Transcript of the Regis High School Diary


Sept. 1916 School could not be opened on scheduled time Sept 11th owing to the prevalence of infantile paralysis. The Board of Health ruling was followed by our school as a matter of prudence. The date tentatively set for opening is Sept. 25 – the Board of Health may recommend a further postponement.

Word reached us that Thos. Hinchey of Corona L.I. of Section C First year

class, was drowned Aug 16. He was in Connecticut on vacation.

Postal card notices of the new date for opening were mimeographed and

sent out to all the boys already in attendance or just registered.

Sept. 22, Friday. First day for conditioned examinations – Latin, Greek in 2d year; Latin, Eng. & Science in 1st year. Mr. Hayes SJ. & Mr. Archdeacon SJ. in 2d year; Mr. McKay SJ. & Mr. Fennell SJ. in 1st year.

Sept. 23, Saturday. Second day of condit. exams. Fr. Reilly in charge. Fr. Kilroy’s mother died this morning. He was called home last night. Messrs. Archdeacon & Hayes assisted in the office. Some of the other scholastics helped to conduct examinations.

Mr. Andrus SJ. who was transferred to Buffalo July 31 will return here

tomorrow. Mr. Kempel has gone from Regis to take his place.

A few new boys were registered today. The 4th and 5th floors are not yet

completed so the 2d and 3d year classes are on the 3d floor of the school. After a couple of months (3) when the building is free of workmen it will be possible to put the 3d year classes on the 4th floor.

Sept. 25, Monday. Schola brevis day. Our faculty for 1916-17: Rector, Fr. Richards; Prefect of Studies, Fr. Kilroy; Prefect of Discipline, Fr. Reilly; third year Messrs. Andrus, Hayes, Archdeacon & Mr. McHale; second year Messrs. McKay, McGowan, Fennell & Daly; Feb classes Messrs. McLoughlin SJ, McGivney A.B.; First year Messrs. Scharp Ph.D., Kelly A.B., Egan A.B., Fuller SJ. & Wheeler SJ.

All the boys were assembled in the Auditorium at 9.30 Fr. Reilly read out the class lists for 3d & 2d year & these classes then had schola brevis. Fr. Reilly kept the new boys in the Auditorium & told them the rules and customs of the school, then he assigned them to their classes. Dismissal about 10.30. Some new boys registered.

Of last year’s second year boys [? Blank in diary] did not return for 3d

year; of the first year class [? Blank in diary] did not return for 2d year. Of these, some had been requested not to return. Of the others who didn’t return some had gone to school elsewhere, but the greater number had gone to work. Of the boys who had registered for the entering class [? Blank in diary] did not report for class.

Books were on sale today in the playroom at the lunch counter.

Sept. 26, Tuesday. Class began about 10.00 – the sale of the text books was continued from 9-10. Cash sales only, this year. The past two years boys were permitted to get books on credit – this entailed extra book keeping work & also a loss as some did not pay up. Class till 12.00

Sept. 27, Wednesday. Regular class all day – Lunch counter opened today. Mrs. Wood is in charge & Mrs. Fitzgerald is assistant (as last year). 3 boys from Athlet. Assoc. help to wait on boys – for this they get their lunch – this extra assistance will be continued as long as there is need (probably all year).

Sept. 28, Thursday. Regular order. Hereafter when no entry is made in the diary for any school day (Saturday is our weekly holiday) it will be understood that it was a day of regular order.

Oct. 3, Tuesday. Regular order. Fr. Kilroy returned last night.

Oct. 4, Wednesday. Catech. lectures will begin next week, also Modern language. Fr. Lupi (one of the parish fathers) who is to teach Spanish, is at present helping at Blackwell’s Island.

Oct. 5, Thursday. De more, a.m. P.M. Confessions at 12.45, Fr. D Quinn & Fr. Dooley – we shall probably need a 3d confessor this year – confessions were not finished by 2.30 today.

Oct. 6, First Friday. Visit to Blessed Sacrament at 2.00 Benediction – Instruction by Fr. D. Quinn. Miss Couler was organist. Mr. Archdeacon SJ. has charge of the League of the Sacred Heart.

Oct. 9, Monday. Modern language classes today = 3d year at 1.45. Mr. Andrus SJ. has German, Fr. Kilroy has French, Fr. Lupi has Mr. Egaňa’s class of last year in Spanish & Mr. McGowan has A & B of last year combined. No Modern lang. In 2d year. The new arrangement is in effect, i.e. one period of History a day in 1st and 2d year: these boys will have no history in 3d and 4th year but will have Modern lang. every day instead of 3 times a week. Mr. Archdeacon teaches Physiol. in 2 year E to free Mr. McGowan for Spanish.

