October 18, 2016
6pm – 7pm Meeting led by Rick Purcell
- Century Showcase update
Kids are working hard and doing a great job. They are getting better and better. These last few weeks of marching band, we need to encourage everyonenot to miss any practices. There is a possibility by not knowing the drill or their music; Mr. Dunlop will need to have them sit out at a show until they can prove they know the routine.
On Friday,Mr. Dunlop was very disheartened by the weather. He was torn since it was extremely important to have the practice as everything was lined up and the drill writer had been flown in especially for this day, but was concerned about the storm. All the students showed up for the practice in rain gear all prepared to have a hard day of practice in the pouring rain. They were all ready and willing to work. It was an extremely proud moment!
- 10/21 Homecoming football game performance
The plan is we are doing our whole show, but sometimes the timing does not quite work and we might have to cut it off and come off the field before we are done. We do not want to cost the football team a penalty. Pep band will be playing at the game too. On Thursday, the practice time is 530-8:00 so the band can play the fight song at the bonfire. Afterwards they can either stay at the bonfire or go home. They will be done around 8:30pm. The Bonfire is being held at Century this year.
Next week Tues/Thursday Friday(10/25,10/27,10/28) we are having practices
Then Tues/Friday (11/1- 11/4) practices
- Next two competitions Liberty(10/29) and championships(11/5)
Both are big events 21 bands and 27 bands.
- Team Dunlop Facebook page
Mr. Dunlop is not on Facebook at all. This is not a venue to vent or complain if you have an issue. It is there for information and just one more step in our communication to our Band families. It is also used to get the students excited for events. If a post is perceived as negative it will be taken off. If you have an issue that needs to be dealt with please direct those to Mr. Dunlop. Our Team Dunlop facebook page is not the forum for these type of posts.
- Volunteer Web developer for our Century Band webpage
We are going to try to make the webpage a little bit more exciting. The reality is we want it to be a great way for you to find the information you need. So if you are someone that can help or know of someone please let us know.
- Needing to raise funds for new uniforms for next year ( go fund me, no sale, canvass neighborhood in uniforms asking for donations)
Each uniform costs $400 and we are out of uniforms (which is why front ensemble is using track jackets). We need to come up with a big fundraiser for this cost. It takes about six months to order the uniforms. We even anticipate being larger next year. We want to buy 25 new uniforms that look like our existing uniforms. We need to come up with something aggressively and quickly to cover this cost.
After the fall marching season is finished, your kids will be able to be involved in other groups, winter brass line, percussion, jazz band. This year it is our Winter groups turn for trips. Our Jazz Band will be going to Reno in the spring and Winter guard and Drumline down to California to compete. Information about the trips and the expectations and request for Chaperones will be sent out when the events are closer.
- Props
- So far this has been an easy year for our props! Thank you for showing up and helping. This Thursday we are fixing more of the windmills and last minute repairs. We will be starting around 6pm and working until 9pm. The big windmill is completed now. It will be at the liberty show.
- Can Drives
Sean Walkenhorst will be chairing can drives and the recycling process. Even though Sean is the chair, we still really need more help with this so the job can be rotated each month. The times that the bottles and cans can be brought to the drop is Tues-Thurs starting at 9:30am. Please let Sean or Teresa F know if you are willing and able to help us out! The can drive is one of our largest fundraisers we having. We brought in over $1500 last month. We have rescheduled the can drive for this Saturday 10/22. You can have friends and family email if they have bottles that need to be picked up. We also have signs that can be put out in your neighborhood to help promote the event.
We need help for props and front ensemble for the Liberty(10/29) show since Rick will not be here for that show.
- Entertainment Books 10/6-11/17
They are $30 each. Kids get $12 band into their account and the band gets $3 . Please take what you think you can sell
- Willamette Valley Pie sales 10/4-11/1
Order forms are available for you.
- Concessions update
Friday is the last one that we are scheduled to work. Going forward, we will only schedule concessions when our students can work too. We need 11 more volunteers for this Friday’s football game. Please use signup genius to sign up. We made $3500 last year doing this fundraiser. When we have to cancel, other groups come and take our slots, and we are unable to get those same events back for the following year. We will need to make up this money somehow.
