CHEM 2370.002 Dr. Sushama A. Dandekar Fall 2017

LECTURE: M, W, F 9:00 - 9:50 a.m. (LIFE A117)

Recitation: M 2:00 - 2:50 p.m. (SAGE 116)

OFFICE: Chemistry, Room 307D

PHONE: (940) 369-7090 or (940) 565-2713 (Chemistry Dept. Office)


OFFICE HOURS: M, W 10:00 – 10:50 a.m.

(Other times may be available by appointment)

TEXTBOOK: Required: 1. “Organic Chemistry”, 12th Ed., by Solomons/Fryhle (Wiley)

2.An account with “Sapling Learning”: (Online Homework System: Graded Homework)

Optional: 1. Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry,

12th ed., Solomons/Fryhle (Wiley):

2. A molecular models kit for organic chemistry

(both optional materials are highly recommended)


The course will cover topics presented in Ch. 1-11. Developed as a Next-Gen course, it is designed to enhance student learning by fostering greater student participation in the learning process. Teaching and assessment methods make extensive use of online materials, and interactive learning tools are an integral part of this approach.

There are many interactive components, including online exercises, games, assignments and quizzes. Several peer-led video tutorials, created at UNT, guide you through problem-solving strategies covering a range of topics: these should be helpful as you work through homework assignments. These materials, along with several other kinds of helpful information, are placed on the UNT Blackboard Learn site, and you will need to become familiar with navigating this site. The diligent use of these materials is expected to enhance your understanding of the complexities of organic chemistry. Some of the assessment is online; several assignments and all the exams (mid-term and final) will be given in-class.

Each student will also complete a term project, titled “Adopt-A-Molecule”: this project will be completed in about 7-8 weeks. This assignment is designed to encourage you to actively explore the fascinating ways in which you are likely to encounter organic chemistry in the world around you. Additionally, the discovery process is expected to help you develop your independent learning skills in many ways. Further details about this project are described in a separate document placed on Blackboard. Molecule assignments, generated by random distribution, will be available at the beginning of the 2nd week of classes.


The Chemistry Department believes in reasonably accommodating individuals with disabilities and complies with the university policy established under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) to provide for equal access and opportunity. Please communicate with me as to your specific needs so that appropriate arrangements can be made through the department and/or the office of Disability Accommodation (ODA, Sage Hall Suite 167, 565-4323).


Regular attendance at lectures and recitation is required and expected. However, if you are unable to attend due to reasons beyond your control, you must inform me as soon as possible. If you are absent from three or more classes without an excuse, you may be dropped from the class (however, do not assume that I will do so!). You MUST contact me as soon as possible after a missed class.

Regardless of what your past college experience might suggest, for this course, attendance during the recitation period is NOT optional. You will be doing yourself great disservice if you do not attend recitation- this is the time when we develop complex problem-solving strategies, often through small group activities/assignments, most of which aregraded, that will enable you to master the material presented during lecture.

We will also be using the REEF Polling program extensively, for participation in class discussion as well as for graded work – which necessitates your presence in class.

Not surprisingly, there is a strong correlation between regular attendance and excellent performance in this course.


Several useful resources are available online, mostly through the UNT Blackboard Learn site. All class-related materials will be placed in Course Contentarea, in appropriately marked folders. There are several folders, and in order to become familiar with its layout, you must scrutinize this page closely, so that you can quickly find whatever you need.

TheClass-Notes folderhaslecture notes, objectives and various supplemental materials to support you in your study. I would strongly recommend that you printthe lecture notes and supplemental materials, and bring them to class, so that you can better focus on understanding the material during classroom discussion. The objectives include a checklist of problem-solving skills to help provide structure to your study, highlighting the concepts that are crucial for mastering the material covered in class.

TheReview Materials folderhasold exams: these provide sample questions to help you prepare for exams.

Similarly, the Molecular Model Kit and the Solutions Manual are invaluable tools to help you master the course content. The end-of-chapter questions in your textbook will challenge you in myriad ways and if you’re stumped, the solutions manual can be quite a savior!

A software program called Spartan can be accessed through the computers in the CCIL lab in the Chemistry Building: you can use this program to explore various structural aspects of molecules, including such properties as bond angles, dihedral angles, interatomic distances, etc., all of which have a bearing on a variety of physical and chemical properties. A tutorial for using this program is placed on Blackboard, in the Tools folder.

As mentioned earlier, several learning materials have been created for this course and will be accessible through Blackboard. These include a variety of video tutorials,interactive games and practice problems. A new learning tool called Molecular Profiles consists of detailed profiles of selected compounds: these profiles can be explored through the interactive PowerPoint presentations, and should help you learn and review a variety of topics from both semesters. In addition, some features of these profiles have been designed to help you build multiple cross-connections between various topics and concepts you learn during the two semesters of organic chemistry – recognition of these connections are critical for success in this course.

Additional support (free of charge!) is available through the Chemistry Resource Center (CRC), typically staffed by graduate students.

I strongly urge you to make extensive use of the ALL the resources available to you throughout the semester.


