Computer Lit Scavenger Hunt
Directions: Use the Internet to answer the following questions. Answers may be on the World Wide Web or the school's web site. When completed, save as – treasure.doc
1. What is the mascot of Darrington High School in Darrington, Washington?
2. Where did Mr. Chrostek go to high school?
3. Match the flags with their state/nation. Bhutan Indiana France
a. / / ans.b. / / ans.
c. / / ans.
4. On the Periodic Chart, what is the abbreviation for lead?
5. Who was the Vice President under Teddy Roosevelt?
6. Name three ingredients in Apple Brown Betty.
7. John and Marianna Ekelund live in Claremont, California. What is their phone number?
8. How many Goodwill stores are located in Maine?
9. What is the name of the mayor of Milwaukee, Wisconsin?
10. How old is the Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britian?
11. How does Spruce Street in Cherokee, Iowa run (Pick one)
12. What part of a duckbilled platypus is poisonous?
13. How do you say "I think your luggage is on fire." in German?
14. Who wrote the song God Bless America?
15. When does Walt Disney World in Florida open today?
16. What city is west of Duarte, California?
17. List two famous quotations from Mark Twain.
18. Maria Callas was a famous what?
19. How many liters in a dry imperial gallon?
20. If you are on the Pacific side of the Panama Canal, what direction must you travel to get to the Atlantic Ocean? (Don’t guess or assume you know the answer, look it up.)
21. Which of the following Greek columns is the most ornate or decorative (fancy)? (Pick one)
22. Name three of the stars of the movie Big Fish?
23. What color are the flowers on a waratah?
24. Who is the current Governor of the State of Georgia?
25. What is an astragal?
26. What was the real name of Johnny Appleseed?
27. What is the next show to open at Albany Civic Theater in Albany, Oregon?
28. What bird was associated with the Greek goddess Athena?
29. The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought on what famous hill? (Don’t assume it’s the obvious answer, look it up.)
30. How many men are depicted in statue atop the Iwo Jima Memorial in Washington D. C.? (Pick the correct number)
31. How old was Alexander the Great when he died?
32. What is the scientific name for the state flower of Rhode Island?
33. How many sides on a dodecahedron?
34. What is the real name of the painting popularly know as Whistler's Mother?