Arizona Society for Healthcare Risk Management
Quarterly Business Meeting Minutes
Casa Grande, Arizona
November 14, 2014
1. Administrative Business – Annette Vince
1. Call to Order by Annette Vince at 12:01 PM
2. Welcome to Members and Visitors
3. 2015 Board Election Results
o President- Tammy Willis
o Vice President/President-elect- Mike McGee
o Treasurer- Jennifer Wrzesinske
o Recording Secretary- Karen Fowler
o Correspondence Secretary (new position after bylaws changes)- Maureen Price
o Director- Sherrie Chilson Avery
o Director- Eva M. Satori
o Past President- Annette Vince
o Those moving out of leadership for the organization- Board members Jan Ross and Kristi Anderson and Treasurer Kathy Evans. Thank you for your years of service.
4. Recognition of Sponsors- see the meeting book- having so many sponsors allows us to have such a healthy balance in our bank account.
2. Secretary’s Report – Karen Fowler
1. Review and Approval of Minutes –September meeting- Minutes approved as written
3. President Elect’s Report – Tammy Willis
1. Speaker and Meeting Evaluation September meeting- Susan Saltpeter from Zurich and panel- all scored well. Some evaluations mentioned soft-spoken voices as an issue.
2. Speakers for next year- is anyone has suggestions or recommendation, please let Tammy or Mike McGee know and include topic and name
3. Recognition of and presentation of plaque to President Annette Vince- thank you for your service as AzSHRM 2014 President
4. 2015 Upcoming Meetings:
February 20, 2015
May 15, 2015
September 11, 2015
November 13, 2015
4. Treasurer's Report – Kathy Evans
1. Financial Statement- see detailed Treasurer’s report in meeting book- Balance forward $21,753.11 with income of $13,361.28 and expenses of $8,181.20 for an ending balance of $26,933.19
5. Membership & Renewals – Annette Banchy
1. 2014 Status- 75 members this year. Our goal for the year was 85. Members requested to reach out to individuals in rural facilities who have the Risk Management as part of their duties and any other Risk Mangers we know to encourage memberships for next year. See charts in meeting book for breakdowns of memberships this year
6. AzSHRM Old Business – Annette Vince
A. ASHRM annual Conference winners ( Marla Ashford and Carolyn Marquart) –
i. Marla Ashford was present and gave a brief summary of conference highlights
7. AzSHRM New Business- Annette Vince
A. 2014 AzSHRM President’s report
i. Increase membership to 85 members- 77 members as of this meeting with 19 new members this year
ii. Panel presentation for one of our meetings- panel presentation at the September meeting on the topic of Office Practice Risk management
iii. Retain current sponsors and increase to 15- currently have 13 sponsors with two others who have been approached to become sponsors
iv. Update our Linked In Group- currently have 56 members
B. Recognition of Kathy Evans- Kathy has served as our Treasurer but has taken on many additional responsibilities and we appreciate all she has done for AzSHRM
C. Recognition of Kristi Anderson- author and editor of our newsletter, Full Disclosure- she is planning to step down. We appreciate all of Kristi’s work on the excellent newsletter she has done for us.
8. Miscellaneous – All
A. Any other comments or suggestions? Tucson AzSHRM meeting scheduled for December 12 from 0800 to 1000 at the UPH building on River Road-see Karen Fowler for details
B. Prize Drawing- winners of a $50 gift certificate were Sylvia Elliott and Doris McVey
9. Adjourn