Name ______Date ______
Research Paper: Document Based Question (DBQ)
Category / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Essay / Student’s DBQ response was strong and full of relevant information. / Student’s DBQ response was good. Student was able to relate the document to the subject. / Student’s DBQ response was at times confusing. / Student’s DBQ response was weak and confusing.
Attention to the Document(s) / Student has a strong response to the document(s) and what the question was asking. Referred to the document(s) more than several times. / The student based his/her response to the document(s) and related it to what the question was asking. / The student paid attention to the document(s) but the DBQ response was off-topic. / The student did not refer to the document(s) at all.
Paragraph Construction / Student offers a five to seven sentence long paragraph and has one point per paragraph. / Student offers a five to seven sentence long paragraph but fails to separate different thoughts. / Student offers run-ons, fragments, and fails to separate ideas into coherent paragraphs. / Student offers short, 1 to 2 sentence paragraphs with little information present.
Usage / Student has an error free DBQ response. / Student has some minor errors but does not affect the content of the DBQ response. / Student has several errors that impede the coherency and quality of the DBQ response. / Student has many errors that make the response incoherent.
Amount of Information / Student provided an abundance of information and facts. / Student provided sufficient information that was relevant in the DBQ. / Student provided some relevant information to the DBQ. / The student providesinsufficient information related to the DBQ.
Organization / Student’s response was well-organized. There was clear path from the thesis statement to the conclusion. Organized the response with both a timeline and cause and effect relation. / Student’s response was well-organized. There was clear path from the thesis statement to the conclusion. Organized the response with a timeline or cause and effect relation. / Student’s response was organized somewhat. The information did not follow chronological events, cause/effect relations, or any other format. / Student’s response was jumbled. The student jumped from one thought to another within paragraphs.
Conclusion / Student concludes with a solid paragraph that sums up the response to all the information provided and refers to the document once again. / Student puts in a conclusion that sums up some the points but not the entire response. / Student wraps up the response with a conclusion but fails to separate it from the last point. / The student just finished the DBQ response in the middle of a thought.