). Post script – they did defeat their opponent Friday evening. Great game!
Old Business Thank you to Julie Speyer, our outgoing chair person
New Business There will be a Calendar Task Force appointed in the near future. Dr. Mal has been asked to provide 15 or so names to serve on the task force. More on that in our next meeting.
Bylaws – we will review ByLaws at the next meeting when we have a quorum to discuss.
Program Dr. Bennett was kind enough to attend our meeting and train us on the role of the Governing Council in our Charter School. The presentation is attached to the minutes.
Principal’s Report Dr. Mal would have been on time to our meeting had he not been stopped 7 or 8 times on his walk to the Freshman Academy. He says we are not far from securing a golf cart to help him (and others) manage the travel time across campus more efficiently.
We are also close to getting the funds to purchase more AEDs.
The 5 year Accreditation is going on right now. Ms. Eberhart and Ms. Butler are working on compiling the data.
Upcoming Events Homecoming is October 18, 2013 and Thanksgiving Break is Nov 25th – 29th
There was no motion to go into Executive Session.
Ruth Bearden adjourned the meeting at 3:00
Our next meeting will be Thursday, November 14th at 12:35 in Fr. Academy Conf. Room
Respectfully submitted by
Julie Speyer
Acting secretary for Ken Kuperberg who was in Australia
Attachment: Training Document from Dr. Bennett