Thursday, November 18, 2010

8:30 - 9:45 am

ASPRS/ISPRS Special Session 8

Special Panel Session —Primary Data Acquisition Sensors and Requirements with a Gulf Oil Spill Showcase

(Sponsored by the ASPRS Primary Data Acquisition Division-PDAD)

Moderators:Robert Ryan,MSU/I2R Corp., and Brian Huberty, USFWS

KEY WORDS: Cameras, Sensors, Thermal, Radar, SAR, Lidar, multispectral, applications

This is design to show the primary data acquisition system technologies and their abilities and have discussions related to their use and application requirements while presenting some real world data and application in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The session is design to show selection technologies that have important roles in an emergency response and earth observation remote sensing role. The goal is to provide a dynamic forum to address current systems and future developments in important, rapidly evolving technology capabilities.

Requirements for this session:


Marc Thomas/Bob Kroutil EPA ASPECT

Brett Thomassie Digital Globe

Dave Fuhr Airborne Data Systems

Larry Handley USGS


1.5 hour session


Special Panel Session –GPS Georeferencing and DatumIssues (Sponsored by the ASPRS Primary Data Acquisition Division and the ISPRS Commission I)

Moderators:Mohamed Mostafa, Applanix and Greg Stensaas, USGS

KEY WORDS: Cameras, Sensors, IMU, Datum, GPS, Guidelines, Procedures, Control,

This session is about aspects of direct georeferencing for Active and Passive Sensors and associated GPS control. The session will address standards and protocols in direct georeferencing and sensor orientation including the current and future datum use in the aerial market. The session will discuss topics like co-registration of heterogeneous data sets for integrated sensor navigation - orientation and calibration, and georeferencing by integrated sensor orientation - models and adjustment procedures.

Requirements for this session:

All discussions will be transcribed and made available on the PDAD web site.


1.5 hour session

Special Session — Panel

Quality Assurance Processes for Creating useful Data and Results

Moderator: Mike Benson, U S. Geological Survey, USA

(Sponsored by the ASPRS Primary Data Acquisition Division - PDAD)

Aerial imaging is in a period of rapid growth and change with new technologies, new customers,and new missions requirements. Digital airborne sensors have matured over the last fewyears and have been gaining acceptance by the mapping community. This is evidenced by: 1)the enhancement of current remote sensing systems by the manufacturers; 2) the manufacturersintroducing new sensors into the marketplace that address the needs of a particular sectorof the user market not previously addressed; 3) and the amount of data being collected. Inmany cases, the collection system may have methods that are designed to help the data collectorsand current owners of the data may be able to obtain enough information to use the data.However, the quality and long term usefulness of the acquired data in comparison to otherdata types may be an issue. In addition, IADIWG and LiDAR quality assurance processes willbe emphasized.

This session will have four panels with short presentations and discussions. All informationwill be made available on the PDAD web site.

Requirements for this session:

IADIWG QA Processes, LiDAR QA processes, Accuracy and Interoperability

This session will have 5 panel members with short presentations and discussions. All information will be made available on the PDAD web site. The presentations should be 15-20 minutes with time for panel discussion and questions.


Mapping Data Quality and Accuracy - Qassim Abdullah, Fugro EarthData Inc.
Digital Imagery Quality Assurance Plan - Greg Stensaas, USGS
Quality Assessment Process - Chuck O’Hara, Spatial Information Solutions, Inc.

LIDAR Application and Accuracy Issues - Chuck Oleson, Michigan Tech Research Institute (ASPRS Honorary Member)
LIDAR Data Quality - Lewis Graham, GeoCue Corporation


1.5 hour session

Special Session — Panel

Quality Assurance and Data Uncertianity

Moderator: Mike Benson, U.S. Geological Survey, USA

Sponsored by: ASPRS Primary Data Acquisition Division – PDAD and RSAD

Aerial imaging is in a period of rapid growth and change with new technologies, new customers,

and new missions requirements. Digital airborne sensors have matured over the last few

years and have been gaining acceptance by the mapping community. This is evidenced by: 1)

the enhancement of current remote sensing systems by the manufacturers; 2) the manufacturers

introducing new sensors into the marketplace that address the needs of a particular sector of

the user market not previously addressed; 3) and the amount of data being collected. In many

cases, the collection system may have methods that are designed to help the data collectors and

current owners of the data may be able to obtain enough information to use the data. However,

the quality and long term usefulness of the acquired data in comparison to other data types may

be an issue. In addition, IADIWG and Lidar quality assurance processes will be emphasized.

This session will have four panels with short presentations and discussions. All information

will be made available on the PDAD web site.

Satellite Uncertainity analysis process

Dr Steve Mackin, DMCii


Greg Stensaas, U.S. Geological Survey, USA

NASA ESIP IQA Cluster/ESA Quality Assuracne Process

Greg Leptohk

Impact of unknown quality assessment
