Notes on the New NIRS Standard Reports in 07
New Product Reports
- Publications List in APA Style
List all APA citations in alpha order-one citation per line
Total #
- PM 62: Publications
EHB Element (NIRS Category) / Number of Publications
Peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals (Refereed journal articles) / #
Non peer-reviewed publications (Periodicals &Public Awareness) / #
Books (Books) / #
Book chapters (Book Chapters) / #
Reports/monographs (Non-refereed publications) / #
Electronic educational products (Audio/Visual Materials, Software, Web Portals/Sites) / #
Distance learning modules or materials (Educational Modules) / #
Doctoral dissertations (Doctoral Dissertations and Master’s Theses) / #
Total / #
The text in parentheses provides the NIRS material type. This report provides a simple count and total of the number of publications (by material type) for the selected FY.
New Activity Reports
- PM 59: Collaboration with MCH Programs
Checklist Element / Number of Activities
NOT in Collaboration with State Title V Agency or Other MCH Funded Program / Number of Activities in Collaboration with State Title V Agency or Other MCH Funded Program / Total Number Activities
Service / # / # / #
Training / # / # / #
Continuing Education / # / # / #
Technical Assistance / # / # / #
Development & Dissemination / # / # / #
Research / # / # / #
Total / # / # / #
Service = Direct Clinical Services + Other Direct and/or Demonstration Services
Training = Training Trainees
Continuing Education = Training subcategory under Performing Technical Assistance and/or Training
Technical Assistance = TA subcategory under Performing Technical Assistance and/or Training
Development & Dissemination = Developing & Disseminating Information
Research = Performing Research or Evaluation
Number of Activities NOT in Collaboration with State Title V Agency or Other MCH Funded Program = the unduplicated number of activity records for which “State Title V Agency” or “Other MCH funded program” is not checked.
Number of Activities in Collaboration with State Title V Agency or Other MCH Funded Program = the unduplicated number of activity records in the relevant core functions for which “State Title V Agency” or “Other MCH funded program” is checked under “Agencies collaborating on the work of the activity.”
- Continuing Education /Distance Learning: MCH Collection
Topic / Method / Number of CE Students / Duration in Hours / Continuing Education Credits Provided? Y/N
Activity Title / Method / Total participants / duration / Y/N
Total # / ##
Includes activity records for which “yes” has been checked under Is this a continuing education activity (in person or distance)?
New Project Report
- TA/Collaboration:MCH collection
Topic of Technical Assistance/Collaboration / Recipient of TA/Collaborator* / Geographic Description**
Project Title / (Use EHB labels see conversions below) / (see list below)
Total Number # / Other departments in your university #, %
Title V (MCH Programs) #, %
Medicaid Agency #, %
Health Insurance/ Managed Care Organization #, %
Provider Organization #, %
State Department of Education or LocalSchool District #, %
Social Service Agency #, %
Developmental Disability Agency #, %
Mental Health agency #, %
Legal entity #, %
Independent research or policy organization #, %
Foundation #, %
Family and/or consumer group #, %
Other (please specify) #, % / Local #, %
State #, %
Another State #, %
Regional #, %
National #, %
International #, %
Includes all projects for which “Performing Technical Assistance and/or Training”is selected.
Recipient Description conversion:
NIRS Categories / EHBUCEDD / Other departments in your university
State Title V Agency
Other MCHB Funded Program
Child Care/Early Childhood/Part C Infants & Toddlers / Title V (MCH Programs)
Health Agency- Public/Private / Medicaid Agency
Health Insurance/Managed Care Organization / Health Insurance/Managed Care Organization
Provider Organization / Provider Organization
Head Start/Early Head Start
State/Local Special Education (3-21)
State/Local General Education / State Department of Education or LocalSchool District
State/Local Social Services / Social Service Agency
Developmental Disabilities Council
State/Local MR/DD Agency or Provider / Developmental Disability Agency
Mental Health/Substance Abuse Agency / Mental Health agency
Protection & Advocacy Agency (P&A)
Justice/Legal Organization / Legal entity
Independent research or policy organization / Independent research or policy organization
Foundation / Foundation
Consumer/Advocacy Organization / Family and/or consumer group
Post Secondary Education (Community College/University)
Aging Organization
Employment/Voc Rehab
Housing Agency/Provider
Recreation Agency
Transportation Agency
State/Local Coalition
Legislative Body
Community or Faith-Based Organization
National Association
Other / Other (please specify)
New Trainee Reports
- Annual Update Info
Notes: This report should be identical to the “Long Term Survey Info” report in its data elements and should use the “terminal year” logic.
