The President shall:

(a)Chair each meeting of the Executive Council and any other meetings organised by the Centre.

(b)Be informed of all areas by the Secretary.

(c)May be called upon for whatever duties the Centre may require.

(d)In the case of a tied decision, shall have the casting vote.

(e)Attend all Zone monthly meetings and annual conference if able.

(f)Be available weekly for field set up and pack up.

(g)Be on rotating fortnightly roster with Vice-President for circular track.

(h)May be called upon for whatever duties the Centre may require.


The Vice-President shall:

(a)Act in all areas in the absence of the President.

(b)Attend all Zone monthly meetings and annual conference if able.

(c)Be available weekly for field set up and pack up.

(d)Be on rotating fortnightly roster with President for circular track.

(e)Assist in any Carnival Preparations and organising

(f)May be called upon for whatever duties the Centre may require.


The Secretary shall:

(a)Take detailed minutes of the business from all Executive Council and Centre Meetings and distribute copies to all Executive Council Members and compile all agendas for meetings with the assistance from the Executive Council

(b)Attend all Zone monthly meetings and annual conference.

(c)Assist all members of the Executive Council where required.

(d)Keep on file, all correspondence received and a copy of all correspondence forwarded on behalf of the Centre by each member of the Executive Council.

(e)Forward notices of Executive Council meetings to members at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting.

(f)Keep on file, all material that may assist the organisation of Little Athletics.

(g)File all results of Little Athletics competitions conducted by the Centre.

(h)Act on behalf of the Centre as directed by the Executive Council.

(i)Be responsible for all Keys.

(j)Take all field bookings for School Athletics Carnivals during the off season.

(k)Answer both email and phone enquiries about the Centre.

(l)Collect all mail from PO Box.

(m)May be called upon for whatever duties the Centre may require.


The Treasurer shall:

(a)Keep a detailed ledger of all receipts and payments transacted for the Centre.

(b)Provide a weekly float to the canteen during weekend competition and be present at the end to double check the monetary takings for the day for the club

(c)Issue receipts for all monies received for banking from the Secretary; Registrar; Canteen; Championships; Social; Financial Affairs etc, and arrange for those members to issue receipts for all monies they receive.

(d)Present at each meeting of the Executive Council, a full summary of receipts and expenses for ratification by the Executive Council.

(e)Present to each Executive Council meeting, accounts received by the Centre since the previous meeting to be passed for payment.

(f)Pay on invoice only, all accounts passed by the Executive Council for payment, such payments to be made by cheque only.

(g)Arrange for the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer to act as signees, with any two to sign on all Centre cheques, (except where two may be members of the same household.)

(h)Collect all competition and miscellaneous fees owing to the Centre by affiliated members and bank within forty-eight (48) hours or arrange with the Secretary to bank if commitments are such.

(i)Plan and implement all financial arrangements for Championships, Special Meetings and any other promotions organised by the Centre.

(j)Present to the Annual General Meeting a detailed budget of Receipts and Expenditure for the twelve (12) months commencing 1st April and ending 31st March the following year. Such budget to include methods of raising finance.

(k)All Account Books including Petty Cash Book should be audited by a Chartered Accountant prior to the Annual Meeting.

(l)Investigate all insurance policies required for the Centre and Equipment.

(m)Establish an account or accounts with a suitable bank.

(n)May be called upon for whatever duties the Centre may require.


The Registrar shall:

(a)Obtain and distribute Registration Cards to former and prospective members, for completion in accordance with the Centre rules.

(b)Receive each correctly completed registration card accompanied by the fee set down by the Executive Council and proof of age of all new members joining.

(c)Distribute Centre Registration and Age Numbers and Record Book to each child as Registered.

(d)Forward all Registrations, together with the appropriate fee to the Little Athletics Association of New South Wales Inc. The first to be forwarded ONE MONTH after the first registration day then monthly thereafter. No prior passing of Association Fee is required.

(e)Keep a complete Register of each member, (junior and non-voting), showing Registration Number, Name, Age Group, Date of Birth. Proof of Age plus Re or New or Transfer registration.

(f)File all Centre copies of Registration Cards in order of Age Group, Boys than Girls and alphabetical order. Forward Association Copy in same order. Give Club copy to Secretary.

(g)Forward only the yellow and Green Copies to Association keep pink copy on file with Secretary. On return from Association, file copy.

(h)May be called upon for whatever duties the Centre may require.


The Officer for Championships and Special Meetings shall plan and implement:

(a)The fixtures, programs and timetables for all Centre Championships and Special Meetings conducted by the Centre.