The Senior Sodality held its first meeting today. Mr. Hayes SJ. is

moderator this year also. Some more 2d & 3d year boys were admitted to fill vacancies. There will be a Junior Sodality for 1st year.

Oct. 10, Tuesday. Catech. lectures & Elocution began today in First Year. Fr. Reilly gives the lectures, Fr. Kilroy has the elocution ½ hour of each – then in 2 sections. Classes in Lecture Room and Library Room.

Oct. 11, Wednesday. Catech. lectures and Elocution in 2d year – 2 sections. Fr. Reilly gives the lectures, Mr. McLoughlin SJ. will have the Elocution hereafter. Mr. McKay took it today.

A small organ, purchased ($130.00) from Estey Co. for the chapel, was received today. Mass for repose of soul of T. Hinchey, drowned Aug 16. Mr. & Mrs. Hinchey & daughter were present.

Oct. 12, Thursday. Columbus Day – Legal Holiday – no class.

Oct. 13, Friday. Confessions 12.45, Fr. Condon & Fr. Dooley. The Junior Sodality was organized today. Mr. Fennell SJ. is the Moderator. Friday will be day for meetings.

Oct. 17, Tuesday. Fr. Reilly represented Regis faculty at funeral Mass of Fr. Tierney’s sister.

Oct. 19, Thursday. Rain all day – Started fire in the engine room today

Oct. 20, Friday. Very close today – shut down steam at 9.00 a.m.

Oct. 24, Tuesday. Orchestra re-organizing for the year. Mr. Hayes, SJ. will have the direction of it for 1916-17, also.

Oct. 25, Wednesday. Mass of the Holy Ghost at 9.00 in the Church. Fr. Kilroy, cel.; Fr. Lupi, deacon; Mr. McKay, subd. Music by boys’ choir of church. Mass over at 9.40, then a sermon by Fr. D. Quinn (Fr. Rector is in the hospital), all over about 10.00. Boys went at once to class – recess at 10.30 & so on as usual for the remainder of the day.

Mr. Daly unable to teach class owing to heavy cold. V.P. & Pr. Disc. took care of the class, Wed, Thurs & Fri.

Oct 26, Thursday. Catech Lectures & Eloc for 3d year began Oct 19 – all classes together in Library. Fr. Kilroy, Catech.; Mr. Andrus, Elocut

Oct. 30, Monday. Feast of St. Alph. Rod. Reg. Class. Mr. Daly able to resume teaching today

Oct. 31, Tuesday. De more. Confessions at 2.30 (Fr. D. Quinn) for those who wish to go.

Note sent announcing no classes tomorrow – holy day of obligation – also announcing Mass at 8.25 on All Souls’ Day. Marks closed today.

Nov. 1, Wednesday. Holyday of Obligation. Vacat – All Saints

Nov 2, Thursday. All Souls’ Day. 3 Masses in chapel in A.M. beginning 7.45 – very few of boys attended even the 3d Mass at 8.30. Confessions at 12.45 for First Friday. At 2.30 beads were recited in the chapel for the repose of the soul of deceased students – all school was present – aisles, etc. crowded as it is not possible to find a place in the chapel for the whole school.

Nov. 3, Friday. First Friday – Box of cards put inside door of chapel boys who made visit for Holy Souls took one of these cards & deposited it in a box placed at Sanctuary railing – we take acct. each day of the number of visits made. Mod. Lang. At 1.30 as is usual on First Friday – Visit to Bl. Sacrament in Church, & Benediction – at 2.05. No Junior Sodality on acct. of the First Friday devotions.

Nov. 6, Monday. Mr. Wheeler called to Baltimore Saturday for sickness of near relative. V.P. took the class today except for last period – Mr. Hayes taught then.

Nov. 7 Tuesday. Election Day – legal holiday – Vacat

Nov. 8, Wednesday. V.P. in 1st year & will be until Mr. Wheeler returns. Reading of marks in the Auditorium at 11.30 – Fr. Rector could not be present as he is still in the hospital. The reading required 40 minutes, so it may be necessary to begin before 11.30. Reports will be given to boys at the end of the week – to be returned signed.

Nov 9, Thursday. Mr. Wheeler was in class today – he returned last night. Glee Club organized. Mr. McLoughlin is Moderator.

Nov. 10, Friday. V.P. tested Mr. Kelly’s class in 5 decl. Mr. Reilly was present – very good. Confessions de more. Debating Society held its first meeting of the year. Mr. Andrus is Moderator.

Nov. 15, Wednesday. Concertation between 1 Year A & 1 Year C at 9.30 in Lecture room on 1st floor.

Nov. 16, Thursday. Mr. McGivney absent today, ill. Fr. Kilroy & Fr. Reilly taught the class.

