‘That Day’


fifteenth day of the First Month

The ‘sabbath’ involved in “Luke 23:54” won’t be found in its beginning in “Luke 23:54”. The ‘sabbath’ in “Luke 23:54” will in Mk15:42/Mt27:57 and Jn19:31/38 be found in its beginning. The ‘sabbath’ involved in “Luke 23:54” is the very ‘sabbath’ spoken of in Jn19:31 and Mk15:42, BUT, IN ITS ENDING!

The crux of the issue is:

1) Is the ‘sabbath’, ‘sabbath’ of the passover and written of in John 19:31 and Luke 23:54, the ‘sabbath’, “Sabbath according to the Commandment” and written of in Lk23:56b and alluded to in John 19:42a?

2) Is it only one ‘sabbath’ spoken of? Or were there two ‘sabbaths’ in these texts, the sabbath of passover as well as the weekly Sabbath?

3) and were they one and the same day? In other words, did they coincide, or were they consecutive?

4) Where or when, did this ‘sabbath’ or these ‘sabbaths’,begin, and where or when, did it or they,end? Where or when between John 19:31 and Luke 23:54-56, “was” it or were they, these ‘sabbaths’?

5) Is the ‘sabbath’ or are the ‘sabbaths’ found between John 19:31 and Luke 23:54-56 “The Preparation which is the Fore-Sabbath”, the Sixth Day of the week, or was it or were they the Seventh Day of the week?

We shall see how in the death of Christ they ended and began the one after the other; how Christ in his suffering in and through these sabbaths,both, triumphed.

1) The “sabbath” in Jn19:31 was “The Preparation” in distinction to “The Preparation of the Passover” found in Jn19:14. “The Preparation of the Passover” found in Jn19:14 started here, Jn13:1 / Mk14:12,17/Mt26:17,20 / Lk22:7,14.

2) In Lk23:54 there are two ‘sabbaths’ implied as well as referred to, the sabbath of passover by the words, “The day was” in 54a, and the weekly Sabbath by the words “the Sabbath according to the Commandment” in 56b.

2) In Jn19:31 only the “sabbath”, “that day, was”— the passover’s ‘sabbath’ also referred to in Lk23:54a. The ‘Sabbath according to the Commandment’ does not feature in Jn19:31; it only in the end of “that sabbath’s day” and “by the time of the Jew’s preparations” in 42 –with three hours still to go on “that day of sabbath” – by implication lurked after sunset.

4) The “sabbath” that “was The Preparation” in Jn19:31, in 19:42, “by the time of the preparations of the Jews”, STILL“was”.

5) The “sabbath” in Jn19:31 was “The Preparation” in Mk15:42/Mt27:52 and Lk23:54a/Jn19:42 because both text-pairs cover the actions of Joseph and the Burial.

6) Therefore the “sabbath” inboth Jn19:31-to-42and Lk23:50-to-56a, “was”, “The Preparation .... which is theFore-Sabbath” in Mk15:42-to-47 /Mt27:57-to-61.

7) “The Preparation” “WAS”, in Jn19:31. It “was” the very “Preparationwhich is the Fore-Sabbath” in Mk15:42/Mt27:57, “since THAT DAY was, of great-sabbath’s status”— “of great-sabbath’s status” because ‘sabbath’ of the passover-season and ‘FEAST-DAY-sabbath’ “according to the Scriptures” the passover-Scriptures.

The clause, “because that day of great-sabbath was”, does NOT refer to the passover’s “THIRDday according to the Scriptures” – resurrection-day – but it refers to the passover’s SECOND DAY, the ‘sabbath’ that was ‘sabbath’ by ordinance of the passover. By ordinance “according to the Scriptures” the passover Scriptures, “was” it the second day of passover’s seasonbut FIRST day of Unleavened Bread EATEN— passover’s FEAST and first of seven ‘ordinary’ calendar-days. (The last of the seven days on 21st of the First Month also had ‘sabbath’s’ status.) It did not matter on which day of the week these ‘sabbaths’ fell, it was a ‘sabbath’ but ALWAYS, “BESIDES”, “the Sabbaths of the LORD” which were on the Seventh Day, Lv23:1-4.

Because both the first and the seventh of the seven days unleavened bread was eaten were ‘sabbaths’, only one could be the Seventh Day Sabbath— if the first of the seven – Abib 15 – fell on the weekly Sabbath, or, if the last of the seven – Abib 21 – fell on the weekly Sabbath. If the first is the Seventh Day, the last will be on the Sixth Day; and if the last is the Seventh Day, the first will be on the First Day of the week.

“Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread ....”

1) Abib 15First Day of the week passover’s sabbath(first one) “That Day”

(Saturday night)

2) Abib 16 Second Day of the week

(Sunday night)

3) Abib 17 Third Day of the week

(Monday night)

4) Abib 18 Fourth Day of the week

(Tuesday night)

5) Abib 19 Fifth Day of the week

(Wednesday night)

6) Abib 20 Sixth Day of the week

(Thursday night)

7) Abib 21Seventh Day Sabbath passover’s sabbath(second one)

(Friday night)

“Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread ....”

1) Abib 15Seventh Day Sabbathpassover’s sabbath(first one) “That Day”

(Friday night)

2) Abib 16 First Day of the week

(Saturday night)

3) Abib 17 Second Day of the week

(Sunday night)

4) Abib 18 Third Day of the week

(Monday night)

5) Abib 19 Fourth Day of the week

(Tuesday night)

6) Abib 20 Fifth Day of the week

(Wednesday night)

7) Abib 21Sixth day of the week passover’s sabbath(second one)

(Thursday night)

This is unambiguous proof another day than the Seventh Day (of the week) could be a ‘sabbath’.

During Jesus’ last passover, the passover’s ‘sabbath’ “was The Preparation .... since That Day was of great-day-sabbath’s (status)”Jn19:31. It was the evening and night that Joseph would act upon, and identically the same “When evening it had been already and because the Preparation which is the Fore-Sabbath....”when Joseph began to actMk15:42. “Suddenly there was a man Joseph ....” Lk23:50.

It was “The Preparation”;

and also “That Day of great day-sabbath”;

that was “The Fore-Sabbath”;

the one day was these ‘days’; ithad the names of each, and in the world, got the name of ‘Friday’.

The eight days of Jesus’ last passover ....

1)Abib 14, “Preparation of the Passover”

Fifth Day of the week

Wednesday night – Thursday

1st day of passover

The first (day of passover and)dayof de-leaven when they must kill the passover” Mk14:12/Lk22:7, “Preparation of the Passover” Jn19:14.

2) Abib 15, passover’s “sabbath”(first one) “That Day”

Sixth Day of the week,

Thursday night – Friday

2nd day of passover

“Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread ....”

1st day of unleavened bread

“That Day was great-day-sabbathThe Preparation” Jn19:31,

“when evening it had been already and the Preparation which

is the Fore-Sabbath” Mk15:42.

3) Abib 16, “the dayafterthe sabbath” of passover

Seventh Day Sabbath,

Friday night – Saturday

“the third day according to the Scriptures” of passover

2nd day of unleavened bread

4)Abib 17

Saturday night – Sunday

3rd day of unleavened bread 4thday of passover

5) Abib 18

Sunday night – Monday

4thday of unleavened bread 5thday of passover

6)Abib 19

Monday night – Tuesday

5thday of unleavened bread 6thday of passover

7)Abib 20

Wednesday night – Thursday

6thday of unleavened bread 7thday of passover

8)Abib 21, passover’s “sabbath” (second one)

Thursday night – Friday

7thday of unleavened bread 8thday of passover

The ‘sabbath’ of / on the second day of passover and “That Day great day sabbath”, was thereforeNOT “the Sabbath according to the (Fourth)COMMANDMENT” on which “the women began to rest” (Lk23:56b) after “the Preparation which is the Fore-Sabbath” would have ended “mid-afternoon the Sabbath pending”, Mk15:42 and Lk23:54-56a ....

THIS ‘sabbath’ of / on second day of passover and “great day sabbath”, was “That Day of sabbath”

1) that extended from “evening” in Mk15:42/Jn19:31; and

2) that lasted “night” and “that day” ....

“That (great) Day (sabbath)”
to 46a / 46b
to 47
to 59 / 60
to 61
to 53a / 53b
to 56a
to 40 / 41
to 42

and ....

3) that UNTIL “by the time of the Jew’s preparations” “as the Sabbath drew on” in Jn19:42/Lk23:54, “was”;

4) and that ONLYENDED as soon as “the women began to rest the Sabbath” in Lk23:56a.

.... this day occurs on the 15th of Nisan ....” and

1) “was”, “that (ordinary week-) day” (Jn19:31) BEGINNING—

.... this day occurs on the 15th of Nisan ....” and

2) “was”, “The Preparation .... which is the Fore-Sabbath” (Mk15:42/Jn19:31) BEGINNING—

.... this day occurs on the 15th of Nisan ....” and

3) “was .... That Great Day of sabbath” (Jn19:31) BEGINNING—

.... this day occurs on the 15th of Nisan ....” and ....

