Smithfield Tree Committee Agenda
29 January 2014
- Brief review of last year’s achievements.
- Tree City USA signs at each end of town. Thanks, Jeff!
- small plaque on sign is missing
- Two pruning demonstrations
- Health Days Booth / Tree Give Away (Cove)
- Sunset Park
- Grant
- Volunteers
- Arbor Day Celebration
- Replacement for Jared on Committee.
- Phyllis will send message to Newsletter
- Who wants to stay on the Tree Committee?
- Lisa: yes
- Geoff: this year ok, but not next year
- Dixon: until the Memorial Trees Program is up and going.
- Chad’s replacements
- Jess Daines 435 764 5377 or (Also digs graves for city cemetary)
- Cody Law 435-994-1370
- work phone 563-4140
- This year’s budget: $750
- Tools?
- TreeUtah grant, deadline March 1
- Street trees on 1000 E, from Sunset Park to 300 S.
- Xeriscape / Low maintenance
- 1st N West
- Center Street, 1-3 West along Heritage Trail*
- Everyone check and email comments
- If we don’t get a grant, consider a public campaign for people to buy tree or part of tree as part of chosen project.
- South end of Sunset getting ready for rocks and play equipment, this spring. Also a pavilion . We’ll wait until after pavilion installed to do trees.
- Pruning demonstrations
- Fruit – ask Ben. Geoff will ask on Saturday
- Ask Mike Kuhns if that’s an option – Phyllis
- Tree care – pest i.d, pruning, planting, watering
- IPS alert through city newsleter?
- Public service announcements as soon as possible.
- Health Days Booth (May 10) (Jeff will reserve.)
- Check with Ron Zollinger for tree display(Lisa will approach)
- We’ll draw until at least one Smithfield person wins!
- Follow up on past trees, how are they doing
- display photos of previous trees
- Arbor Day Celebration
- Poster winners
- Memorial Trees
- Lisa and Dixon
- Rocks – where to keep ? Outside of city offices along fence
- as committee go pick some out
- Phyllistalk to Jess about moving them from dump to city offices.
- Customers could use those or their own, as long as it meets requirements of size and flat face.
- Tree spot
- Landscape plan for size of tree
- Record keeping
- Picture catalog – Dixon
- Lisa and Dixon will meet to map out what needs to be done. Bring to next meeting.
- Other
- Black pines north of library
- need pruning but not removing. No action at present.
- Date of next meeting: Wednesday, February 19.