Instead of displaying the trainees by 1, 5, and 10 year “terminal years,” this report provides information on all trainees by terminal year.
- Short & Intermediate Trainee Info: MCH Collection
Short Term Trainees
Number of Short term Trainees during the past 12-month grant period / # ST in selected FY
List types/disciplines / List, separated by commas, each discipline represented in the records
Intermediate Term Trainees
Number of Intermediate term Trainees during the past 12-month grant period / # Intermediate trainees in selected FY
List types/disciplines / List, separated by commas, each discipline represented in the records
- PM 08: Field Leadership
Percent of long term trainee graduates that demonstrate leadership in / 1 year / 5 year / 10 year / Total
Academics / % / % / % / %
Clinical / % / % / % / %
Public heath/Public policy / % / % / % / %
Advocacy / % / % / % / %
At least one of the above areas / % / % / % / %
Number of long term graduates included in this report / # / # / # / #
Number of long term graduates lost to follow up / # / # / # / #
Note: The logic this report requires use of the trainees’ “terminal year”
The major source of data for this table comes from 4 questions on the long term follow up survey. The same “check all that apply” question is used on all 4 versions (UCEDD, LEND/UCEDD, PPC, and LEAH) of the long term follow up survey.
Question # on the SurveySurvey Question / UCEDD / LEND/
What academic activities have you been involved in since completing your training? / 7 / 12a / 10a / 11a
What clinical leadership activities have you been involved in since completing your training? / 8 / 13a / 11a / 12a
What public health/public policy activities have you been involved in since completing your training? / 9 / 14a / 12a / 13a
What advocacy activities have you been involved in since completing your training? / 10 / 15a / 13a / 14a
Each of these questions has multiple check options, including “none” (which makes this a little more challenging). The percentages are calculated using the following numerators and denominators:
For the Academics, Clinical, Public health/Public policy and Advocacy rows:
The numerator is the number of responses for which at least one check option (excluding the “none” option) for the question is checked.
The denominator would be the number of responses non-blank responses to the question.
For the “At least one of the above areas” row:
The numerator is the number of responses for which at least one check option (excluding the “none” option) for any the question is checked.
The denominator would be the number of responses non-blank responses to any the questions.
The number of graduates included in this report would be the number of surveys returned.
The number of graduates lost to follow up would be the number of long term trainees in the survey pool (i.e., # of terminal year long term trainees for the relevant year) minus the number of surveys returned.
The Total column provides totals across the 3 “year” columns.
- PM 09 Trainees from Underrepresented Groups
Underrepresented groups refer to, but are not limited to, groups based on race, ethnicity, geographic location, and gender, who are underrepresented in a field of study. / TOTAL
Number of Trainees for FY XX: / #
White / Black or African Am. / Am. Indian/Alaska Native / Asian / Nat. Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander / Two or more races / Other
# / # / # / # / # / # / # / #
Hispanic / Non Hispanic
# / # / #
Male / Female
# / # / #
Personal Relationship with Disabilities (multiple categories may apply to an individual)
PWD / Person w/ a SHCN / Parent of a PWD / Parent of a person w/ a SHCN / Family member of a PWD / Family member of a person w/ a SHCN
# / # / # / # / # / # / #
The data source for this table is the trainee main record for all trainee records with a year record in the selected FY (or for the LEAHs/PPCs—the records for which the training end date is within the specified FY). Provides a simple count of the data elements and totals in the “total” column.
- PM 60: Interdisciplinary Work Post Training
Long Term Trainees only: / 1 year / 5 year / 10 year / Total
Number of graduates that work in an interdisciplinary manner to serve the MCH or disability population / # / # / # / #
Total number of graduates responding to survey / # / # / # / #
Percent of graduates that work in an interdisciplinary manner to serve the MCH or disability population / % / % / % / %
Note: The logic this report requires use of the trainees’ “terminal year”
The major source of data for this table comes from 1 question on the long term follow up survey. The same “Yes/No” question is used on all 4 versions (UCEDD, LEND/UCEDD, PPC, and LEAH) of the long term follow up survey.