I have developed a Study Group program, where small groups of students meet with a peer-leader for 1 hour/week outside of class, providing you additional support. The peer-leaders are former students who have excelled in this course and volunteer their time to participate in this program - I separately meet with them every week, so they are aware of what is currently being discussed in class, and of course, they are very much interested in helping you succeed. Over the years, my students have found that these study group sessions have played a key role in their learning: they provide you with regular opportunities to engage in discussing course material, not only with classmates, but also with those who have recently completed the course and can guide you in numerous ways.

Since you will be placed in a group that works with your school/work/life schedule, you must be able to provide me with several time windows that work for you. You can provide me with this information on the sign-up sheet that will be circulated in class. Group assignments/schedules will be placed on Blackboard by the end of the first week of classes. Study groups will begin to meet on Tuesday, Sept 5th, at the scheduled time. Since Monday,Sept 4th is a holiday, those of you who are placed in a Monday group may attend a different group for the first week.

Meeting your group leader:You will meet with your group leader in the atrium area near my office: 3rd floor, Chemistry building.

I have no doubt that making a sincere commitment to diligently participate in this program will serve you well.


Several assignments will be given, both in-class and as homework, typically related to the topic under discussion in lecture. Several will involve small-group activities, intended to improve your understanding of various organic chemistry concepts: collaborative learning projects provide opportunities for promoting a variety of skills, including clear communication and exchange of ideas through discussion with peers.

Quizzes, which may be given online or during lecture / recitation periods, are intended to help you keep abreast of material covered in class.

We will also be using a graded online homework system called “Sapling Learning” to assist you in mastering course content. At the beginning of the semester, you will be required to create an account with “Sapling Learning”, an online homework (graded) service. Instructions for creating your account are detailed in a separate document placed on Blackboard. There is a time window, several days long, for each assignment – you must complete each assignment during this time – grades lower than 70% for any assignment will count as a ZERO! Sapling Homework is worth 10% of your overall semester grade. There is strong evidence indicating that students who make regular and diligent use of online homework can achieve high success rates, and in the past few years, Sapling Learning has earned a well-deserved reputation for promoting excellence.

Together, the assignments and quizzes are worth20% of your semester grade. Since there will be no make-up for in-class assignments/quizzes, it is imperative that you attend class regularly.


You are responsible for learning and understanding the material covered in the course (whether or not you attend class). You are also responsible for reading the textbook and solving the end-of-chapter problems (many of the questions on exams will be similar to these) in your text. Some questions may also pertain to material in the text that was not discussed explicitly in class, because it is considered to be assigned reading.

Two unit exams will be given during the semester. Since each exam covers several chapters, it is very important for you to develop effective study strategies: how to stay abreast with newer material, without forgetting older material. This is not quite as difficult as you might imagine, because the newer material often requires application of concepts developed earlier, which helps to solidify your knowledge of these concepts. Also, since the exams are spaced about 5 weeks apart, you have sufficient time to fully assimilate what you have learned during this time. Of course, all of this can happen only if you are diligent: you MUSTstudy for this course EVERY DAY!!

Typically, the unit exams will be given during the lecture period. The lower of the two exam scores will be worth 15% of your semester grade, while the higher score will be worth 20% of your semester grade.

Mid-Term Exam Dates:Exam 1: Wednesday, October 11th

(Tentative)Exam 2: Wednesday, November 15th

Final Exam: Date/Time: As per UNT final exam schedule


The Final Exam is comprehensive, covering material from the entire semester. It is worth 30% of your semester grade,so do not become complacent, even if you have done very well throughout the semester!!

A strong performance on the final exam is indicative, not only of your thorough understanding of the subject matter, but also, of your strong work ethic and determined pursuit of excellence. In addition, this will pave the way for you to excel during the second semester of the organic chemistry sequence

Continue to study diligently, right till the end!


Your semester grade will be determined as follows:

Unit Exams: 35 % of final grade

Assignments/Quizzes:20 % of final grade

Term Project: 15% of final grade

Final Exam: 30 % of final grade

A grading curve may be used, at my discretion, to achieve a fair distribution of grades. Final Grades will be determined from your cumulative % in the following way:

90-100 % A

80-89 % B

70-79 % C

55-69 % D

I am looking forward to a wonderful and rewarding semester with you!! ☺

Tentative Schedule

Week / Week of: / Topic / Notes
1 / Aug 28 / Introduction to the course
Ch 1: The Basics / Create account: with Sapling Learning:
Homework:Sapling Ch 1
Create account:REEF polling program
Review: important Gen-Chem concepts:
  • See Fundamental Concepts folder
  • Hybridization
  • Isomers
  • Resonance, etc.
Sign-Up: for Study Groupplacement by indicating your available time slots
2 / Sept 4 / Ch 2: Functional groups, IR Spectroscopy / Sept 4th: Labor Day Holiday- no classes
Homework: Sapling Ch 2
“Adopt-A-Molecule” Project (AAM):
  • Molecule assignments available
  • Molecular Profiles
  • Video Tutorials
Review: Gen-Chem concepts:
  • Polarity, molecular geometry, etc.
Go through: Video tutorials on
  • Molecular Models
  • Isomers and
  • IR spectroscopy
Play:Functional Group Game
Take Online Quiz: on Blackboard
  • HW Qz1: Fundamental Concepts
  • Access through Assessments tab –
  • Sept 8(6 am) – Sept 11(11 pm completion)
Study Groups: Weekly meetings begin -
  • Check the schedule on Blackboard
  • Meet your group-leader in the Chemistry Bldg, in the atrium area on the 3rd floor, near my office

