Marston Thorold's Charity CE Primary School

A Church of England Primary School founded by Sir John Thorold in 1716

School Lane, Marston, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2HQ Tel: 01400 250583 Fax: 01400 251597



Headteacher: Mrs Jan Marshall BA (Hons), NPQH

21stApril 2013

To the Parish Council – an update about the school

Marston Thorold's Charity CE Primary School is oversubscribed and has been for the last few years. We currently have 83 children on role (we should have 70). This is because our results are excellent and we have a very good reputation. If we had the space we could have many more children but we don’t have the space and this would impact on our village school ethos which we don’t want to lose. That said, we would like more playground/field space so the children have more room to play in.

Our Y6 results in 2012 led to us being third in England and first in Lincolnshire – a fabulous achievement!

Our building continues to be in an excellent state of repair although as an old school there is a constant need for repairs and maintenance.

Our staffing continues to be very stable. Our Y5/Y6 teacher is a ‘Lead Teacher for Literacy’ – a recognised excellent practitioner who is used by Lincolnshire Education Authority for moderation in other schools and as an emergency outreach support for other teachers who need guidance and support. She has also become a specialist teacher in Maths.

Our Breakfast Club is extremely popular and continues to be an added benefit to a small school.

Our last OFSTED (in May 2010) said that we were ‘good with outstanding features’. We always aim for outstanding. Because of our results and our previous OFSTED our next OFSTED has been deferred for at least a year.

One of our school aims and part of our ethos is that everyone is always a learner. We continue to support this by having trainee teachers in school from Bishop Grossteste University College in Lincoln. This benefits the school as well as the students – they have up to date ideas and training which we can use in our teaching. We are now a Partnership School with Bishop Grossteste University College as a Lead school in Literacy Teaching – one of only fifteen in Lincolnshire, where we share our expertise in Literacy teaching with BG students and receive money (£500 annually) for doing so.

Our development plans this year have been based around maths (up-skilling all teachers and teaching assistants) to move with the up to date ways of teaching this vital subject. We are also working on involving governors and parents more.

The Dame Margaret Thorold Charity has granted us a sum of money to improve our outdoor environment and this has been supplemented from the school budget.

I would like to extend an invitation to members of the Parish Council to visit us and see what we are like and what we do. Please telephone Mrs Padgett in the office if you want to arrange this.

Yours sincerely,

Jan A Marshall