4) FROM “by the time of the Jew’s preparations .... as the Sabbath drew on” in Jn19:42/Lk23:54, “was” ENDING—

.... this day occurs on the 15th of Nisan ....” and

5) “was” ENDINGUNTIL BEFORE Lk23:56b.

THIS ‘sabbath’ “DAY of great-sabbath’s esteem” – Friday – IMMEDIATELY PRECEDED “The Sabbath according to the (Fourth) Commandment” that would have had begun when “the women had begun to rest” Friday-night-Saturday, Lk23:56b. NO DAY OCCURRED IN BETWEEN THESE ‘sabbaths’ andonly “servile work” was forbidden upon ‘DAYS of great-sabbath’s esteem’, so that the women were not only allowed to prepare spices on it, but in fact all duties of passover’s sabbaths were mandatory. Joseph acted upon “That Day .... because it was a great day of sabbath” and “as was the custom of the Jews to bury” even “according to the Scriptures”. Being “that day” – “because it was that great day” – Joseph undertook; not just for any strange reason ....

[“Custom” – Apollinaris uses the word “calculation” for ‘custom’, definitely the passover-calculation. See study, ‘Apollinaris’.]

The first ‘sabbath’ in ‘back-to-back’ sequence – Friday - was AN ORDINARY WEEK-DAY distinguished BY:

1) the fact that it ALSO “was That Great Day of sabbath’s esteem” having been / “because it was” ‘PASSOVER’S sabbath’ according to the Law / “according to the Scriptures”.


2) the fact “It was The Preparation .... which is the Fore-Sabbath” – the Sixth Day of the week;

and BY:

1) the fact ‘Sabbaton epefohsken’ seen Nominative – Subject is Active –, the FIRST in ‘back-to-back’ sequence ‘sabbath’ (the ‘Friday’), was the “Sabbath (that) drew on mid-afternoon”— in which case it was the Friday’s “Preparation’s-Day” Lk23:54a = “That Day Great-sabbath” that “by the time of the Jews’ preparations” Jn19:42 “began ending towards the Sabbath”.

2) ‘Sabbaton epefohsken’ seen Accusative – Subject is Passive –, the SECOND in ‘back-to-back’ sequence ‘sabbath’ (the ‘Saturday’), was the “Sabbath according to the (Fourth) Commandment” Lk23:56bthat in 54b, “drew on” and had not yet begun— “The Sabbath” which “the women according to the (Fourth) Commandment began toREST” Lk23:56a “as soon as / by the time of the Jews’ preparations” Jn19:42, “the Jews’ preparations” was OVER.

“The time of the Jews’ preparations” Jn19:42 was from 3 p.m. “mid-afternoon” when “The Sabbath began to draw near” Lk23:54b until 6 p.m. sunset ‘when evening’, “the women” would have “started to rest the Sabbath” Lk23:56b.

This sequence exactly resembles the Old Testament incidence of the first-ever passover, day for day, symbolic event for symbolic event on the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the First Month:

Abib 14 in Jn19:14 “Preparation of the Passover”: Slaughter of sacrifice and removal of leaven as figure of Christ’s dying and death;

Abib 15 second day of passover generally in Jn19:31 “that day being great-day-sabbath” of passover and of first eating of first unleavened bread loaves “together with”, the eating of the sacrifice – Ex12:8 – “in that nightto be solemnly observed”. That night, in which “that which remains” of the sacrifice after having been eaten, had to be removed out and burned the next day – figure of the interment of Christ’s bodily remains. Ex12:10b.

Abib 15 – counted and observed from the first day of the First Month observed from the new moon first after spring equinox, and therefore afterwards on any day of the week landing, a ‘sabbath’ the passover’s sabbath day.

Abib 16 – figure of Jesus’ Resurrection, “the third day” of prophecy and passover in particular, and in Lv23:11,15 “the dayafterthe sabbath” of passover (See book 1/1, ‘Crucifixion’, par. Out on the 15th and In on the 16th Nisan and App. p. 325f.)

It must be deduced from all this above about ‘That Great Day-sabbath’ in Jn19:31 and Lk23:54 that specifically it was ‘That Great Day-sabbath’ OF THE PASSOVER.

