More than I am

Head Girl & Head Boy Report
This week the juniors went to watch “The Christmas Carol.” It was a great trip, we really enjoyed it. On Wednesday and Friday we learnt more about Remembrance and had two minutes silence. We hope to see you all on Sunday in Church for the Remembrance Service
Anya & Ali

Stars of the Week:.Adrian Gigulis (6), Daniela Bukovskis(Y5), Holly Rutter(Y4), Taylor Roberts(Y3), Finlay Byrnes(Y2), Taylor Newsome(Y1), Rhys Crombleholme(FS), Holly Rutter (playground) and George Hartley(playground) Well done everyone!

Happy Birthday to: Ryan Galvin!

Attendance: Congratulations to Year3- 98.2% attendancethis week. Well done!

School Dinners –The new winter menus will start on Monday 21st November.Please note change of date. Please note that if your child is on a school hot lunch they are not permitted to have their own drinks bottles in the hall. Milk or water is available as a lunchtime drinks option. Only children on packed lunches should be bringing juice bottles to school in their own packed lunch. All children are welcome to bring their own bottles of water, clearly labelled with their name, to drink throughout the day.

Class Photos-Please could all orders be returned to school by Wednesday 16th November.

Children in Need – Mrs Clayton (Joshua’s Grandma) has kindly agreed to make Pudsey biscuits again for us this year. All proceeds to go to the Children in Need Charity. These will be on sale from Monday 14th November 50p per biscuit.

Maths Week – There are lots of exciting things planned for next week all themed around numeracy. Carr Hill maths specialist teachers will be joining us to run workshops throughout the week. Mrs Astbury’s Apprentice competition is running again this year to see which class can raise the most money by selling a product. We also have a Professional Theatre Company coming to perform a Numeracy show on Friday afternoon called Shape, Space and Desperate Measures. £2 contribution please. Parents are invited into school on Friday morning after Worship in church to have coffee and play maths games with their child; this is always a lovely opportunity to support your child, please do join us.

Non-Uniform Day – Friday 18th November. £1 -In aid of Children in Need. Dress up with a number theme please.

Worship on Wednesday – Year 1 followed by coffee and biscuits in the school hall.

Operation Christmas Child – Shoe Box Appeal – Thank you to everyone who has pledged to take part in their year’s shoe box appeal. Please return to school Friday 11th November.

Bonfire Disco – Thanks to our wonderful PTA team who organised and ran the discos last night. We raised a total of £150.86. There were lots of happy children who enjoyed the evening. There were also some very good dance moves being seen by both the children and also the KS1 parents.

Young Voices – Young Voices rehearsals are now well underway. Pupils can access the song/action tracks and videos to practise at home via the following school link: Please return ticket, T-shirt and DVD order forms by Friday 18th November, together with payment.

Bethany Project Singers We have been selected to host a concert by the visiting African Children’s Choir on Thursday 17th November 2016 in church. We will be taking a retiring collection in order to help support the children’s tour of the UK. The concert runs from 9 – 10:15 am – everyone welcome. Please feel free to invite friends & neighbours.

Diary Dates

Sunday 13th Nov / 9:30 am Remembrance Sunday in Church. 10:30 Service at Wesham Cenotaph.
Mon 14th Nov / Maths and Enterprise Week in school
Tues 15th Nov / Sports Hall Athletics at Carr Hill
School Council Meeting 3.20-4.15pm
Weds 16th Nov / Y1 Worship in Church. Coffee & biscuits in school hall afterwards
Thurs 17th Nov / The Bethany Project Singers 9:00 – 10:15 in church. Retiring collection.
Fri 18th Nov
Fri 18th Nov / Children in Need Day (dressing up theme is numbers) £1 donation to Children in Need.
Numeracy show in school – Shape, Space & Desperate Measures £2 donation please
W/C 21st Nov / Anti-Bullying and Anti Cyber Bullying Week in school.
Tues 22 Nov / 8:30 am - Photographs – Individuals & Families ready for Christmas
Tues 29th Nov / Indoor Athletics Y5/6
Weds 30th Nov / Year 5 World War Two Visit to Museum of Lancashire
Weds 7th Dec / Singing Carols to Thistleton Lodge Care Home
Thurs 8th Dec
Thurs 8th Dec / 9:00- 10:00 Music Concert in Church. All year groups
Carol Singing to Milbanke
Tues 13th Dec / Year 5 Christmas Production with Year 4 choir 2.00pm and 5.30pm
Thurs 15th Dec / FS and KS1 Christmas Production2.00pm and 5.30pm
Tues 20th Dec / 4:00pm Carol Service in Church
Weds 21st Dec / Stars of the Term in church
Christmas parties in school.
School closes 1:30pm

With best wishes,

Mrs Astbury

I enclose a £1 donation for the Children in Need charity.

I enclose a £2 donation for the Shape, Space and Desperate Measure theatre company performance.

Name of child…………………………………………………. Signed by Parent/Carer………………………………………………..