Heather Nohrenberg
Advanced English I
Course Description:
Advanced English I focuses in the areas of composition, literature, grammar and usage. Each student will create a portfolio consisting of a persuasive essay, process essay, analysis essay, research project and other various class writings. We will study Animal Farm, A Long Way Gone, Romeo and Juliet, and various short selections of both fiction and non-fiction.
Students will be required to do the following:
- Be in assigned seats and quiet when the bell rings. Failure to meet that requirement will result in a tardy.
- Cover all books. This is to include textbooks as well as paperbacks.
- Have a single subject notebook for class notes and journaling. These are collected randomly throughout the year.
- Bring required materials to class, including paper and writing utensils.
- Bring an independent reading book to class every day.
- Complete one novel independently each quarter. These novels will be both student and teacher selected.
- Read assigned readings.
- Participate in class discussions.
- Ask questions.
- Complete projects based on literary selections.
- Write assigned essays.
- Do in-class exercises, quizzes, and other activities.
- Maintain regular, punctual attendance.
- Follow classroom rule.
- Follow school implemented policies.
Classroom Rule:
Students are expected to respect their peers, teacher, and self.
Course grades are determined by the percentage earned of the total points possible.
Check Google Classroom for assignments. When students are absent it is their job to communicate with the teacher about missing assignments. If an absence is planned, then tests and assignments should be completed before the absence. Students must turn in and get assignments prior to leaving early for a school related event. For illness related absences, students will receive the number of days missed to complete missing work. This does not count the day he or she returned to school. Long- term assignments will not get extended due dates for short absences. Tests will also be given as soon as possible. Tests not taken with the class will be given during a study hall, before or after school and be of a different format than the class.
Late Work:
It is the responsibility of the student to hand in assignments on time. Excuses will not be accepted. Any late assignment will receive the equivalent of a grade reduction per day late including weekends and no school days.
Academic Integrity:
Please refer to the student handbook academic integrity policy. Any student caught cheating will receive a zero for that assignment. Depending on the severity, credit for the course may be lost.