/ Course / CS 6390
Professor / Jorge A. Cobb
Term / Summer 2016
Meetings / M and W 10:00am-12:15pm ECSN 2.120

Professor’s Contact Information

Office Phone / 972 883 2479
Office Location / ECSS 4.208
Email Address /
Office Hours / M and W 12:30pm-1:30pm
Other Information / Course materials available on elearning

TA’s Contact Information

Name / TBA
Office Location
Email Address
Office Hours

General Course Information

Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, & other restrictions / CS 4390 or equivalent
Course Description / (from the catalog) Survey of recent advancements in high-speed network technologies. Application of quantitative approach to the study of broadband integrated networks including admission control, access control, and quality of service guarantee. Prerequisite: CS 5390. (3-0) S
Learning Outcomes / By the end of the course, you should have in-depth knowledge of the following topics
Internet Interdomain Routing
Internet Multicast
Congestion Control
Quality of Service Scheduling
Mobile Routing
Peer-to-Peer systems
Network Programming
Required Texts & Materials / Computer Networks, by Peterson and Davie, latest edition (recommended, but not required).
Suggested Texts, Readings, & Materials / Other reading materials will be made available (soon) via elearning

Assignments & Academic Calendar

[Topics, Reading Assignments, Due Dates, Exam Dates]

The following is a list of topics to be covered during the semester (subject to change!)

·  Internet Architecture

·  Internetwork Routing (BGP)

·  Multicast Routing

·  Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)

·  Mobile Routing

·  TCP

·  Congestion Control

·  Quality of Service (IntServ and DiffServ)

·  Peer-to-peer networks

·  Other topics as time allows.

First homework and first exam will occur about 1/3 of the semester, similarly, the second homework and exam will occur after 2/3 of the semester

First exam covers up to DVMRP and OSPF in the Multicast notes (see elearning for a more detailed list of the topics)

Second exam covers up to Fair Queuing in the Congestion Control notes.

Exam dates will be announced 1 ½ weeks in advance.

Course Policies

Grading (credit) Criteria / Percentages: HW I and HW II, 10% each, Exam I and Exam II, 20 % each, Programming Project, 15%, Final Exam, 25%.
ALL WORK MUST BE INDIVIDUAL WORK. Cases of cheating will be forwarded to the Judicial Affairs office.
Make-up Exams / Only by consent of instructor under severe reasons.
Extra Credit / None
Late Work / Not allowed
Class Attendance / I do not check for class attendance, but given the difficulty of the topics it is obviously necessary.
Classroom Citizenship / Please participate and ask questions during class. It tends to slow down the pace and make the lectures more enjoyable.
Other Misc. Items / ·  Please bring your photo ID to each exam
·  NO RESTROOM BREAKS DURING EXAMS: I don’t take a restroom break, so neither do you!
·  Please in all your answers in your exams at least give a brief one or two sentence explanation of your answer. A “yes” or “no” answer is not allowed.
·  The final exam is given during the 3 hour slot indicated in the final exam schedule of the university. Please do not make travel reservations to leave town on a date earlier than this date.
UT Dallas Syllabus Policies and Procedures / The information contained in the following link constitutes the University’s policies and procedures segment of the course syllabus.
Please go to http://go.utdallas.edu/syllabus-policies for these policies.

These descriptions and timelines are subject to change at the discretion of the Professor.