(Subject to change)
This information is provided only as a convenience for your advance preparation to apply for a BTF grant using the online application system after November 15, 2013. Please note that this information may not be all inclusive and is subject to change.
Your answers to the following questions will determine if you can proceed to the application process:
· Is your organization a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit in the U.S., tax-exempt municipality, public school or Indian Tribe based in the U.S., or a registered non-profit or non-governmental agency based outside the U.S.? Note: Individuals are not eligible to apply.
· Does your organization provide baseball and/or softball programs or facilities for players 18 years old or under?
· Does your organization serve low-income communities and families and offer “scholarships” (i.e. free or reduced player participation fees) to low-income players?
· Does your organization actively encourage participation by minorities, girls, “at-risk” and under-served youth to play baseball or softball?
· Is your organization planning to request funding for capital expenditures for youth baseball and softball programs including, but not limited to, baseball/softball equipment and uniforms, basic baseball/softball field renovations and construction (e.g. infield mix, sod/seeding, bases, dugouts, fencing, field lighting, irrigation system, grading, etc.) or coaches training materials?
· Is your organization planning to request funding for incremental programming and facilities for youth baseball and softball programs AND NOT FOR annual operating expenses (i.e. salaries, field rental, umpire fees, insurance, administrative expenses, membership dues, advertising and promotional expenses, on-going field maintenance expenses, bank charges or audit expenses, etc.), as a substitute for existing funding or fundraising activities, other third party overhead costs, the purchase of land, loan payments, work previously completed, multi-purpose fields, parking lots, concession stands, grandstands or stadiums, restrooms, scholarships, travel expenses, hotel accommodations, food or tournament fees?
· Does your organization have a written plan for the use of grant funds and supporting documentation including written cost estimates?
· Has your organization secured at least 50% of the total cost of the proposed project (in cash and/or in-kind funding) or anticipate securing this funding by the BTF grant decision?
In addition to contact information, EIN, etc., the following information will be requested in the BTF Online Application. This information is provided for your planning purposes only.
Max. characters w/ spacesDescribe your organization’s history and mission related to youth baseball and softball. / 1,000
Describe your organization’s previous experience and capacity, such as staff and dollar resources, to manage and report the use of grant funds and complete projects. / 1,000
Describe your organization's efforts to promote and market the program to attract additional players, introduce new players to the game and provide opportunities for girls and minorities. /
Describe your organization’s active partnerships related to youth baseball and softball. / 1,000
Describe your organization’s scholarship policy for low-income players. Include the method of promotion of the availability of scholarships, the requirements for scholarship eligibility and the average number of scholarships provided each year. / 500
Describe your organization’s efforts to provide effective coaches training within your organization and/or to other organizations. / 500
What is the primary goal of your organization related to player participation and programming over the next 2-5 years (please be specific)? / 1,000
What is the primary goal of your organization related to fields and facilities over the next 2-5 years (please be specific)? / 1,000
What is the primary goal of your organization related to operations (i.e. staffing, fundraising, promotion, administration, etc.) over the next 2-5 years (please be specific)? / 1,000
What are the three most pressing needs of your organization at this time to meet your goals and explain how the proposed project addresses those needs (please be specific.) / 1,000
Describe the proposed project and the current state of development, including the progress made towards implementation of the project. For all field construction, renovation, field lighting and indoor facility requests, provide information regarding the status of the land acquisition, land ownership, permitting process, community approval and construction design. Please be specific. / 1,000
Describe your organization’s efforts to reduce the environmental impact of the proposed project and/or program. / 500
Average Player Participation Fee
Under $20
Over $200
Average number of children served by your baseball/softball program or facilities annually
Under 50
Over 1,000
Number of full-time staff employed by your organization
Over 5
Number of part-time staff employed by your organization
Over 5
Number of volunteers utilized by your organization
Over 50
Your organization’s annual field/facility maintenance budget
Less than $5,000
More than $20,000
Number of youth baseball/softball fields maintained by your organization
More than 10
% of girls served by the proposed project
Less than 20%
% of minorities served by the proposed project
Less than 20%
Age range of the children served by the proposed project (Check one.)
12 and under
18 and under
Average number of children served by or to benefit from the proposed project
Under 50
Over 1,000
Projected growth in participation upon completion of the proposed project
Attach the ALL of the following documents must be attached to the back of the application. Do not omit any of the required documentation. All documentation must be in English and specify US Dollars.
· IRS Determination Letter confirming the 501(c)(3) non-profit status of the applicant organization. Organizations outside the U.S. must attach written confirmation of non-profit or tax-exempt status from the appropriate governmental agency.
· Annual operating budget for non-baseball/softball organizations (i.e. municipalities, foundations, youth service agencies, schools, etc.) Attach one-page statement of revenue sources and expenses.
· Annual operating budget for baseball and/or softball organizations. Non-baseball/softball organizations may use this form for program budget if different or separate from the applicant organization’s annual operating budget.
· Budget Summary of secured and outstanding matching funds.
· Detailed Project Budget for the proposed project.
· Detailed Project Budget Narrative for all Field Construction, Renovation and Field Lighting Requests.
· Project Timeline for the proposed project.
· Written cost estimates from vendors, retailers, etc. for requested budget items. Cost estimates must be on vendor invoice/letterhead and include a date, vendor contact information, quantities and product specifications.
· Letter of support from a current sponsor or major donor to your organization and the proposed project.
· Letter of support from a partner organization that is involved with your organization and is affected by or will benefit from the proposed project.
· Board of Directors - list of the names, professional affiliation and daytime phone numbers of all members of the applicant organization's Board of Directors.
For all Field Construction, Renovation, Field Lighting and Indoor Facility Requests
In addition to the required items listed above, ALL of the following documents must be attached to the application. Do not omit any of the required documentation. All documentation must be in English.
· Current color photos (2-3 each) of the available facilities, proposed field(s) for renovation and/or construction site.
· Construction design plans (letter-size only) denoting field dimensions and specifications.
· Field/Facility maintenance plan including annual budget and schedule of work.