Theatre I
Year 2015
A. Title of Course: Theatre
B. Number of Course: I
C. Term of Course Fall 2015- Spring 2016
D. Instructor of Course: Julia Spring
E. Pre-requisite Courses: None
F. Classroom Location: Room C205
G Remind Code: Text JOTheatre1 to 81010
H. E-mail:
I. Course Description and Objectives:
1. Course Description
Learn the basics of theatre, mostly acting, to build skills for further study in theatrical arts and as well as life.
2. Objectives
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to do the following:
a. Recall basic history facts of theatre.
b. Develop skills needed for basic movement in theatre.
c. Develop skills needed for pantomime performance.
d. Develop skills for theatre voices and diction.
e. Develop skills needed for acting within the dramatic and comedic realm.
f. Develop skills for basic script analysis.
g. Develop skills in different technical elements of theatre.
J. Text(s):
Theatre: Art in Action (in class use only)
K. Other Materials:
Composition Notebook* 100 pages count
1 pack of Glue Sticks
1 box of tissues
Blue or Black pen
* This notebook needs to be ONLY theatre. Students should not use for any other subject. Notebooks will be taken up and sometimes kept overnight for grading purposes.
L. Grading Methods
Grading is dependent on attendance, participation, completion of work and daily tasks, and ENTHUSIASM! Grades will be based on the point system from daily grades, performances, and assessments.
Students are expected to attend each of the scheduled class meetings and to be punctual. Theatre courses have daily participation and observation requirements which obviously can not be made up. However, certain activities may double as makeup work.
Project Based Assessment will be given at the end of each unit. These tests/projects will be announced a week in advance at the least.
Journal entries should be made twice a week on whatever is being discussed during that week. These entries must be at least 1/2 page length to be counted for full credit. Notebooks should include all worksheets, notes taken in class, journal entries, ect.
M. Class Procedure and Course Requirements
The student will be expected to establish work
in the classroom during class hours.
Project work will be done in class and, if needed,
after school in the supervision of instructor.
N. Absence Policy
There is no more important tradition and responsibility of the theatre than to be present, prepared and on time. Tardiness is defined as arriving after the bell rings and instructor has begun to teach class.
Late Work: All late work/performance will have a grade deduction in accordance with the P.D Jackson Olin high School policy:
If an assignment is one day late, the grade will be reduced by 25%
If an assignment is two days late, the grade will be reduced by 50%
If an assignment is three days late, the grade will be reduced by 75%
Semester exam projects are due on their assigned date regardless of absence.
Be prepared when you enter the classroom. Coming to class unprepared wastes the instructor’s time and your classmates’ time. Daily participation grade will be deducted if student is unprepared for class.
Attendance at Birmingham City Schools and Jackson-Olin High School Theatre productions is REQUIRED however certain situations may be taken into account through permission of instructor.
O. Cheating Policy
Cheating will not be tolerated. Students are held to the Code of Conduct.
P. Negative Consequences
First time – Warning Card
Second time – Verbal Warning/ Parent Contact
Third time – Student-Teacher Conference
Fourth time- Parent Conference
Fifth time- Write-Up/ Administrator Involvement
All Student Discipline actions will be recorded
Through out the year for school records.
Q. Rules: (for classroom & Theatre)
1. Respect everyone. (Even yourself!)
2. Come to class on time, prepared and ready to work.
3. No profanity or teasing.
4. NO food, drinks (other than water), or gum.
5. Keep cell phones silent and out of sight, unless directed for an assignment, as per school policy!
6. Leave your attitude at the door!
7. Uphold all school policies and Code of Conduct & Dress Code
Week / Date / AssignmentWelcome / August 31st- September 4th / Introductions/Theatre History
6 / September 7th
September 8th- September 11th / Labor Day (No classes)
Theatre History
7 / September 14– September 18
September 16th / Theatre History
Early Dismissal 1:30pm
8 / September 21 – September 25 / Theatre History
9 / September 28 – October 2 / Theatre History
10 / October 5- October 9 / Theatre History Test
Theatre History Project Due
11 / October 12 – October 16 / Basic Theatre
12 / October 19 – October 23
October 21st / Basic Theatre
Early Dismissal 1:30pm
13 / October 26 – October 29
October 30th / Acting- Pantomime
Teacher Work Day (No Students)
14 / November 2 – November 6 / Pantomime Performance
15 / November 9 – November 13
November 11th / Monologues
Veterans Day ( No classes)
16 / November 16 – November 20 / Monologues Performance
17 / November 23 – November 27 / Thanksgiving Break
18 / November 30– December 4 / Duet Scenes
19 / December 7th – December 11th / Duet Scenes
20 / December 14th– December 18th / Duet Scenes Due w/Notebook
21 / December 22 – January 4 / Christmas Break
R. Weekly Breakdown of Assignments for Year*
Week / Date / AssignmentWelcome Back / January 5 – January 8 / Welcome Backs/Review
2 / January 11 – January 15
January 15th- January 17th / Technical Theatre Introduction
Alabama Thespian Festival
3 / January 18
January 19 – January 22
January 20th / MLK, Jr. Day (No Class)
Technical Theatre- Costumes
Early Dismissal 1:30pm
4 / January 25 – January 29th / Technical Theatre-Set
5 / February 1 – February 5th / Technical Theatre- Lights
6 / February 8 – February 12 / Technical Theatre- Sound
7 / February 15
February 16 – February 19
February 17th / President’s Day (No Class)
Technical Theatre- Publicist
Early Dismissal 1:30pm
8 / February 22 – February 26 / Technical Project
9 / February 29 – March 4th / Technical Project
10 / March 7th – March 11 / Tech Project Due- Presentations
11 / March 14 – March 18 / TBA Final Project
12 / March 21 – March 25 / TBA Final Project
13 / March 28 – April 1 / Spring Break
14 / April 4 – April 8 / TBA Final Project
15 / April 11 – April 15 / TBA Final Project
16 / April 18 – April 22
April 22nd / TBA Final Project
Inclement Weather Day
17 / April 25th
April 25- April 20 / Inclement Weather Day
TBA Final Project
18 / May 2 – May 6 / TBA Final Project
19 / May 9 – May 13 / TBA/Exams
20 / May 16 – May 20
May 16th- 17th
May 20th / End of year Wrap-Up
Last DAY!
Assignments are subject to change throughout the semester*
I have read and understood the course syllabus and understand what is expected of myself/my student for this semester. I understand that if any rule is violated during the semester, proper discipline will be arranged. If work and assignments are not completed, I understand that this is grounds for contacting my parents/guardian.
Student Name (printed) ______
Student Signature
Parents/Guardian Signature