Rotary Club of Spokane North
Date: March 9, 2011
Mo Copeland
Sandy Fink
Lenore Romney
Ashley Sinner
Bruce Ellwein
Diana Riggins
Jim Minkler
Ken Sanders
Dave Petersen
George Cain
Steve Boharski
Doug Toone
Bill Simer
A:Call to Order at 7:00 AM
B:Minutes: Theminutes from the Februarymeeting, previously approved via email,were approved in the meeting.
C:Treasurer’s Report: Sandygave the report in Bill’s absence. We are a little under budget in membership dues, but nothing of great concern.However, we still need to increase our membership if we wish to continue in the future to fund our projects with our budget. We still have funds in the projects budget to expend. We had a net income this month as we had few expenses. There are a few project requests that we will handle today.
Sandy has submitted our final report for this year’s district simplified grant to support our reading program at Holmes. There is an issue with the date of purchase for the first set of books and the datethe grant was awarded.Doreen Kelsey has been of great support and hopes there will not be an issue when the grant report is reviewed by the District committee. Sandy is working with Nancy to try and avoid this difficulty in the future.
We are doing well given our membership numbers.
D:Old Business:
- Membership: The potential member from the Red Lion Inn has moved to a new position and cannot join us at this time; there is a prospective member from INB, a current branch manager and also Emily Green still interested in the club buy has been out of town. Weneed to follow up with James Powers.
- Raffle: members need to be selling! The deadline is in two weeks, on March 21st. The drawing is on the first Monday in April, which is April 4. Members have asked to turn in their cash and checks so they aren’t holding them for so long. Sandy has developed a system in order to do this. She has a spreadsheet for tracking everything and will hand it off to Lenore for reconciliation at the end of the process. Aurora NW, Valley Sunrise and Spokane West Clubs have had a raffle pitch. Diana will attend Spokane 21.
- Club Directors and Officers for 2011-12:
- President: Jim Minkler
- President Elect: Ken Sanders
- Vice President:
- Secretary: Nancy Humphries
- Treasurer: Bill Simer
- Past President: Diana Riggins
- Club Service I: Michele Wolkey
- Club Service II: Bruce Ellwein
- Club Service III: Lenore Romney
- Vocational Service: Chuck Rehberg
- Community Service: Melody Farance
- International Service: Ashley Sinner
- Executive Assistant: Sandy Fink
Jim is working on the VP—lots of asks out there, but no commitments.
E: Club Service:
- Website:Bruce’s son Kevin came to the meeting to offer his services to provide support and content for the website, as webmaster. This will provide Kevin with community service hours.Sandy will email information to Bruce who will oversee the project as the club contact.Kevin will need access to the admin section in order to do this.Kevin would like to do a 90 second spot for us for our website. He will go to events at Holmes and visit our meetings in order to capture footage. Kevin will take advantage of webinars to learn how to post material on the clubrunner page.
F: Projects:
- Rotaplast: we did give this year. They have a new mission to the Philippines and want to know if we want to contribute as club or individuals; want to apply to be volunteers, or book a speaking engagement. Interesting as the district governor was clear that Rotaplast was not an official RI project. The only official RI project is Polio Plus. We have in the past supported non-official projects such as the Shelter Boxes. Apparently the shelter boxes are being used in Haiti. We still have undesignated funds for International Service. The water project has run into some red tape and may need more help from us. Ashley wondered if we wanted to set a theme for our international projects, currently, market children and Rotaplast which we support help children in need. Jim will follow up with water project and let Ashley know if they need additional funding. Ashley will bring a recommendation for disbursement of our International funds next month. Could we find another local group that is supporting kids internationally to support?
- Community Projects: The board opted for a direct contribution for the GuildSchoolthis year. The Projects Committee requested $300 for their scholarship fund. Motion was moved and approved. Partners for Youth at the YMCA has requested a donation for scholarships—a project we have supported in the past and the Projects committee requested $500. Movedand approved by the Board. The North Central AP Testing has been supported through individual member donations, and we are already over $796 toward that request.
- Scholarships: We have updated the information on the website. The board agreed to keep it limited to SpokaneCounty which needs to be made clear on the materials. The RYLA brochure is available—it would be great for members to send appropriate candidates to the website for that information.
- Exchange Students: Ashley is working with Aurora Northwest on hosting the exchange students for the district conference. They will be working on a service project on Saturday. The hope is to have them stay with host families for Friday and Saturday night, preferably in pairs. Our club needs to find 16 spots. Diana can host 4-6, Ashley and Jim are open to hosting. Ashley will announce this opportunity at the next meeting.
- Spring Social: The Board would prefer to see the spring social scheduled for early May. Bruce will try to set a date and get it on the calendar soon.
Sandy will be out of town from March 24 through April 8. She will have her laptop and stay in touch and will be able to handle most club business as needed. Nancy Humphries will handle the desk and Bill Simer will make bank deposits. Lenore has offered to do any needed follow up with the raffle accounting.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mo Copeland