Grade 12 Lesson plan Duration 6 Weeks
20th Century ‘isms’
LO 1
Personal Development / LO 2
Create make and represent / LO 3
Understand and Analyse / LO 4
Reflect and Evaluate
AS 1
Applies techniques of physical expressiveness, including physical release, voice-body integration, physical versatility, use of space, rhythm and energy for the purpose of communicating thought, feeling and character creatively. / AS 1: Presents a polished performance applying interpretative and performance skills to narrative, lyrical and dramatic forms. / AS 1
Evaluates at least THREE different texts in order to compare the many purposes of drama in society. / AS 1
Evaluates and compares the forms, styles, conventions and processes used in own and others’ dramatic action and performance
AS 2
Applies techniques of vocal production and expression
/AS 2
Selects and uses improvised and available technical elements which will best contribute to a cohesive theatrical presentation /AS 2
Examines through research how aspects of texts and performances change to reflect historical, social, political, cultural, theatrical and economic contexts. / x /AS 2
Evaluates and justifies choices in own work and that of others using specialised vocabulary and culture-fair aesthetic values / xAS 3 / AS 3
Documents their involvement in any one aspect of theatrical presentation from conception to final performance and audience reception / AS 3
Compares the roles and involvement in the Dramatic Arts of both the privileged and the disadvantaged from various cultures and periods in terms of access, resources and patronage / x / AS 3
Reflects on and evaluates how a drama relates: to own personal experiences, to human commonality and diversity, to specific aspects of human experience, ranging from issues of community interest to those of historical significance / x
AS 4
Identifies and discusses the interpretative choices made in the realisation of a dramatic product, noting who made the choice, for what purpose and to what effect / x
Teacher Activity / Learner Activity / Resources / Assessment Strategies / Date Completed
A changing world
Class discussion on the socio-political background of 20th century
Create a mind map on each of the concepts, ideas, approaches, events and people
Nietzsche – nihilism
Karl Marx –Marxism
World War 1
Great depression
World War 2
Technology / Class discussion and mind map / Text book
Research in encyclopedias / Peer assessment
Exchange mind maps an make sure that everyone has an understanding
Class discussion and mind map
Subjective reality
Simplicity in production
Playwrights and practitioners / Class discussion and mind map / Text book
Hand out notes / Peer assessment
Exchange mind maps so that everyone has a grasp
Class discussion and mind map
Machine age
Amalgamate the arts
Playwrights and practitioners / Class discussion and mind map / Text book
Hand out notes / Peer assessment
Exchange mind maps so that everyone has an nderstanding
Class discussion and mind map
non decorative and utilitarian
Playwrights and practitioners / Class discussion and mind map / Text book
Hand out notes / Peer assessment
Exchange mind maps an make sure that everyone has an understanding
Class discussion and mind map
Calculated madness
Anti art
Playwrights and practitioners / Class discussion and mind map / Text book
Hand out notes / Peer assessment
Exchange mind maps an make sure that everyone has an understanding
Class discussion and mind map
Subconscious dream state
Playwrights and practitioners / Class discussion and mind map / Text book
Hand out notes / Peer assessment
Exchange mind maps an make sure that everyone has an understanding
Class discussion and mind map
The meaning of human existence
Playwrights and practitioners / Class discussion and mind map / Text book
Hand out notes / Peer assessment
Exchange mind maps an make sure that everyone has an understanding
Class discussion and mind map
Equality between sexes
Playwrights and practitioners / Class discussion and mind map / Text book
Hand out notes / Peer assessment
Exchange mind maps so that everyone has an nderstanding
Teacher assist learners through the activity Comparing theatre movements / Activity 4 page 108 textbook
Draw a table with headings Response to 20th century context
Key features
Purpose / Text book
Hand out notes / Teacher assessment
Dramatic Arts
Grade 12 Lesson plan Duration 6 Weeks
Poor Theatre
LO 1
Personal Development / LO 2
Create make and represent / LO 3
Understand and Analyse / LO 4
Reflect and Evaluate
AS 1
