SQA Exams: SQA exams have now started. Please be aware that exams are not just held in the assembly hall but throughout the school building. Pupils should move quietly when moving from class to class. Thank you. (KJG)
Drum kit Lessons: The drum-kit lesson timetable has been revised for next week and a new timetable is on display in the Music department. All drum kit pupils should check the new timetable.
Hockey on the Astro Turf: Continues this week. Thursday 5 – 6pm open to all pupils, all abilities. More players required for sessions to continue. Come along and give it a go. It’s FREE! Collect a consent form from the PE department. (Active Schools)
Warhammer Club: Warhammer Club is now Wednesday, Thursday and Friday lunchtimes in room B45. New members welcome. (CY)
Staff V Pupils Football: On Thursday 2 May the S6 pupils will be taking on the teachers on the Astroturf at 3:30pm. There is no charge for attending and a tuck shop will be outside the pitch. (KMackeznie, S6)
Book Vs Movie Challenge: The focus of the challenge is to be The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
If you would like to take part in this after-school activity in the library, then you can! The challenge will begin onWednesday 5 June, so you have all of May to read the book – ready for the chat, discussion and popcorn – copies of the book can be borrowed from the library. Which is best? The book or the film? Make sure you get your opinion heard and take part in the challenge. (ST)
Xscape Trip: The following pupils are yet to make their final payment for the trip and must have it in by the 7th May to go on the trip: Abbie Bell, Evan Forsyth, Rachel Fraser, Aidan Matheson, Nicole McLeod, Rhiannon Smith. Thank you to everyone who has already paid in full; there will be a meeting before we go on the trip, to discuss final arrangements. I will keep you posted. (AD)
Under 15 Football Team: Reminder to pay Mr Davidson for the bus by the end of the week. ID
WholeSchool Pupil Council: Could all S1 to S3 members come for a very quick 5 minute meeting in G25 for the litter pick today. Thanks (Mr Gray, Chemistry, G25)
Lockers - Updated: Prior to changing timetable, we need to re-allocate lockers for all year groups. All keys should be returned and will be re-issued to those who want to continue with a locker shortly afterwards.
- Wednesday- Pupils in S3 who have a locker should register with their Registration teacher then report to the large locker area to return their key during registration.
S5/6 Shell Engineering Scheme: Banff and BuchanCollege, Fraserburgh is hosting an information session about this scheme on Tuesday 7 May from 6pm to 8pm. For more details go to
The closing date is 24 May at 12 noon.
S6 Leavers Hoodies: Just a reminder that all S6 leavers hoodies must be paid for by Friday 3 May (last day). (K Mackenzie)