Brize Norton Primary School

Inspiring Learning for Life

Station Road

Brize Norton

Oxon OX18 3PL

01993 842488

Headteacher: Mrs A Fairhurst

Dear Parents and Children,

Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and enjoyed a well-deserved break. We are very excited to be back and hope that the children are feeling just as refreshed (and most likely full of chocolate!) as we are!

Tutu Class Information


At the start of this new term, we would like to remind you of the importance of regular attendance at school. Our target is 95% because it has been proven that children who attend less than this can suffer damage to their education. 95% attendance is still the equivalent of 2 weeks’ missed learning over the year. Children who attend fewer than 90% of sessions can find this having a serious impact on their learning, because that is the equivalent, over a year, of 4 weeks’ missed learning, or 100 missed lessons.

School Value

This term, our value is ‘integrity’. We will be looking at this value in some of our PSHE lessons and assemblies.

Physical Education

Every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, the children will require their P.E kit. On Tuesdays, they will be doing tag rugby, so please ensure they have the appropriate outdoor kit, which should consist of trainers, tracksuit bottoms and a jumper. They may also wear gloves or a woolly hat if the weather is particularly cold. On Wednesdays, we will be doing gymnastics and so the children will need their indoor P.E kit: a plain white t-shirt and navy shorts.


In Tutu class, children are expected to hand their homework in on time – this way, there is time for it to be marked and returned before the following piece of homework is due and also prepares them for the homework expectations at secondary school.

Reading records:

·  Handed in daily and marked on a Thursday.

·  Children should have five entries over the course of one week.

·  Each entry should consist of the book title, date, the page numbers they have read and three bullet points (or a paragraph, if they prefer) either stating what has happened or their opinion/thoughts on what they have read.

Maths homework:

·  Sent out on Wednesday and due in on Monday.

·  For Year 5 children – unless we believe your child fully knows their times tables inside out and back to front and has shown this in class, they will be given times tables to practise every other week. On the weeks they do not have times tables, they will receive a piece of homework based on what we have been learning in maths lessons. If we think they are confident, they will always have homework based on our lessons.

·  For Year 6 children – all Year 6s will receive homework based on what we have been learning in maths lessons.


·  Handed out on Tuesdays to be tested on the following Monday.

·  Children will be sent home with up to 15 spellings to learn based on what we have looked at in our spelling sessions.

·  They are expected to practise these spellings throughout the week, using the ‘spelling activity sheet’ list for ideas – you will find this stuck in the front of your child’s spelling book.

We are more than happy to help children if they have difficulty with their homework, and to provide strategies and support where needed. However, please try to encourage your child to come and see us before the homework is due in – this promotes responsibility and a proactive attitude. We really do appreciate the effort and support that parents put into their child’s learning, so thank you.


Every morning, we have a spelling session, literacy and maths. Our afternoon timetable, including current topics, is as follows:

Monday / Computing (e-safety and search engines) or Music (a great composer) and Spanish (key language of the classroom, ask for and give the time and ask for and answer the date/birthdays, revising numbers 1-30)
Tuesday / RE (Islam and sacred places) and PE (tag rugby)
Wednesday / PE (gymnastics) and PSHE (e-safety and anti-bullying)
Thursday / Topic (our local area)
Friday / Science (forces)

Important Dates

10th January – Young Voices

15th January – Fire Safety talks

18th January – Year 5/6 trip to John Radcliffe Hospital (IMPS)

23rd January – Year 5 indoor athletics

9th February – Year 5/6 visit from Burford School

9th February – Parent Celebration Assembly

1st March – World Book Day

7th March – Year 5/6 tag rugby

9th March – Mothers’ Day and Carers’ Assembly

19th March – Year 5 Music Festival

22nd March – Tutu Sharing Assembly

27th March – Church Easter Service

29th March – End of Term

We look forward to welcoming back the children and having a super term!

Yours sincerely,

Miss Musgrave, Mrs Bostock and Mrs Deegan