NFO Program
The Office of the Associate Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) and the rest of Teaching and Learning Services (the Educational Development Centre, Carleton University OnLine, and Instructional Media Services) are delighted to welcome you to New Faculty Orientation 2018. We hope that you will meet some great new people and learn important things about teaching and learning at Carleton. We also hope you feel encouraged to contact us (, ext. 4433) or visit us (4thfloor Dunton Tower) if you have any questions about teaching at Carleton generally and/or questions about the specific courses you are teaching.
Schedule at a Glance
Date / Time / Event / LocationWednesday,
August 15th / 8:30am-4:00pm / Orientation Day 1 / Dunton Tower, Room 2017
August 16th / 8:30am-11:00am
3:00pm-5:00pm / Orientation Day 2
Social / Tory Building, Room 431
Tory Building, Room342
Tory Building Foyer
Friday, August17th / 8:30am-4:30pm
9:00am-1:00pm / Teaching & Learning Open House
Research Session / Dunton Tower, 4th Floor
Dunton Tower, Room 2017
A note regarding Faculty-specific orientations:
- In addition to TLS New Faculty Orientation to Teaching at Carleton, your faculty may also be organizing various orientation activities/events. Contact your departmental administrator to learn more.
Wednesday, August 15th– Dunton Tower, Room 2017
8:30amCheck-In and Breakfast
Networking with:
- Suzanne Blanchard, Vice-President (Students and Enrolment)
- Lorraine Dyke, Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic)
- Ikram Jama, Acting Director, Equity Services
- Wayne Jones, University Librarian, MacOdrum Library
- Tim Lott, Assistant Vice-President (ITS) and Chief Information Officer, Finance and Administration Division
- Michel Piché, Vice-President (Finance & Administration)
- Karen Schwartz, Interim Associate Vice-President (Research and International)
- Norah Vollmer, Manager of Faculty Affairs, Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
- Alan Steele, Director (Discovery Centre for Undergraduate Research and Engagement)
- Dwight Duego, Assistant Vice-President (Academic)
- Cindy Taylor, Director (Human Resources)
9:00amWelcome from the President and Vice-Chancellor
- Benoit-Antoine Bacon, President and Vice-Chancellor
9:20amWelcome and an Introduction to Carleton
- Lorraine Dyke, Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic)
9:40am Support for Your Teaching: AnOverview of Teaching and Learning Services
- Patrick Lyons, Director, TLS
10:00am“Find Someone Who” Icebreaker Activity and Break
10:30amStudent Panel: Experiences and Expectations
Facilitator: Patrick Lyons, Director, Teaching and Learning Services
- Celine Chartrand, Faculty of Science
- Madison Cohen-McFarlane, Faculty of Engineering and Design
- Heather Douglas, Faculty of Science
- TemurDurrani, Faculty of Public Affairs
- Rebecca Eagle, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- Zeinab Fashwal, Faculty of Science
- DannickGiguere, Sprott School of Business
- Alex Wytenburg, Faculty of Engineering and Design
11:45amLunch and Networking
12:45pmFaculty Panel: What I Wish Someone Had Told Me in My First Year…
Facilitator: Jaymie Koroluk, Assistant Director, EDC
- Melanie Adrian, Department of Law and Legal Studies
- Stephanie Carvin, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
- Kevin Cheung, School of Mathematics and Statistics
- Cynthia Cruickshank, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Howard Nemiroff, Sprott School of Business
- Grant Williams, Department of English Language and Literature
2:15pm Instructional Media Services (IMS): Resources Overview
- Andrea Noriega, IMS
2:30pmAssessment: Challenges and Opportunities
- Anthony Marini, Senior Teaching Development Associate, EDC
3:45pm Closing Remarks
- Adrian Chan, Associate Vice-President Teaching and Learning (Interim)
Thursday, August 16thAM–Tory Building, Room 431
8:30am Check-In and Breakfast
9:00amChallenges in the Classroom
Facilitator: Morgan Rooney, Educational Development Coordinator, EDC
- Anne Bowker, Associate Dean (Student Affairs), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- Richard Dansereau, Associate Dean (Student Affairs), Faculty of Engineering and Design
- Jenna Easton, Sexual Assault/Public Education Coordinator, Equity Services
- Sheila Grantham, School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies
- Ikram Jama, Acting Director, Equity Services
- Pat Moore, Scholarly Communications and Research Engagement Librarian, MacOdrum Library
- Somei Tam, Disability Advisor / Learning Specialist, Paul Menton Centre
Thursday, August 16thAM– Tory Building, Room 342
11:15amGetting Ready for the First Week of Classes
- Ryan Kuhne, Supervisor, Educational Technology, EDC
- Maristela Petrovic-Dzerdz, Supervisor, Instructional Design, EDC
- Morgan Rooney, Educational Development Coordinator, EDC
Thursday, August 16thPM– Tory Building Foyer
12:15pmLunch and Networking
- IMS Key Distrubition
- Centre for Student Academic Support
Thursday, August 16thPM– Tory Building, Room 342
1:00pmTeaching 101: Tips for Survival and Success
- Chris Motz, Department of Psychology
1:45pmIntroduction to CUASA
- Root Gorelick, President, and Josh Horton, Communications Assistant, CUASA
Thursday, August 16thPM– Tory Building Foyer
- Closing remarks, Adrian Chan, Associate Vice-President Teaching and Learning (Interim)
Friday, August 17th – Varied Locations
9:00am - Teaching and Learning Open House,including the EDC (Dunton
4:00pmTower, room 410), Instructional Media Services (Loeb Building, room
D283), Carleton University OnLine (Southam Hall, room 623), and the Discovery Centre (MacOdrum Library, 4th floor)
Looking for help getting ready for the start of the term, or just interested in seeing what teaching supports are available to you on campus? Then take advantage of our Teaching and Learning Open House! You can visit:
- The EDC,to get help with finalizing your syllabus, to explore opportunities for creating active and experiential learning opportunities in your class, or to get help with your cuLearn page or managing your TAs
- IMS, to sign out a console key or to arrange for a guided tour of your classroom(s)
- CUOL, to view the professional recording spaces available to instructors and the video production spaces available to your students at the Media Commons
- The Discovery Centre, to check outthe Learning, Gaming, and Multimedia Laboratories, as well asthe Media pods and study spaces available to your students
9:00am -Concurrent Sessions. If you’re planning to attend any of the Open House
4:00pm sessions taking plan on the 4th floor of Dunton Tower, please be sure to
register online in advance (
Research Stream / Teaching StreamTime / Location / Title / Time / Location / Title
Full agenda available, check registration desk for details
9am – 3:30pm
Dunton Tower, Room 2017
Research at Carleton
Wine and Cheese Reception
Dunton Tower, Room 2017 / 9am – 12pm / MacOdrum Library, Room 481 (‘The Learning Lab’) / Designing Learning from Scratch
9am – 10:30am / Dunton Tower, Room 422 / Engaging Your Students Using Poll Everywhere
10am – 12pm / Meet at EDC Lobby / Media Production Centre Tour #1
11am – 12:30pm / Dunton Tower, Room 422 / Introduction to cuLearn, Part I: The Basics
1pm – 2:30pm / Dunton Tower, Room 422 / Leveraging cuLearn Assignments and Rubrics to Enhance Assessment Practices
2pm – 4pm / Meet at EDC Lobby / Media Production Centre Tour #2
2:30 – 4pm / Dunton Tower, Room 404 / cuLearn Drop-In Session
2:30 – 4pm / Dunton Tower, Room 422 / Managing TAs and Building a Teaching Team
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