(b)The preparation of entry forms for Centre Championship events.

(c)The collating of entries for Centre Championships and Special Meetings and the organisation of printed programs.

(d)The purchase of trophies with the assistance of the Secretary and one other member of the Executive Council.

(e)The presentations of Centre Championships and Special Meetings.

(f)Convene a special meeting as soon as possible after the Centre Championships and/or end of season competition with Age Managers and Executive Council to determine awards to be made at the Annual General Meeting.

(g)With the assistance of all Age Managers, select the athletes on performance and reliability for representative carnivals such as Relays and Zone Championships.

(h)Order Regional Representative shirts and State Jackets for athletes to present to them on day of competition

(i)May be called upon for whatever duties the Centre may require.


The Officer for Organisation of Officials shall plan and implement:

(a)The organisation of officials to conduct weekly competition, Centre Championships and Special Meetings conducted by the Centre.

(b)Check that Officials are carrying out their position in the best manner to assist the athletes and not slow down the program.

(c)Report to the Executive Council on the availability and standard of officials and submit a list of officials present for Centre Championships.

(d)The organisation of officials for attendance at Zone, Region and State Championships behalf of the Centre.

(e)May be called upon for whatever duties the Centre may require.


The Officer for Records and Rankings shall plan and execute:

(a)The establishment of a suitable method of arriving at record performances.

(b)The investigation and recording of all records created in only Centre competition in a suitable records book.

(c)The organisation of the ranking of athletes for competition.

(d)The preparation of the details of records for publicity purposes including the Annual Report.

(e)The preparation of Ranking lists at the completion of the season for the Annual Report.

(f)Notification of Records and Ranking to any authoritative Little Athletics body from time to time.

(g)May be called upon for whatever duties the Centre may require.


The officer shall plan and implement:

(a)The maximum local press coverage of Centre activities and results and arrange through local business displays.

(b)Prepare and distribute a Centre Newsletter at least fortnightly to all competitors and officials, highlighting past and future events and acknowledge sponsors.

(c)Keep sponsors informed where possible.

(d)Submit a report to the Annual General Meeting.

(e)Maintain and update Website and forms of social media

(f)May be called upon for whatever duties the Centre may require.


The officer shall plan and implement:

(a)Coaching seminars for the education of coaches and athletes.

(b)An examination system for coaches, officials and administrators.

(c)A coordinated panel of coaches to organise the coaching of selected squads of athletes

(d)The selection of athletes for coaching squads.

(e)The coaching of Centre teams for representing carnivals.

(f)May be called upon for whatever duties the Centre may require.


The Officer shall plan and implement:

(a)The layout of the Track and Field for all competition held at the Centre.

(b)Recommend the purchase and or repair of all equipment.

(c)Ensure all equipment is properly maintained and keep inventory of the same.

(d)Give a list of equipment to the Secretary for insurance purposes when required.

(e)Submit a report for the Annual General Meeting.

(f)May be called upon for whatever duties the Centre may require.


The Officer for the Canteen shall plan and implement:

(a)The management of all activities in the Canteen whenever competition is held at the Centre.

(b)Be responsible for all ordering of stock within the Canteen, with financial arrangements as decided upon by the Executive Council.

(c)Arrange a Cash Float for the weekly running of the Canteen.

(d)Arrange for suitable help and replacement in his/her absence.

(e)Present a menu and price list for ratification by the Executive Council.

(f)Count proceeds nightly with the Treasurer (or Secretary) and receive a receipt for it.

(g)Keep a clear record of all orders and takings, with a profit and loss account and present a report at each Executive Council meeting.

(h)Present a report at the Annual General Meeting.

(i)May be called upon for whatever duties the Centre may require.


The role of the Officer for Uniforms shall plan and implement:

(a)To manage the purchase, sale and distribution of the centre uniform to Athletes

(b)The uniform officer is required to ensure the centre uniform conforms to the required specifications of the Association and arranges for Association approval of any uniform changes


The Officer for Sponsorship and Fundraising shall plan and implement:

(a) The responsibility of the Sponsorship /Fundraising Officer is to generate funds for the centre to allow increased programs, equipment, programs etc whilst keeping registration fees at an affordable level.

(g)Specifically the Sponsorship /Fundraising Officer obtains sponsorship for the centre and ensures that the rights for both local and Association sponsors are protected and actively promoted by and within the centre

(h)The Sponsorship and Fundraising Officer is also responsible for planning and arranging various functions and activities throughout the season aimed at generating additional revenue