BLACKSTOCK PERFORMANCE HORSES is hosting some monthly “FUN” shows. We call this the 2017 Bridle Series (of 6 shows.) You must attend 3 hosted shows to qualify for series end awards. These shows are very low keyed and designed for strictly enjoyment while getting a taste of competition.
Saturday, Apr. 01: Bridle Series Show1 - done
Saturday, May 13: Bridle Series Show2 – current
Saturday, Jun. 10: Bridle Series Show3
Saturday, Jul. 15: Bridle Series Show4
Saturday, Aug. 19: Bridle Series Show5
Saturday, Sep. TBA: Bridle Series Show6
9:00 AM START - $10/class, $25/half day or $40/all day, enter morning of show.
Divisions Offered:
Lead line / Peanut(7& under) / Peewee (8-10 yrs) / Junior(11-14yrs) / Youth (15-18yrs) / Senior 19+
Open Green Horse or Rider – (no cross entry with horse & rider)
Each division will be split for the Walk/Trot only portion, with Walk/Trot/Canter entries then cantering separately.
The first 3 shows are "COME AS YOU ARE". We all have shaggy horses at this time of year. Use mixed English or Western equipment, hackamores, running or standing martingales, but no draw reins though. Ride two handed, snaffle or shank bits, basically how you ride when you're training or trail riding.
PROPER RIDING HELMETS AND FOOT WEAR ARE A MUST. HELMETS ARE ENCOURAGED FOR EVERYONE & ARE MANDATORY FOR RIDERS 18 AND UNDER. Shows from July onward will require proper equipment and attire for English or Western.
Participation points for the series are awarded to everyone regardless of placing. Your placings are bonus points!
PLACINGS ARE TO 6th PLACE IN ALL CLASSES – other prizes and awards handed out during day.
Call Patty for more info at 604-701-2526. If time permits in the afternoon more fun games may be added. A small concession will be offered throughout the day. Download waiver and information sheets at
May 13th Classes Offered:
Classes will be divided by division and may have to be combined depending on class size. *If classes are combined, judging will be done for that class with no division by age.
OBSTACLE CLASS - Open. May be held outside, weather permitting.
INTRODUCTORY CLASS - Open. No cross entry with other riding classes, except gaming classes. For the beginner rider or horse at their first show, just to get the taste of showing. This class will be divided for those who only want to walk and trot, and then those who walk, trot, and canter. (This is a special class.)
EQUITATION, PLEASURE, & PATTERN CLASSES - English (morning) and Western (afternoon) These are Points Classes.
Games Mixed (Either English/Western and/or age divisions):
TOILET PAPER PAIR RACE – ride in pairs without breaking the toilet paper (at walk/trot only.)
MYSTERY PICK-UP- mixed items, you’re asked for an item, return (relay.)
RING DROP RELAY – given a ring, place it and return, next.