Işık University Exchange Programs Application Form
Outgoing Students
Please return the following documents to the EU Programs Office in person before the announced deadlines
(For deadlines please see announcements: http://eu.isikun.edu.tr)
Nilüfer ŞEN
EU Programs Office (AMF 427)
Işık University
Şile İstanbul
Tel: +90. 216. 528 70 28
Fax: +90. 216. 712 14 68
- Acompleted and signed application form with photograph
- Statement of Purpose (around 200 words)
- TOEFL score/Işık Proficiency Exam score for all applicants
(Please note that Işık University does not ask for a minimum TOEFL score unless the partner institutions ask for it!!!)
- Official Transcript
- Resume
- For universities where language of instruction is other than English (German, French, Spanish, and Italian), following need to be presented as well:
- A copy of the diploma or letter from the High School (if you are a graduate of a high school teaching in that language)
- Proof of advanced knowledge of the language taken from Language institutes like French Culture, Goethe Institute, Italian Culture, Cervantes Institute.
Please note the following when you are preparing your application:
- All study abroad programs are forthe time period stated in the Bilateral Agreements, for questions please contact your home institution. The term is usually for 1-2 semesters.
- Please get detailed information about the institutions of your choice by visiting the website of the institution.
- Please check the course schedules of the institutions that you are listing among your preferences and make sure that offered courses are fitting to your schedule. Contact relevant ERASMUS Faculty/Departmental Coordinators for any concerns you may have about your selections.
- Once you are nominated for an institution depending on your preferences and evaluation, you will not be able change it. So, list your preferences wisely.
- Nominated students will sign binding academic and financial documents. Students will be entitled to do this on time due to strict deadlines.
Name, Surname: ______
Student Number:
Date/ Place of Birth:
Faculty/ Department:
Academic Adviser:
Mailing Address:
Home Phone: ______GSM:______
Işık e-mail: ______Personal e-mail: ______
TOEFL Test Date and TOEFL Score:
IŞIK Proficiency Test Date and IŞIK Proficiency Score:
Do you have a scholarship (Işık or other):
Please write down your school preferences:
List extra-curricular activities that you have taken part in:
(within Işık and/or outside,you may indicate any performance in Sports, Music, Volunteer or Social Work, NGOs, Arts, Culture etc.)
Educational Background
Work Experience (including any voluntary work and internships)
Language Knowledge (basic, good, advanced)
Have you ever studied/ lived abroad?
Please answer the following:
- Will you/your family be able to financially support your semester abroad even if you get support from the National Agency?
Yes □No □
- Does your family agree with your decision to study abroad?
Yes □No □
- Do you agree to carry out the necessary procedures[1] in order to obtain a visa?
Yes □No □
- Do you agree that by accepting these commitments, if you are selected, you will assume the responsibilities of satisfying all financial and technical requirements, presenting your documents and obtaining a visa, meeting deadlines, and fulfilling all obligations set forth by the regulations of Işık University EU Programs Office responsible for carrying out exchange arrangements?
Yes □No □
I acknowledge that all statements on this application are complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Signature: ______
Date: ______
Please attach your transcript, resume, essay, photograph and TOEFL score to this form.
Thank you for your interest!
EU Programs Office 2011-2012
[1]This information is available on the web as well as the international office of the Host Universities.