School Council Meeting Minutes
Vesey School Council / Minutes 2014-2015Meeting Date 02/24/15 Meeting Location: Vesey Library
Members present / Vivian Chilton, Claire Dunham, Minerva Figueroa, James Gillham, , Leslie Mason Donna Svob, Kelly Tadlock, Anna Warmbrand,Members absent / Regina Ayon, Kent Rollins, Lori Myers, Gloria Valenzuela
Constituency group represented / Teachers, Parents, Community reps
I. Called to order at 8:37 a.m. by Claire Dunham
Discussion notes / Jan. minutes reviewedConclusions / Motion to pass made by K. Tadlock, 2nd by D. Svob
Action items
Minutes pass unanimously
II. Call to the audience
Discussion notesConclusions
Action items
III. Reports
Reports to review / Solar Panelsdiscussion / Vesey will be part of the Trico Electric Solar Panel project. Maps were given out to show the proposed area and will be made available at the 4th Quarter Parent Meeting on March 24. Tina Cook, TUSD Energy Project Manager came to speak about the panels and explain the locations, safety precautions, etc.
Action items
Furth questions or suggestions should be emailed to Anna Warmbrand regarding solar panels.
IV. Reports, Continued
item title / MTSSdiscussion notes / Stacey Gist talked about entering MTSS information into Mojave. Vesey will also be working with La Frontera on site for counseling groups for students that would benefit.
item title / Parent Quarterly Meeting
discussion notes / This will take place on March 24 at 5:30. Solar panels will be discussed at that time as well.
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discussion notes
V. Discussion/information items
item titlediscussion notes
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discussion notes
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discussion notes
VI. Submission of items for next agenda.
VII. The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 by Claire Dunham
SC1006 Revised: 08/21/12
School Councils | Tucson Unified School District
1010 E. 10th St., Tucson, AZ 85719 | Phone (520) 225-6720 | Fax (520) 225-6205 2 of 3