CSF Action Plan – Disabled Children, Young People, their Families/Carers living in Hertfordshire – Obj 4
Work Plan - Objective 4: To ensure that the Direct Payments Scheme is integral to service delivery to disabled children/young people, their families/carers which results in improved outcomes and value for money and highlight the financial consequences on existing service provision
What / How / Who / When / Status / KPIs1. Set weekly equity meetings to moderate on Direct Payment judgements in DCTs / 1.1 Set dates for next 2 months to look at all re-assessments and new requests for Direct payments, set against existing eligibility criteria / JH, TMs, SMs, DG Finance / Immediate / Ongoing / Number of new DP packages agreed
Number of review of DP packages that have been undertaken
2. Ensure that hourly rates are applied equitably across Herts / 2.1 Write to all direct payment recipients informing of proposed changes
2.2 Write to each individual direct payment recipient who will be affected / JB, SR, JD / Jan/March 07 / complete
3. Identify clear eligibility criteria and it’s application to service provision / 3.1 Identify how existing criteria are applied in assessments.
3.2 Identify how existing eligibility criteria can be improved
3.3 Develop eligibility criteria that best meet the needs of the service users and their application for staff
3.4 Consult on new criteria and sign off new policy / JH, SMs, TMs, SR, DG
JH / Immediate
Jan 07
Feb/March 07
April/May 07 / Ongoing
4.Develop leaflet/information pack to inform families of how to apply and mange direct payments / 4.1 Review existing information and efficacy
4.2 Identify best practice in other LA's
4.3 Develop new information leaflet for HCC / TMs, SMs, JH, SR
SR / Immediate
Feb/March 07 / Complete
5.Clarify reasons East and West variations / 5.1 Identify decision making process in each team in relation to assessments vis a vis DP
5.2 Identify historical decisions that contribute to variations
5.3 Examine variations since establishment of equity meeting
5.4 Pilot and monitor new eligibility criteria, its use and impact / Equity Meeting Group
Equity Meeting Group / Immediate
April/May 07 / Ongoing
6. Ensure CSF Childcare policy & procedures (DP) are understood by all staff and implemented equitably across Herts / 6.1 All staff to receive copy of policy and discuss at team meeting
6.2 Liaise with Training department to include on induction and mandatory training of all SW’s, PA’s
6.3 Monitor and evidence implementation of policy in supervision and notes / TMs, SMs
TMs, SMs, JH
TMs, SMs, JH / Immediate / Ongoing
7. To ensure that there is a smooth transition between young people receiving direct payments to ACS / 7.1 Identify those Y/P approaching transition (Cross Ref Obj 6)
7.2 Identify key professionals involved with Y/P
7.3 Identify how DP will be included in each transition plan
7.4 Identify and liaise between CSF and ACS financial processes / CE, SW’s, TMs, ACS staff
SWs, TMs
Transition lead professional
CSF/ACS finance officers / Immediate / Ongoing
8. Liaise with ‘In Control’ pilot and identify young people to take part in pilot / 8.1 Identify Y/P to take part in pilot
8.2 Liaise with ‘In Control’ to include Y/P and monitor progress / CE, SWs, TMs, TE
CE, SWs, TMs, TE / Immediate / Ongoing
9. Review and project expenditure of Direct Payments, their impact on other budgets and services in order to develop commissioning of services meets changing needs of children and families / 9.1 Audit take up of other services, - short breaks, home care, shared care, play schemes etc
9.2 Develop commissioning strategy which reflects best use of resources, changing use of resources and meets needs of Y/P ad their families / DG