An Informal Survey on Conducting Migration Profile Exercises
Dear GFMD Focal Points,
We would be grateful if you assist us in completing a short questionnaire about the impact of Migration Profiles/Extended Migration Profiles (MP/EMP). Through this survey we hope to learn more about the extent to which Migration Profiles have developed into a sustainable tool contributing to greater policy coherence and the mainstreaming of migration into development plans. The survey is being administered within the framework of the GFMD’s Platform for Partnerships (PfP) and in collaboration with IOM’s Research Division and ICMPD’s Research Department.
We would be grateful if you could identify relevant focal point(s) within your Government and kindly ask them to fill in the below questionnaire[1] based on the experiences of the MP exercise implemented in your country.
Please send the filled questionnaire to: the Platform for Partnerships at .Deadline: 29March 2013.
Many thanks in advance for your feedback!
GFMD Support Unit
Country:GFMD Focal Point:
Government MP/EMP focal point / Name
Implementing agency focal point / Name
Part I: Description MP/EMP
1. Year and duration / (year)
(# months)
2. Funding / 2. Which institution funded the MP exercise in your country?
National government
International agency (please specify )
Private fund
Other (pleasespecify )
3. Partner / 3. Was the MP developed in coordination with international partners?
Yes (please specify international partner )
4. Type / 4.1 Was the MP in your country a stand-alone exerciseor an activity within a larger programme?
A stand-alone exercise
An activity within a larger programme (please specify name and duration of the programme)
4.2 Comparing with the definition suggested by the GFMD PfP[2],does the MP exercise in your country qualify as an “Extended” Migration Profile?
No (please specify )
5. Consultation / Ownership / 5.1 Has the government been consulted regarding the MP exercise?
No(go to question 7)
5.2In which form has the government been consulted?
MP exercisewas requested by the Government
Government officials co-drafted the report
The government appointed a national focal point (please specify the governmental institution:)
The government established a Technical Working Group
Other (please specify )
6. Technical Working Group / 6.1. Was a Technical Working Group established during the MP exercise?
No(go to question 7)
6.2 Who participated in the work of the Technical Working Group? (multiple answers possible)
High-level representatives of governmental agencies
Technical level experts from governmental agencies
Non-governmental partners (please specify NGOs, academic community, independent experts, etc.: )
International organizations (please specify : )
Other (please specify: )
6.3 What were the tasks of the Technical Working Group?(multiple answers possible)
Providing data and information for the MP report
Reviewing the MP report
Endorsing the MP report
Co-implementing whole MP exercise
Identifying follow-up activities (please specify : )
Other (please specify: )
6.4 Is the Technical Working Group functioning after the completion of the MP exercise?
No(go to question 7)
6.5 What are the tasks of the Technical Working Group after the completion of the MP exercise?(multiple answers possible)
Serving as national coordination mechanisms on migration issues
Implementing follow-up activities (please specify which types of activities : )
Other (please specify: )
7. Capacity-Building / 7.1. Did the MP exercise include capacity-building activities?
No(go to question 8)
7.2 Which capacity-building activities accompanied the preparation of the MP report?(multiple answers possible)
Needs assessment and gap analysis in the area of migration data and statistics
Organising trainings (please specify number and type: )
Conducting ad-hoc thematic studies (please specify number and topic: )
Upgrade of IT (please specify: )
Other (please specify: )
8. MPreport / 8.1 Which template was usedfor the MP report?
Standard externaltemplate (please specifysource: )(go to question 8.3 )
Adapted externaltemplate (please specify source: and explain key modifications:)
Own specifically designed template (please specify year: )(go to question 8.3)
8.2 If a standard external template was modified, who initiated changes to the template:(multiple answers possible)
MP research team
A single governmental agency (please specify: )
A technical working group/inter-ministerial committee
Other (please specify: )
8.3 Which topics are covered by your MP report? (multiple answers possible)
Irregular migration
Internal migration
Return migration
Labour migration
Migrant health
Environmental migration
Policy framework
International cooperation
Migration impact analysis
National glossary/definitions
Overview of national data sources
Other (please specify )