Provides the number of “yes” responses to the question, the total number of surveys returned, and the percent of respondents who answered “yes.”
The Total column provides totals across the 3 “year” columns.
Question # on the SurveySurvey Question / UCEDD / LEND/
Are you currently working in a field related to Maternal and Child Health (MCH) (e.g. women, children and families; individuals with disabilities and their families; adolescents and their families; children with special health care needs)? / 2 / 2 / 1 / 2
- PM 61: LEND Training & Career Choice
Long Term Trainees only: / 1 year / 5 year / 10 year / Total
Number of long term trainee graduates that responded with a 3 (completely agree) or 2 (mostly agree) to the survey question: My LEND training has positively influenced my current career choice and performance / # / # / # / #
Total number of long term trainee graduates responding to survey / # / # / # / #
Percent of long term trainee graduates that responded with a 3 (completely agree) or 2 (mostly agree) to the survey question: My LEND training has positively influenced my current career choice and performance. / % / % / % / %
Note: The logic this report requires use of the trainees’ “terminal year.”
The major source of data for this table comes from 1 question (#8) on the LEND/UCEDD long term follow up survey.
Provides the number of “3” or “2” responses to the question, the total number of surveys returned, and the percent of respondents who answered “3” or “2.”
The Total column provides totals across the 3 “year” columns.
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- Current Trainee Information This Replaces “Maternal & Child Health Training Program, Current Trainees”
Note: Restricted to ADMIN level only
Total Number of long term trainees participating in the training program / #Reporting Period: / selected FY
Name / Race/
Ethnicity / Gender / Discipline at Entry / Degrees at Entry / Position at Entry / Degree Program
Enrolled / MCH Support? / Amount / Student Type / Part/
Full time / Products
Jose Padilla / White
Not Hispanic / M / Medicine / M.D. / MCH Director / BA/BS / Yes, stipend and tuition / $40,000 / Post Doc / Full time / 2 presentations
# and % by Column / White
# ___
% ___
# ___
% ___
Etc. / Female
# __
% __
# __
% __ / No totals needed here / # Supported __
% supported ______/ Total
# Stipends
$ Stipends
______/ Pre Doc
10 (33%)
Post Doc
20 (66%) / PT
15 (50%)
15 (50%) / Total Products linked
Table elements and sources
Most are self explanatory:
From the main record: Name, race, ethnicity, gender, academic degrees achieved.
From the selected year record: degree program, enrollment status (full/part), MCH support total
Discipline at Entry = Discipline (year record)
Position at Entry = Position Title at Admission (main record)
Student Type = Academic level (year record)
MCH Support? = if “MCH core grant funding” checked in year record, display “yes;” if figures inserted into the following fields in the year record, display as appropriate “stipend,” “tuition,” and/or “travel”
Products = display number and type of products (use terms manuscript, monograph, other) linked to the year record, display “presentations” listed on year record
Presentation = from year record; Manuscript = referred journal, non referred publication, book, book chapter; Monograph = Doctoral Dissertation/Masters Thesis
Other = Audi/Visual, Educational Modules, Periodicals, Public Awareness Material.
- Former Trainee InformationThis replaces “Maternal & Child Health Training Program, Former Trainees”
Note: The logic in this report requires use of the trainees’ “terminal year.”UCEDDs/LENDS—Centers to select current FY to get 1, 5, & 10 year using terminal year records
Note: Restricted to ADMIN level only
The definition of Former Trainee for reporting in EHB is “grant supported trainees at 5 years post graduation”; however MCH welcomes information on trainees at 1, 5, and 10 years post graduation.FORMER LONG TERM TRAINEES, Total Number ___#_
Name / Year Completed
Training Program / Degree(s) earned with MCH Support / Was the University Able to Contact the Trainee? Y/N / Current Position Title / Current Position Setting / City and State of Residence / Remained in MCH Field? Y/N
Table Element Source
Name trainee Main Record
Year Completed Training Program Year record (terminal year)
Degree earned Degree program (year record)
Was the university? Survey (submitted = yes)
Current Position Title What is your current job position/title.. (LEND/UCEDD Survey), leave blank for UCEDD only
Current Position Setting What is your current place of employment.. (LEND/UCEDD Survey), leave blank for UCEDD only
City/State Survey/Main Record
Remained? Are you currently working in… (Y/N) in the LEND/UCEDD and UCEDD only Survey
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