Village of Walworth
Plan Commission
May 16, 2016
In the absence of President Watters, David Rasmussen was voted to be acting president for tonight on a Snyder/Pagel motion. He then called the regular meeting of the Village of Walworth Plan Commission to order on Monday, May 16, 2016 at 6:04 p.m. Members present in addition to Rasmussen were L. Larson, E. Snyder, J. Bromfield, T. Connelly, and J. Pagel. Absent was T. Watters. Also present: Diana James, Rich Larson, Jade Bolack – Regional News, Jamie Rybarczyk, Bridget McCarthy, Zoning Administrator and Ron Nyman – Building Inspector.
Minutes of the April 18 meeting were approved on a Snyder/Larson motion
A. CUP Public hearing for Big Top Fireworks to be located at 200 N. Hwy 67, Heyer’s, and Black Bull Fireworks at 106 N. Hwy 67, Burger King. The hearing was opened at 6:05 p.m. There being no interested parties to speak, the hearing was closed. A Snyder/Connelly motion to approve Big Top and Black Bull Fireworks stands per ordinance requirements, carried without negative vote. The stands will be set up on June 22 and open for sales June 23 through July 5 from 9 a.m. to 9.m. July 7 is the date they will tear down.
B. Onvoy Rezone and CSM discussion – After discussion about the property, zoning and easements, the following motions were made. On a Snyder/Bromfield motion, the Plan Commission recommends approval to the Village Board of the CSM with conditions as provided by the planner, including conditions by the village engineer, and including the following: Item 5 under staff recommendations should read: “Lot 2 needs an access easement no less than 40 feet wide to Madison Street until such time as public access to a public right of way is provided. Lot 2 of the Certified Survey Map should include a notation stating: “Lot 2 is restricted from further subdividing and development until such time that public access to a public right-of-way is provided.” Item 7 should read: “Remove the possible 66 wide public right of way on the CSM”. This motion carried unanimously. The Plan Commission also recommended approval to grant an exception in accordance with Ordinance 14-1-100 to subdivision regulation of Section 14-1-73(f) which requires all lots to have a minimum of 40 feet of street frontage in regard to Lot 2. A Snyder/Bromfield motion to recommend that the village board hold a public hearing on June 13 for approval of the rezone carried without negative vote.
C. Site plan for property at 450 S Main – after discussion and study of the submitted landscaping plan, a Snyder/Larson motion that Ron send applicant a letter asking for a landscaping plan with the types and number of plantings, soil, depth of soil and everything else necessary to meet our landscaping ordinance. This motion carried unanimously.
D. Refund for sign – Graphic House which made the sign for the First National Bank & Trust asked for a refund as they had to pay double for the sign permit. The reason they paid double is that the sign was erected before the permit was paid. The building inspector’s office called them in a timely manner to pick up the permit and pay for it. This wasn’t done so they had to pay double. After discussion, a Connelly/Bromfield motion to deny a refund carried without negative vote.
E. Request to re-examine the new sign ordinance related to A frame signs. A local business would like to have more A frame signs as they have lots of highway frontage. After discussion it will be suggested to them to put up a monument sign or explore other signage ideas as they have not used all sign options they are allowed.
F. John’s Auto Body CUP review – There have been no complaints. The police will monitor and report back.
G. Downtown improvements – The finance committee is looking into matching funding for updating of exteriors. Three new businesses have opened in the downtown area.
H. Update zoning map – Jamie will do this when the comp plan addendum is done.
I. Highway 14 – The DOT is looking into site inspections and lease backs.
Building Inspector – Kim Trent will build 4 more duplexes (8 units).
The meeting was adjourned on a Bromfield/Snyder motion at 7:10 p.m.
Joyce Pagel,