Client: American Association of Blood Banks (AABB)

Please complete areas 1 through 6 of this form and send it as an attachment via email to .

1.  General Event Info


Event Date(s):

Start Time:


Anticipated attendance:

2.  Speaker Info

Please provide the speaker(s) information

Speaker name:

E-mail address:

Phone number:

Speaker name:

E-mail address:

Phone number:

Speaker name:

E-mail address:

Phone number:

3.  Event Services- standard event services include:

·  PowerPoint presentation to be viewed by participants (this is not screen sharing)

·  Questions via the web platform chat window

·  Phone dial-in for the presenters – participants my dial if they have technical difficulties streaming audio through their computer speakers

Please indicate which of the following services and/or web features you will utilize during the event. (Select all that apply.)

Web cam
Screen sharing- live display of presenters desktop
Video Clips – to be played in the presentation
Phone Q&A – for participants to ask questions directly to the presenters

Would you like this event recorded?

No, recording required

Yes, I would like a recording for an online archive.

Yes, I would like a recording for a CD-ROM.

Yes, I would like both an online archive and a CD-ROM recording.

Would you like to use additional log-in questions? Up to 5 questions (required or optional) can be added to the participant log-in process. This is a great way to collect demographic information from you participants. This data is directly linked back to the participant’s name and e-mail address rather than poll questions which are anonymous.

Yes No

Will you be using marquee slides? This is a deck of slides that will auto rotate during the 15 minutes prior to the live event when participants can log-in. The slide deck can include advertisements for upcoming events, sponsors information, and technical information.

Yes No

Do you require a transcript of this event? This service is a full verbatim document of the webinar audio (different than the chat report which is only the text submitted via the web platform). Note: Additional fees apply

Yes No

4.  In the space below, please provide any additional information you feel it is important for CommPartners to have in preparation for this event.

Type in this box and it will expand as you type.