Animal Phyla Research Project Due Wednesday April 3th

Introduction: The goal of this assignment is to introduce you to the nine major phyla of the animal kingdom. You will investigate various websites to research the phyla in order to complete the graphic organizer and create a collage of images of members from each phylum.

Task: You will have one week to complete the assignment during class. Research each of the nine phyla listed below and complete the graphic organizer on the next pages. Be thorough and detailed with your information in the chart. You do not have to write in complete sentences. There are three charts to complete in total, each with three different phyla. While I have listed several sites to use, you are not limited to them. You must create a bibliography of the websites used. Wikipedia may not be used for this project. Remember Google and Bing are search engines not websites. will also not be an accepted source. To create your collage you may use Word or Publisher. It should have at least one image from each of the phylum, but you may have more images if you like. Please remember to site all sources for the images. Your sources can be sited on a separate page.

The Nine Phyla

1. PORIFERA: Sponges

2. CNIDARIA: Jellyfish, Coral - An older term is COELENTERATES


4. NEMATODA: Round Worms

5. MOLLUSCA: Snails, Octopus

6. ANNELIDA: Segmented Worms

7. ARTHROPODA: Insects, Spiders, etc.


9. CHORDATA: Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians, Birds & Mammals

List of Websites by Phyla










Continue to scroll down to the next page for the graphic organizer

Porifera / Cnidarians / Platyhelminthes
Characteristics that define the phylum-all members share these
Habitat-where they are found throughout the world.
What do they eat? Who eats them?
What type of cellular organization do most exhibit-specialized cells, systems etc. Example-nematocysts.
At least three interesting facts.
At least four examples of organisms in this phylum. Include their common name and scientific name.

Next page for the next chart

Nematoda / Annelids / Mollusks
Characteristics that define the phylum-all members share these
Habitat-where they are found throughout the world.
What do they eat? Who eats them?
What type of cellular organization do most exhibit-specialized cells, systems etc.
At least three interesting facts.
At least four examples of organisms in this phylum. Include their common name and scientific name.

Continue to next page

Echinoderms / Arthropods / Chordates
Characteristics that define the phylum-all members share these
Habitat-where they are found throughout the world.
What do they eat? Who eats them?
What type of cellular organization do most exhibit-specialized cells, systems etc.
At least three interesting facts.
At least four examples of organisms in this phylum. Include their common name and scientific name.