Applies techniques of physical expressiveness, including physical release, voice-body integration, physical versatility, use of space, rhythm and energy for the purpose of communicating thought, feeling and character creatively. / AS 1: Presents a polished performance applying interpretative and performance skills to narrative, lyrical and dramatic forms. / AS 1
Evaluates at least THREE different texts in order to compare the many purposes of drama in society. / x / AS 1
Evaluates and compares the forms, styles, conventions and processes used in own and others’ dramatic action and performance
AS 2
Applies techniques of vocal production and expression
/AS 2
Selects and uses improvised and available technical elements which will best contribute to a cohesive theatrical presentation /AS 2
Examines through research how aspects of texts and performances change to reflect historical, social, political, cultural, theatrical and economic contexts. / x /AS 2
Evaluates and justifies choices in own work and that of others using specialised vocabulary and culture-fair aesthetic values / xAS 3 / AS 3
Documents their involvement in any one aspect of theatrical presentation from conception to final performance and audience reception / AS 3
Compares the roles and involvement in the Dramatic Arts of both the privileged and the disadvantaged from various cultures and periods in terms of access, resources and patronage / x / AS 3
Reflects on and evaluates how a drama relates: to own personal experiences, to human commonality and diversity, to specific aspects of human experience, ranging from issues of community interest to those of historical significance / x
AS 4
Identifies and discusses the interpretative choices made in the realisation of a dramatic product, noting who made the choice, for what purpose and to what effect / x
Teacher Activity / Learner Activity / Resources / Assessment Strategies / Date Completed
Elements of theatre
Audience actor relationship
Approach to acting
Approach to directing
Approach to plays/ scripts
Actor training:
Via negativa / Learners create table with examples of different techniques / Text book
Notes from – Towards a Poor theatre / Hand in table
Teacher facilitates an understanding of Poor theatre and its roots and relation to African context / Learners make notes and participates in discussion / Text book / Observation / participation and expression
The influence of poor theatre on the west
Class discussion and notes / Learners discus and identify applications of Influence on practitioners
Peter Brook / Text book p 170-174
Handout on Peter Brook / Oral questions
Poor theatre in SA
Athol Fugard
Barney Simon
Woza Albert
Asinamali / Creates table with different practitioners and their application of poor theatre / Text book p 174-181
Handout / Oral questions
Dramatic Arts
Grade 12 Lesson plan Duration 4 Weeks
South African Theatre With A Specific Agenda
LO 1
Personal Development / LO 2
Create make and represent / LO 3
Understand and Analyse / LO 4
Reflect and Evaluate
AS 1
Applies techniques of physical expressiveness, including physical release, voice-body integration, physical versatility, use of space, rhythm and energy for the purpose of communicating thought, feeling and character creatively. / AS 1: Presents a polished performance applying interpretative and performance skills to narrative, lyrical and dramatic forms. / AS 1
Evaluates at least THREE different texts in order to compare the many purposes of drama in society. / AS 1
Evaluates and compares the forms, styles, conventions and processes used in own and others’ dramatic action and performance / x
AS 2
Applies techniques of vocal production and expression
/AS 2
Selects and uses improvised and available technical elements which will best contribute to a cohesive theatrical presentation /AS 2
Examines through research how aspects of texts and performances change to reflect historical, social, political, cultural, theatrical and economic contexts. / x /AS 2
Evaluates and justifies choices in own work and that of others using specialised vocabulary and culture-fair aesthetic values / xAS 3 / AS 3
Documents their involvement in any one aspect of theatrical presentation from conception to final performance and audience reception / AS 3
Compares the roles and involvement in the Dramatic Arts of both the privileged and the disadvantaged from various cultures and periods in terms of access, resources and patronage / x / AS 3
Reflects on and evaluates how a drama relates: to own personal experiences, to human commonality and diversity, to specific aspects of human experience, ranging from issues of community interest to those of historical significance / x