The main goal behind required parent volunteer hours is to get parents involved with the band. We need parents to come and volunteer to help make it a successful show and season. So even when you have completed the 16 required hours we hope you will continue to help and continue to log your volunteer hours into CHARMS. The Hillsboro District tracks our volunteer hours.
The goal of the fundraiser points for the students is to have the kids be involved too and have fun. The students need 8 points for the all-night party scheduled on Friday 12/16 and need 12 to be able to go to Camp Yamill for free(This camp is mandatory)8-11 points the camp is $50 and 7 and under it is $100.
These are the events that the students receive fundraising points for:
Firework stand, Can Drives, Pie Sale, Showcase sales ads, Entertainment book sales, Rainy Day game night, Christmas Tree pre sell, Christmas tree lot sales, Macy Parade, Soda Sale, Game app download, Concessions
- Fred Meyer rewards program and Amazonsmile program
Please sign up and get yourself set up.
- Monthly restaurant fundraiser and Panda Express update
We made 262.40. For the last two years we have usually averaged about $100.
(Chipotle is the next restaurant sometime in mid-November the date TBD)
- The Christmas Tree Pre sells will begin on October 31st through November 23rd. Then we will go and collect the Trees on Saturday The 26th and the tree lot will be open until 12/16.
We are still looking for a new tree vendor. Do you have any connections? Please let Christy and Mr. Dunlop know
- Senior Patches
This is a tradition that the seniors are presented with a patch right after dinner before the final show. They will be$2.50 a patch.
- United Games is offering a free fundraising opportunity for non- profit organizations. There is nothing to sell or buy, just download a FREE, real-time interactive mobile app, play while your favorite teams from the MLS and NFL are in action and earn money for the band. Other leagues and sports will follow such as the NBA and MLB. Have fun playing and testing your knowledge against your friends, family, fellow band members and staff by predicting what will happen next in a live game. Don't like sports? You can still help by sharing the app with family and friends who do. Please click the link below to pre-register:
Each band student who pre-registers themselves and another player(non band student) by Nov 1 will get a fundraising point
Everyone else who pre-registers by Nov 1 will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card.If you have questions or want more information on how the app works, how revenue is generated, etc please contact
- Volunteer update
We have tracked how many families that have volunteered, a total of 85 families.
Thank you!! We could not do this without you.
- Halloween Bags
Candy donations are needed to help make 200 bags for our students as a nice Halloween treat. On 10/27 we will be making the bags. If anyone wants to help coordinate please let TeresaF know. We are also looking for anyone who has any experience for grant writing for uniforms.
- Upcoming events Liberty and Championships we will need volunteers
Need help? Email Teresa F at
Please continue to log your hours even after you reach your 16 hours. We use it to report to the Hillsboro board to help with our funding. Intel matches and so does Nike. Please report your hours.
- Symphonic and wind ensemble clothing orders
If your student is in symphonic/wind ensemble they will need specific outfits. If your student has some from last year, please make sure, everything still fits. All the girls in symphonic have been sized. Make sure if you have a young boy that he has the clothing he needs. You can always email Pauline with questions. Also she can just order the pieces that you need for your son.
The dresses will need to be hemmed, please find someone to do it if you are unable to hem.
TREASURERS(Robin & Kirsten):
- Century Showcase update
We did a lot better than the past two years. Admissions was large, we do not have the grand total yet since we don’t have all of our expenses yet.
- Fundraisers update
When turning in your monies for the sales please make sure the student’s name is on the envelope and what fundraiser it is for.
- Planning another apparel order(Kirsten)
Delivered in December, to gear up for our winter season.
Show shirts have been ordered and there will be a few extra.
Contest- We are having a fun competition amongst parents…how many wheels touched the ground during the Century Showcase (for our band only)…props/buses/equipment/instruments/camper/etc. –Runs from now until November 5th. Winner will be announced at the parent meeting November 15th. See TeresaF to enter your guess.