Professor / Jorge A. Cobb
Term / Summer 2016
Meetings / M and W 10:00am-12:15pm ECSN 2.120
Professor’s Contact Information
Office Phone / 972 883 2479Office Location / ECSS 4.208
Email Address /
Office Hours / M and W 12:30pm-1:30pm
Other Information / Course materials available on elearning
TA’s Contact Information
Name / TBAOffice Location
Email Address
Office Hours
General Course Information
Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, & other restrictions / CS 4390 or equivalentCourse Description / (from the catalog) Survey of recent advancements in high-speed network technologies. Application of quantitative approach to the study of broadband integrated networks including admission control, access control, and quality of service guarantee. Prerequisite: CS 5390. (3-0) S
Learning Outcomes / By the end of the course, you should have in-depth knowledge of the following topics
Internet Interdomain Routing
Internet Multicast
Congestion Control
Quality of Service Scheduling
Mobile Routing
Peer-to-Peer systems
Network Programming
Required Texts & Materials / Computer Networks, by Peterson and Davie, latest edition (recommended, but not required).
Suggested Texts, Readings, & Materials / Other reading materials will be made available (soon) via elearning
Assignments & Academic Calendar
[Topics, Reading Assignments, Due Dates, Exam Dates]
The following is a list of topics to be covered during the semester (subject to change!)
· Internet Architecture
· Internetwork Routing (BGP)
· Multicast Routing
· Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)
· Mobile Routing
· Congestion Control
· Quality of Service (IntServ and DiffServ)
· Peer-to-peer networks
· Other topics as time allows.
First homework and first exam will occur about 1/3 of the semester, similarly, the second homework and exam will occur after 2/3 of the semester
First exam covers up to DVMRP and OSPF in the Multicast notes (see elearning for a more detailed list of the topics)
Second exam covers up to Fair Queuing in the Congestion Control notes.
Exam dates will be announced 1 ½ weeks in advance.
Course Policies
Grading (credit) Criteria / Percentages: HW I and HW II, 10% each, Exam I and Exam II, 20 % each, Programming Project, 15%, Final Exam, 25%.ALL WORK MUST BE INDIVIDUAL WORK. Cases of cheating will be forwarded to the Judicial Affairs office.
Make-up Exams / Only by consent of instructor under severe reasons.
Extra Credit / None
Late Work / Not allowed
Class Attendance / I do not check for class attendance, but given the difficulty of the topics it is obviously necessary.
Classroom Citizenship / Please participate and ask questions during class. It tends to slow down the pace and make the lectures more enjoyable.
Other Misc. Items / · Please bring your photo ID to each exam
· NO RESTROOM BREAKS DURING EXAMS: I don’t take a restroom break, so neither do you!
· Please in all your answers in your exams at least give a brief one or two sentence explanation of your answer. A “yes” or “no” answer is not allowed.
· The final exam is given during the 3 hour slot indicated in the final exam schedule of the university. Please do not make travel reservations to leave town on a date earlier than this date.
UT Dallas Syllabus Policies and Procedures / The information contained in the following link constitutes the University’s policies and procedures segment of the course syllabus.
Please go to for these policies.
These descriptions and timelines are subject to change at the discretion of the Professor.