AS 4
Identifies and discusses the interpretative choices made in the realisation of a dramatic product, noting who made the choice, for what purpose and to what effect / x
Teacher Activity / Learner Activity / Resources / Assessment Strategies / Date Completed
Alternative theatre
South African alternative spaces. / Create a definition of What is alternative theatre? / Text book
Dictionary / Teacher/Peer assessment
Theatre images
Boal’s theatre image / Activity 2 (page 211) / Text book
Floor space / Peer and self assessment
Labels in alternative theatre
Class discussion
Political theatre
Community theatre
Interrogate identity
Document history
Exposé / Create a list with examples where possible and practitioners where possible / Text book
Hand outs
Satire wit / Peer and self assessment
Theater to establish, celebrate or interrogate identity
Your own identity
Afrikaans identity
South African English identity
South African Indian identity
Identity of other cultural groupings
Negotiating a South African identity / Create a table with the different identities and their features / Text book / Peer assessment
Protest theatre / Define protest theatre / Text book
Dictionary / Self assessment
Characteristics of protest theatre
Educate trigger action
Etc. / Create a list / Text book
Dictionary / Self assessment
Characteristics of protest theatre
Educate trigger action
Etc. / Create a list with examples where possible and practitioners where possible / Text book
Dictionary / Self assessment
Theatre of resistance
Aims and objectives
Practitioners / Learners make a table to compare Protest versus Resistant Theatre and
Workers Theatre / Textbook / Table
Dramatic Arts
Grade 12 Lesson plan Duration 1 Weeks
Community Theatre
LO 1
Personal Development / LO 2
Create make and represent / LO 3
Understand and Analyse / LO 4
Reflect and Evaluate
AS 1
Applies techniques of physical expressiveness, including physical release, voice-body integration, physical versatility, use of space, rhythm and energy for the purpose of communicating thought, feeling and character creatively. / AS 1: Presents a polished performance applying interpretative and performance skills to narrative, lyrical and dramatic forms. / AS 1
Evaluates at least THREE different texts in order to compare the many purposes of drama in society. / AS 1
Evaluates and compares the forms, styles, conventions and processes used in own and others’ dramatic action and performance
AS 2
Applies techniques of vocal production and expression
/AS 2
Selects and uses improvised and available technical elements which will best contribute to a cohesive theatrical presentation /AS 2
Examines through research how aspects of texts and performances change to reflect historical, social, political, cultural, theatrical and economic contexts. / x /AS 2
Evaluates and justifies choices in own work and that of others using specialised vocabulary and culture-fair aesthetic valuesAS 3 / AS 3
Documents their involvement in any one aspect of theatrical presentation from conception to final performance and audience reception / AS 3
Compares the roles and involvement in the Dramatic Arts of both the privileged and the disadvantaged from various cultures and periods in terms of access, resources and patronage / x / AS 3
Reflects on and evaluates how a drama relates: to own personal experiences, to human commonality and diversity, to specific aspects of human experience, ranging from issues of community interest to those of historical significance / x
x / AS 4
Identifies and discusses the interpretative choices made in the realisation of a dramatic product, noting who made the choice, for what purpose and to what effect / x
Teacher Activity / Learner Activity / Resources / Assessment Strategies / Date Completed
Defining community theatre
Identity is?
Community is? / Create a definition / Text book
Notes handout / Peer assessment
Purpose of community theatre
Problem solving
Meaningful leisure
Etc / Create a list / Text book / Peer and self assessment
Community theatre
Inside out
Outside in
Rite a comparison between the two / Differing approach, role players and aims / Text book
Dictionary / Teacher Assessment
Community theatre in the mainstream
Organisation of community Theatre groups
Etc. / Create a table that reflects the different practitioners organisation their aims objectives and the approach / Text book / Peer assessment
Community theatre aesthetics
Problems with
Community language
Examples of plays and
Practitioners / Class discussion and taking notes / Text book / Self assessment