8.4 Who was the author of the MP?
Local researcher/academic
Governmental official(s)
Overseas expert
Consortium of authors (please specify: )
Other (please specify: )
Part II: MP/EMP Evaluation
9. Use and Follow-up activities / Extremely dissatisfied
1 / 2 / 3 / Extremely
4 / Not applicable
Quality of MP Report
Capacity building activities:
- Data needs assessment
- Organising trainings
- Ad-hoc thematic studies
- Upgrade of IT
- Other ()
National agencies cooperation
Cooperation with international bodies
Other, please indicate:
9.1 According to your knowledge, how satisfied was your government with the outcomes in the following areas:
9.2 According to your knowledge, is the MP report being used in your country?
No(please specify why not: and go to question 9.4)
9.3. Who is using the MP report in your country? (multiple answers possible)
Government (please specify who exactly, which part of the report and for which purpose: )
Mass media (please specify which part of the report and for which purpose: )
Non-governmental organisations (please specify which parts and for which purpose: )
Other (please specify: )
9.4 According to your knowledge, how useful was theMP exercise for policy makers with regard to the following areas:
Notat all useful
1 / 2 / 3 / Extremely useful
4 / Not applicable
Obtain evidence required for policy development
Understand linkages between migration and development?
Promote data sharing in the country and revealed data gaps
Improve some other aspects of migration management in your country (e.g. border management, irregular migration counteraction)
Other, please indicate:
9.5 Are there any other benefits from the MP exercise not mentioned before?
Yes(please specify: )
9.6 According to your knowledge, are there concrete follow-up activities implemented or planned related to the MP exercise?
No(please specify why not: andgo to question 10)
9.7 What are the concrete follow-up activities implemented or planned related to the MP exercise?(multiple answers possible)
New inter-agency data sharing mechanisms established(please specify: )
Creation of national migration database (please specify: )
Changes in legislation and/or data collection procedures (such as changes meant to improve quality and comparability of national migration statistics etc.)(please specify: )
Regular production of a MP report established by national law/regulation
(please specify: )
Development of a national data strategy and/or action plan
(please specify: )
National law/regulation foresees MP recommendations to be included/considered in the national development strategy(please specify: )
MP report used as impact evaluation tool for the national migration, asylum or refugee programme(please specify: )
Other (please specify: )
10. Challenges / 10.1 According to your knowledge, what were the biggest challenges while implementing the MP exercise?(multiple answers possible)
Lack of reliable, up-to-date information
Difficulties in accessing existing data
Lack of coordination among agencies
Migration perceived as a sensitive issue
Lack of research capacity
Lack of funding
Difficulty to identify research team
Other (please specify: )
10.2 What are the biggest challenges in implementing follow-up activities? (multiple answers possible)
Lack of funding
Lack of political will
Lack of coordination among agencies
Migration perceived as a sensitive issue
No follow-up activities were implemented
Other (please specify: )
11. Lessons learned and good practices / 11.1 Please indicate three key lessons learned during the MP exercise in your country to keep in mind for future MP activities in your and other countries (please refer to the implementing process of the MP exercise in your country):
11.2 Please indicate three good practices from the MP exercise in your country which have proven to be particularly effective and could be replicated elsewhere (please refer to the outcomes of the MP exercise):
Thank you very much for your time and cooperation!
[1]This questionnaire may also be completed online. Please see
[2]An Extended MP exercise consists in 1) extending the range of themes discussed in the report (e.g. including also social and human development aspects and/or a migration impact analysis), 2) implementing complementary capacity building activities run in parallel with the development of a country report (e.g. conduct a data assessment, setting up an institutional framework, carry out specific thematic studies), and/or 3) preparing all MP activities in consultation with the government and a broad range of stakeholders including the civil society.