Nov. 21, Tuesday. Contest between both sections of the Feb class 9.30 to 10.30 in the Lecture Room.

Nov 23, Wednesday. Building is decorated for Golden jubilee of the parish Church, residence, & all school buildings decorated with bunting

Nov. 24, Friday. Contest in 5 declensions between Section D and Section E of first year, 9.30 to 10.30 – Rest de more – Confessions in p.m.

Nov 26, Sunday. Regis Hall was used for the banquet tendered to the Cardinal, Papal Delegate, et. al., after the services in the Church – celebration of Golden Jubilee of Church. The hall was elaborately decorated & the school building lighted in outline – the quadrangle strung with electric bulbs (giving a gold & white light – papal colors) courtesy of Mr. N. Brady, Edison Company – the hall was used Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday night for Jubilee entertainments – the school building was thrown open for inspection.

Nov. 29, Wednesday. Marks for November close today

Nov 30, Thursday. Thanksgiving Day. Vacat

Dec. 1, Friday. Vacat

Dec. 4, Monday. Reading of Marks for Nov. in auditorium Fr. Rector presiding, both Fr. Rector and V.P. wore the ferrioles (cloak). We began at 11.15 instead of 11.30 – more time is required owing to the increase in classes.

Dec. 5, Tuesday. Fr. Reilly had all First Year in both Catech. & Elocution in Auditorium. V.P. was at the hospital with one of the boys who was hurt in the morning on the way to school.

Dec. 7, Thursday. Latin test in Cicero in 3d Year & Caesar in 2d Year. 9.30 to 10.30. Teachers exchanged classes. Confessions 12.45 in preparation for tomorrow. At 2.30 in Chapel, Sodality celebration in honor of Immaculate Conception. Fr. Brown gave a talk to the Sodalists (both Sodalities present). Benediction by the V.P.

Dec. 11, Monday. No Sodality meeting today – the meeting was held last Thursday instead of today.

Dec. 15, Friday. Contest in 5 decl. For all 1st year – 7 boys chosen to represent each class – they were seated on the stage by classes. Contest 9.30 – 10.30 Mr. Kelly’s class won again this year. Winners (class) were given the last hour free 1.20 2.20. Heavy snow storm all day today; the first of the season.

Dec. 18, Monday. Very cold – snow of Friday is frozen over; traffic seems fair today. We had snow piled in quadrangle just after the storm, so there is space for the boys to go about it.

The New York Telephone Co. is now installing an outside phone. 800 calls -- $40.00 per year. The phone wires come in from the corridor near shower room & thence through pipes to Registrar’s office, then thru wall to V.P.’s office. The pipe from Registrar’s to V.P.’s office is too narrow (at the bend) to take any more wires (phone is Lenox 7547).

Dec. 19, Tuesday. Mr. Egan A.B. taught First Year Elocution today in Fr. V.P.’s stead. Teachers will receive their monthly check tomorrow also a $5.00 gold piece – lay teachers only.

Dec. 20, Wednesday. V.P. test in Latin theme in II & III years – theme is based on Latin

grammar – vocabulary from Cicero and Caesar. 9.30 to 10.30 Teachers exchanged classes as for Cicero and Caesar test.

Dec. 21, Thursday. Note sent to classes announcing Xmas Vac tomorrow at 12.15. Boys warned against absence tomorrow under severe penalties. Teachers notified to follow time order closely – no stories to be read, etc. No Cat. or Eloc. in 3d year. Teachers filled in the period. Confessions 12.45. Condition exams at 2.30. About 25 absent today – most are sick.

Dec. 22, Friday. Regular class in the morning – Very heavy downpour of rain all morning. Xmas holidays began at 12.10 – Marks for Dec. closed today. Classes will be resumed Jan. 2, Tuesday.

Some of the classes had class entertainments at the school during the

holidays: during afternoon & evening.

To Teachers Jan 11 1917: There is an impression among our boys that there is no homework except written work – Correct this impression. Please insist that the really important homework is preparation of next day’s class matter. Do not assign written work that will require a major part of the three hours which are allotted to home study.

Class Officers “F” 1918

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Examination Schedule

Mid-year 1917

Third Year Classes

Jan 8, Mon. Eng. Comp. 9-10.30

Jan. 15, Mon. Lat. Theme 9-10.30

Jan. 19, Fri. Biology 10.45-11.45

Jan. 26, Fri. History 10.45-12.15

Jan. 29, Mon. Eng. Prec. 9-10.30

Catech. 1.30-2.30

Jan. 30, Tues. Greek 1-2.30

Jan. 31, Wed Algebra 10.45-12.15

Mod. Lang. 12.45-1.45 (Orals)