Minutes from Company Staff Meeting
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Attendees (DC): David, Tom, Jeff, Ron Duchin, Elizabeth
Attendees (AUS): George, Ron Moore, Marla, Meredith, Dorothy, Mike Mooney, Dondi
Type of Meeting: Standing Staff
Outcomes, Expectations: Purpose of today’s Staff Meeting is for each department head to present their objectives for the year as well as Q1 and give a brief description as to how they will positively impact the two primary goals of revenue and cash flow.
Action ItemPerson ResponsibleDue Date
HR, PR input to newsletterMF, DP, DS02.12
Individual objectives meetingsAll Staff02.12, 02.13
Submit input for 2004 Business PlanAll StaffTBD
Edit 2004 Business PlanDH, MD, Analyst TBD02.16
Develop “Event Plan”DH, MF, John AdamsTBD
Generate psychographics re: subscribersTBDTBD
Ops interview feedback to StaffRM02.16
Create security access matrixGF, RM02.17
Agenda Items:
Opening Remarks
- HR and PR items to be contributed to newsletter forthwith
Company Meeting
- Company update to be given monthly
- Date & time TBD (Tentatively 02.25, 02.26)
- Individual objectives meetings to be scheduled 02.12 and 02.13
- Q1, Q2 and 2004 objectives for the Business Plan to be Further Discussion in each meeting
Business Plan
- Input required re: objectives, tactics, and description of weekly/monthly functions, Due date: Next week
CEO Transition
- Sense of urgency
Sales & Marketing Objectives
- Monthly targets
- Terrorism site
- Direct response campaign
- PR plan, Lead generation
- Continue Q1 and Q2
- Product strategy
- Outbound-minded sales plan
Further Discussion
- A need for in-house expertise re: product strategy, launch
Public Relations Objectives
- Financial market
- Terrorism web site
- Clear, unified message
- SIA side
- Exposure in radio, print media
- 3rd party options
- Tactical plan
Further Discussion
- Need for an “event plan”
- Current products to be pushed
- Australia PR events, tactics, plan
- Overseas market PR plan
Business Development
- Best use of resources
- $350k in revenue
- New intel project
- Focus (4-5 principal areas)
- Re-organizing pipeline
- What did we learn from Q1?
- Where do we go?
- $3M in revenue
- Metrics
- BD Team resourced and supported
Further Discussion
- Determining fundamentals of BD
- Search engine optimization (SEO)
- New publishing system
- Quality
- Productization
- Terrorism web site
- Marla in DC
- SIA familiarity
- Refining publishing system
- Maintain quality
- Stratify
- Product, product launches; Corroboration with marketing
Further Discussion
- Professionalism critical, expanding quality, quality of content
- Keeping current customers with high quality products
- Assess psychographics through net-tracking
- Question for each department to ask: Do we have the right people in the right place?
- Terrorism web site
- Director’s group
- DC and Austin integration
- Publish products that are superior to that of any other global publication
- Business unit
- Formalize the intel gathering system
Further Discussion
- Terrorism web site: Low versus high priced?
- What is the return on the web site?
- What is our product strategy for the company?
- Intelligence Board of Directors defined
- Office moves
- Communications process clarified, implemented
- Track action items
- Document processes for each area
- Tools to employees
- Identify, eliminate inefficiencies
Further Discussion
- Sifting through input from Ops interviews
- Help desk support; Rapid response
- Search engine optimization
- VPN for out of office productivity
- Determine back office solutions
- Build infrastructure
- Meet equipment and software needs
Further Discussion
- Customer relationship product push (Where does it fit); Sense of urgency
- Develop, implement systems
- Determine need-to-know access
- Acquire, utilize tools
- Personal background checks
- Security training
- PR/Marketing departments security processes
Further Discussion
- Security projects on a need-to-know basis
- Matrix of security access levels
Human Resources
- Personality testing
- Personnel file management
- Position requirements
- Process for new resumes
- Staffing processes
- Develop, clarify employee policies
- Record management through back office solutions
Further Discussion
- Potential full-time controller in March
- Creating, adhering to budgets
Summary, Next Steps
- Re-prioritize objectives for Q1, Q2 and 2004