IREP Meeting Minutes
September 10, 2013
President, Sandy Jones called meeting to order at 9:00 AM and reminded everyone to turn off cell phones. Temme Petersonled members in the pledge of allegiance and presented the inspirational message. Guests and new members were introduced: Shawn Conti, Shawn Stanley, Walter Kaminski, Julia Kemp, Teresa Collins, Donna Wilson and Evelyn Finnegan. Tracy Baer was ill so Denise Drews announced the birthdays for May.
Ben Friedlander introduced our guest speaker John Barie with JB Health and Life Solutions. John explained some of the changes with the new health care reform act and how it will affect us.
Secretary: No minutes were taken at the August meeting.
Treasurer: Denise Drews reported a balance of $1,820.31
Hospitality: Nothing to report
Membership: No new member to install
Education: Tammie Hagedorn announced John Barcelo with Source Valuation Groupwill be the guest speaker
for the October meeting. He will be speaking on appraisals. Ben Friedlander will be asking for suggestions on guest speakers. Also, Ben is looking for anyone interested in servingon the education committee or as chair next year.
New Business
Mark Thirey updated us on the switch to PROTech from Oakhurst Tech to handle the IREP website. PROTech has created us a new website to make it more dynamic and user friendly. Denise Drews mentioned it will have links to our guest speakers, more storage for minutes and newsletter and new logo with scrolling scenery at top of web page. We should have site to show by next meeting.
The past presidents will soon have a meeting for next year’s board membernominees.
October 11th is the Wine and Food Festival at PRO from 5:30 – 9:00 PM. One Realtor will even win their 2014 local membership dues! Everyone who pre-registers will get an additional entry into the grand prize drawings!
Tammy Hagedorn reminded everyone that our December meeting will be the holiday party.
Allen Collins has two listings on New Hampshire Ave. NE, St. Petersburg. One is at 1886 which is a two bedroom,two bath for $182,500. The other is at 1878, a 3 bedroom, two bath for $192,500.
Julia Galpin thanked Vivan Lurie for the lead at Top of the World.
Ben Friedlander has a two bedroom, two bath for $585,000 located at 544 Pinellas Bay Way #302 (Harbor Watch).
Brian Brown mentioned that Realtors are invited to the second affiliate meeting of the month to pitch their listings.
Mark Thirey stated how beneficial the testimonials are at the affiliate meetings.
Jeanene Soltishas a need for a rental in Tampa, a 2/2 with garage and preferably a fence.
Walter Kaminski announced a workshop for tax certificates next June.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:07 AM