Collinsville Cardinals
2013Summer Baseball Camp
What: This camp is designed to focus on the fundamentals of defensive and offensive play.
Infield/outfield play, hitting/bunting, and base-runningwill be strongly emphasized during this 4-day camp. Our goal is for your son to leave with a better understanding of the fundamentals required to be a successful baseball player. Indoor facilities are also available in case of poor weather. Those involved in the Varsity division camp will be involved in a more in depth training with the coaching staff.
Who: Ages 7 – 13
When: May 28 – 31 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
What to bring: glove, hat, cleats, tennis shoes, bat (optional), catchers gear (catchers only), water
Where: Pat Colpitt Baseball Field located at the high school campus
Cost: $75 per player(if you get 5 or more players from your team, you are eligible for the
team discount - $65 per player! Be sure to wear your team uniform and hat)
Coaches: Tony Reeder, Ryan Frame, Junior Blevins and CollinsvilleHigh School players and former players
How To Sign Up:
- Pick up a pre-registration form at Wilson Elementary, Herald Elementary, or CollinsvilleMiddleSchool. Fill out registration and mail in along with check.
- Arrive 15 minutes early Tuesday in order to sign up. Please have your payment
Contact Coach Reeder @ 918-698-3818 for more information.
Collinsville Cardinals Baseball Camp
Tuesday, May 28 – Friday, May 31
Pat Colpitt Baseball Field
CollinsvilleHigh School
Ages:7 – 13
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost: $75/player (this includes a campT-shirt) – mail check with this form
(make check payable to: Tony Reeder)
*team discount: $65/player if 5 or more come from your team IN UNIFORM! (please pay this during registration on the first day)
Camper Information: (PLEASE PRINT)
First and Last Name______
Home Address ______
Age ______Home Telephone #______
Emergency contact person ______
Emergency # ______
Camper’s T-shirt size (circle one) Youth Adult
PARENTS: Please read, sign and return to the address below.
I hereby give permission to allow my child to participate in the Cardinal Baseball Camp. I understand and recognize the possibility of physical injury associated with baseball that which may occur to my child during this camp. I waive any legal claim against camp instructors and those associated with these baseball activities in the event my child is injured while participating in these baseball activities.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date______
Cardinal Baseball Camp
ATTN: Tony Reeder
2400West Broadway
Collinsville, OK, 74021