3 / Sept 11 / Ch 3: Intro to Organic Reactions, Acids & Bases / Homework: Sapling Ch 3
“Adopt-A-Molecule” Project (AAM)Begins:
  • Week 1 Tasks: due in your private AAM Journal on BB on Friday Sept15: 8 pm
  • Print hard copy to submit in class on following Monday, Sept 18th
Go through:
  • Video tutorials:
  • Acid-Base Reactions
  • Practice worksheet
  • Ch. 3 Supplemental Materials folder

4 / Sept 18 / Ch 4: Alkanes, Cycloalkanes / Homework: Sapling Ch 4
Week 1 Tasks : Submit hard copy, 9 am, (Monday lecture)
Week 2 Tasks:due on Friday 8 pm
Play:Nomenclature Game
Go through: Video tutorials on Newman projections (and energy diagrams) and Molecular Models of cycloalkanes
Take Online Quiz: Blackboard
  • HW Qz 2: Acid-Base Concepts
  • Access through Assessments tab –
Sept 19(6 am) – Sept 22(11 pm completion)
5 / Sept 25 / Ch 4: contd.
Ch 5: Stereochemistry / Homework: Sapling Ch 5
AAM: Week 3 Tasks due on Friday
Play: R/S Nomenclature Game
6 / Oct 2 / Ch 5: contd. / Homework: Sapling Ch 5
AAM:Week 4 Tasks due on Friday
Take Online Quiz: Blackboard
  • HW Qz 3: IUPAC Nomenclature
  • Access through Assessments tab –
Oct 2(6 am) – Oct 4(11 pm completion)
Exam Review:
  • Work through: Challenge Problems (Solomons)
  • Work through: Review Materials for Exam 1

7 / Oct 9 / Ch 6: Ionic reactions: SN/E Reactions of RX / Exam Review:
  • Jeopardy Game1 (during Recitation period on Monday, Oct 9)
Exam 1: Wednesday, 11th
Homework: Sapling Ch 6
AAM: Contact group members online to begin work to create Molecule Profile
8 / Oct 16 / Ch 6: contd.
Ch 7: Alkenes & Alkynes: Synthesis / Homework:Sapling Ch 7
AAM:Meet your group members in class during recitation and
-Continue Group work
Go through: Video tutorial on
  • SN/E reactions

9 / Oct 23 / Ch 7: contd.
Ch 8: Alkenes & Alkynes: Reactions / Homework: Sapling Ch 8
AAM: Final Molecule Profile
  • Due Oct 27, 8 pm
  • ALSO: Upload into appropriate thread under the Discussions tab on BB

10 / Oct 30 / Ch 8: contd. / Homework: Sapling Ch 8
AAM: Scrutinize Molecule Profiles posted in Discussions
  • Find answers to Quiz questions posted in AAM folder (Course Content area)
  • Prepare an “Answers” spreadsheet

11 / Nov 6 / Ch 9: NMR Spectroscopy / Homework: Sapling Ch 9
AAM: Scrutinize Molecule Profiles
  • Find answers to Quiz questions posted in AAM folder
Go through: Video tutorials on
1H NMR & 13C NMR (iTunesU)
12 / Nov 13 / Ch 9: contd.
Ch 10: Radical Reactions / Homework: Sapling Ch 10
Exam Review:
  • Jeopardy game 2 (Recitation period)
Exam 2: Wednesday, Nov 15th
AAM: TakeOnline Quiz: on Blackboard
  • Access through Assessments tab –
Nov 17(6 am) – Nov 20(11 pm completion)
Final Exam Review:
  • Do Challenge Problems (Solomons)

13 / Nov 20 / Ch 10: contd.
Ch 11: Alcohols & Ethers / Thanksgiving Break
  • Eat, Rest! 
  • Study for Finals
Homework: Sapling Ch 11
14 / Nov 27 / Ch 11: contd. / Homework: Sapling Ch 11
Study for Final:
  • Do: Old Sapling problems
  • Do: Challenge Problems
  • Do: Extra-Practice Problems
  • Do: “Explore Further” questions from Molecular Profiles

15 / Dec 4 / Review / Study for Final:
  • Do: Old Sapling problems
  • Do: Challenge Problems
  • Do: Extra-Practice Problems
  • Do: “Explore Further” questions from Molecular Profiles

16 / Dec 11 / Final Exams / Final Exam: Per UNT schedule