Mandatory information – please completeCentre Name: / ACS Halton
Centre / Course Code: / 10359019
IMLC Course Number / ______
IMLC Cse Start Date / ______
Students are eligible for these qualifications for courses completed since 2010. After that time, you will have to take an alternative pathway to get this qualification - contact CMI: 01536 207496. All cost subject to periodic review and VAT at current rate and may change
PROGRAMME DETAIL AND OPTIONS: Confirmation of successful completion will be provided by ACS Admin
- Options 1-3. No additional work. You can apply for the current accredited qualifications which do not require you to
IMLC / CMI Level 4 Certificate in Management and Leadership(QCF) (4C1V1)at 13 credits / £84 inc VAT / Select relevant qualification by
putting ‘X’ in the box.
Cost will depend on your selected option
IMLC / CMI Level 5 Award in Management and Leadership(QCF) (5A1V1) at 7 credits / £66 inc VAT
IMLC / Dual Award (both qualifications above / £150 inc VAT
Ignore this table if you wish to complete an assignment
- Option 4. Additional work. Top up the CMI Level 5 Award in Management and Leadership (QCF) into a Certificate
IMLC / CMI Level 4 Certificate in Management and Leadership(QCF) (4C1V1) at 13 credits / £219 inc VAT
Both quals / Select qualification by putting ‘X’ in the box.
CMI Level 5 Certificate in Management and Leadership (QCF) (5C1V1) at 14 credits
Note: External assignments are only available on line once registration is complete. You have 9 months to submit your assignment. After this time CMI will default certification to Option 3 above awarded under ‘no additional work’ requirements. CMI will not refund the difference in registration fee.
1 / If you are already a CMI member, please indicate your membership number:1a / If known, please state Unique Learner Number (ULN):
2 / Service number: / Rank:
4 / Title (Mr, Mrs, etc): / 5 / Surname (to appear on certificate): / 6 / Forenames (to appear on certificate):7 / Male / Female / 8 Date of Birth* *for web access / / / /
9 / Mailing Address: / Important:This is the address to which your certificates will be sent. It is your responsibility to inform the CMI should you change your address / 10 / Ethnic Origin
White UK Heritage
White, other (known)
White European
White, type not known
Black African heritage
Telephone: / Black Caribbean heritage
Civilian (inc. dialling code) / Black, other
Email: / Other (known)
11 / In which language is your assessment being undertaken / English / Welsh / English/Welsh
12 / I am happy for you to contact me about CMI matters on the above number/s (please tick box)
Registrations will only be accepted if accompanied by the appropriate fee. You can pay by cheque or debit/credit card, please indicate accordingly: (Please Note: Solo and Electron are not accepted)
a. / Cheque: / Cheque number:Cheques made payable to CHARTERED MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE. Please write the CLM course number on the back of your cheque
b. / Debit/Credit card: / Debit/Credit Card number:
Card Start Date: / Card Expiry Date: / Issue No:
3 Digit Security Code:
You can find the 3-digit code on the back of your credit/debit card, next to the signature. You may see other numerals there, but only the last three digits make up the security code
13 / Signature / Date: / Daytime telephone number:Registration Checklist: Have you..?
- All Options: Completed and signed Registration Form
- All Options: Attached appropriate remittance (cheque or completed credit/debit card details)
- All Options: ACS to provide confirmation of successful course completion
Incomplete forms or missing attachments will trigger return and consequent delays.
Allow 6 weeks from submitting registration (Options 1-3) for receipt of certification. Assessment of external assignment (Option 4) will normally take an extra 4 weeks before receipt of certification
Forward these documents to:
Customer Service Administrator (MoD); Awarding Body; Chartered Management Institute; Management House; Cottingham Road; Corby; Northamptonshire; NN17 1TT
Thank you for choosing to undertake your management qualification with the Chartered Management Institute, the leading organisation for professional management in the UK.
In submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing information about the CMI’s products and services. If you wish to opt out of this arrangement, please visit the CMI’s data protection site:
1 Sep 15