‘That Day That Great-sabbath’ in these New Testament Scriptures peculiarly refers to the fifteenth day of the First Month. In the Old Testament the description “That Day” particularly applies to Abib 15. The passover’s ‘great day-sabbath’, Abib 15in the New Testament, was no other than “That Day” or “That Great Day” Abib 15 in the Old Testament. “That Great Day” of passover Abib 15 in Jn19:31 and Lk23:54 is that which in the Old Testament inLv23:11,15 was called“the sabbath” and in other Scriptures, “That Day” and “That Great Day”.

“The prophets were until John.”

“John baptising in the wilderness and preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins” (Mk1:4), prophesied the baptism through death, burial and resurrectionthree and halve years later of the passover “Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world”. Compare Col2:11-15 and Ro6:3-10. So when Israel passed through Jordan after Joshua, “And the children of Israel encamped in Gilgal and kept the passover on the fourteenth day of the month in the afternoon and they ate of the old corn of the land on the day after the passover – unleavened cakes and parched corn – in THE SELFSAME DAY the manna ceased ....”, it was a figure of Jesus’ ‘passover-sabbath’ through death and grave.

These Scriptures we shall now further investigate.

By the Providence of God


On the fifteenth day of the First Month God unto the sixteenth day of the First Month did work. God “worked”, the Rest of God; God’s rest “us to-ward”, then. Both ‘sabbaths’ were God’s; both, God, ‘worked’; both, God worked to the redemption of “The People of God”. But “On the SEVENTH Day, GOD, FINISHED, ALL, HIS, WORKS” by the resurrection of Christ from the dead “On the Sabbath Day” Mt28:1.

The Seventh Day of God’s creating “in the beginning” already in the beginning did not reach end or fulfilment in the first six days of the creation; it reached end and found fulfilment in God’s future and in His creating “His Own Rest from His Own Works” Hb4:10 in Christ and through Christ. The Seventh Day belonged WITH the future; not with the past. Only in the New Testament under the New Covenant shall we hear “God thus concerning the Seventh Day declaring: And God the Seventh Day from all His works, rested.” Hb4:4. The Sixth Day of God’s creating of man, is “That Day” in between the past and the future on which God worked against damnation and unto the salvation and “restitution of all things” in Christ: “God the Seventh Day, rested.” Acts 3:21, Gn2:3. Is it not of so much greater significance both these Words are spoken on the Seventh Day Sabbath!?


When Abraham (“father / progenitor of us which is of the faith”) would offer up Isaac, he said, “My son, God will PROVIDE, Himself a LAMB”. “And Abraham lifted up his eyes .... in the mount of the LORD it shall be seen .... Thou hast not withheld your Son, Thine only Son....” “Abraham called THAT PLACE Yahweh Yireh” – “Place of the fear or dread of God” because it was ‘That Day’, of Abraham’s fear of God. So was it in Israel’s fearful experience of the salvation of God. So was it in Christ’s experience of the suffering of dying and death and having had passed through, “through the valley of death” and grave, “in the end of the Sabbath” to have “passed through” into the glory of resurrection from death, from the dead and from the grave. ‘That Day’ saw it coming; ‘That Day of passover’s sabbath under the Old Covenantin the Old Testament.

By the Passover out of Egypt


The first history of “That Day” Abib 15 and second day of the passover and first day and “sabbath” of Unleavened Bread Feastwas the Chosen of God “between Migdol and the sea” having been “overtaken andclosed in by the sea beside Pihahiroth before Baalzephon”.

The crying out of Israel unto the LORD “that we should die in the wilderness” where “are no graves” (11)was as of a Jonas from within the belly of the great fish— their death dire situation having been a type and figure of Jesus’ state in dying and death for which no grave was prepared, because anyone hung on the pole was accursed.

Abib 15, Jesus entombed:


“Remember this day in which ye came out from Egypt out of the HOUSE OF BONDAGE; the LORD by strength of hand brought you OUT of this place (of bondage and suffering): there shall no leavened bread be eaten: This Day came ye out in the month of Abib. .... Thou shalt show thy son in THAT DAY because of that which the LORD did unto me when I came forth out of Egypt.”

Read as spoke Jesus Christ, “Thy Son”; read asspoke the Son to the Father, “Thou shalt show Thy Son in THAT DAY because of that which the LORD did unto Me when I came forth out of Egypt.” (“From prison” in Is53:8.)

Christ entombed— discern displayed the prize and trophy of victory before the lifting high of it! “Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.” Acts 2:27. “When Thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin”, “ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory?” Lk24:27. “He shall see his seed and prolong ....” Is53:8-9;“The riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints” Eph1:18; “That He might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy” Ro9:23.