Will Beckley Elementary School

School Organizational Team

July 10, 2017



·  Call to Order at 4:05pm

·  Members Present:

Shannon Brown (Principal)

Cheryle Trupp (Assistant Principal)

Nancy Crenshaw (Teacher)

Linda Goldstein (Support Staff)

Yalet De la Torre (Parent)

Fabiola Martinez (Parent)

·  Members Absent:

Sara Kennedy (Teacher)

Sarahi Torres (Parent)

Marie Walsh from Las Vegas Rotary

Mary Nelson from Spread the Word

Andrea Dempsey from Arizona Charlies

Ben Parks from Los Vaqueros

·  Learning Lab Garden for Science Class

Notify Los Vaqueros – help tamp down dirt and gravel to lay tiles

Tiles to be set in preparation for upcoming Harvest Festival

“Install and Beautify” a tall picket fence around our Learning Garden with gate

·  Upcoming Changes for 2017-2018 school year

Solid Progressive Discipline Plan with Cheer – Positive School Atmosphere

Structured Professional Learning Communities

Community Involvement = Parent volunteers on campus – before, during after

Social Events = Booknic

Mrs. Ploom – support staff- Title 1 TFA - Events Coordinator

New Facilitator for ZOOM is from Mexico, Bilingual, works with students-adults

“Books With Buddies” weekly mentoring program to continue

·  Open Forum

Parent classes along with “Race to Read” will begin early in the year (no date as yet)

All teachers get one Field Trip – additional funding = Rotary

Incident with child running in front of bus beginning to pull out – Admin will investigate ways to insure safety = perhaps Parent Volunteers with signs

·  Meeting Norms

Norms will be through August and next year as well

Rest of the year meetings: August, September, October = New Vote

·  Attendance Norms and Expectations: voted and approved

Three Absences

Secretary will maintain an accurate count

·  Construction Announcements

Crew arrives before school begins and will leave before or after school dismisses

Parking Enforcement

·  Upcoming School Events

Paint the Paver Night July 12th 4PM -6PM Fundraiser Beautification Project

·  School Business

August 14, 2017-2018 First day of school

·  Next Meeting scheduled for Monday, August 28, 2017 (4:00-5:00pm Library)

Meeting Norms

·  Follow the agenda (format pre-approved by administration)

·  Time will be designated at the end of the agenda for open forum issues. Should there be a need to bring up an issue, please ensure that you offer the problem along with a solution.

·  Ensure that all members have the opportunity to contribute equally. The Kagan Structure of Talking Chips is a great way to ensure equal participation.

·  Leave the negativity at the door. We are here to positively impact the lives of others.

·  Treat others as you would like to be treated or you expect your students to act.

·  Come prepared with the required materials needed to successfully participate in the meeting. The Beckley Calendar should be brought to all meetings.