The 5 People You Meet In Heaven Vocabulary and Reading Questions

Chapter 5: The First Lesson
Predict: From the novel’s title and the title of the 5th chapter, the chapter will be about:
Skeptical (pg. 47) –
Intersect (pg. 48) –
Carnage (pg. 51) –
31.  Explain what the Blue Man meant when he says to Eddie, “We are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind. (pgs. 48-49)
32.  What do you believe the Blue Man meant when he said to Eddie, “Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know”? (pg. 49)
33. Do you agree with the Blue Man’s statement in question #32? Explain why or why not.
Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#5)
Which parent (Eddie’s father or mother) seems more engaged in Eddie’s life? Explain why.
Chapter 6: The Second Person Eddie Meets in Heaven
Porous (pg. 57) –
Obliged (pg. 64) –
Adjacent (pg. 68) –
Deteriorated (pg. 85) –
Tourniquet (pg. 89) –
33.  What does Eddie find that scares him, even in Heaven? (pg. 57)
34.  Why does Eddie decide to sign up and go to war? (pgs. 57-60) (It is not stated clearly and it is partly your opinion based upon what you know of Eddie).
35.  Who did Eddie meet in the tree? Where had they fought together? (pgs. 61-62)
36.  Of all the things Eddie learned during the war, list the three that you believe would be the most profound or life changing. (pgs. 62-63)
37.  Why does Eddie think he lived a “nothing life”? (pg. 65)
38.  Do you agree with Eddie, that he lived a “nothing life”? Explain your answer.
39.  Describe Eddie’s captivity (how was he treated, what did they make him do, etc.)? (pgs. 66-71)
40.  What event changed Eddie’s (and the Captain’s) attitude and why they focused on escape afterwards? (pg. 71)
41.  What carnival/Ruby Pier skill did Eddie use to help engineer his escape? (pgs. 73-75)
42.  Do you think it was right for Eddie and the other prisoners to kill the guards, even Crazy Three who’d snuck food to Eddie and the other prisoners? Explain.
Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#6)
43.  Why do you think Eddie spent the evening of his 18th birthday just before going to war at Ruby Pier with Marguerite?
44.  How long had Eddie and his fellow soldiers been held captive? (pg. 80)
44.  Why did Eddie go into the burning building? What does this say about him as a person despite all that had happened to him in the last 6 months? (pgs. 81-84)
45.  What difficulty did the Captain (with respect to soldiers under him) have during the war and how did he try to deal with or solve it? (pg. 86)
46.  Why did Eddie attack the Captain when he learned it was him who shot Eddie in the leg? (pgs. 87-88)
Chapter 7: The Second Lesson
Barren (pg. 91) –
47.  What was the lesson the Captain explained to Eddie about sacrifice? (pgs. 93-94)
(Be complete as this ties in with the theme)
48.  What did the Captain mean when he said, “Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you’re really not losing it. You’re just passing it on to someone else”? (pg. 94)
49.  What had the Captain been waiting for that Eddie gave him? Why do you think this was important to the Captain? (p. 94)
50.  Does Dominquez and Willie’s response at work to Eddie’s death seem normal? Why or why not? (pg. 97)
Chapter 8: The Third Person Eddie Meets in Heaven
Oblivious (pg. 101) –
Meager (pg. 105) –
Calloused (pg. 105) –
Devote (pg. 106) –
Semaphore (pg. 108) –
Exhilarating (pg. 114) –
Abhorred (pg. 115) –
51.  Who did Eddie see in the diner that upset or got Eddie’s attention? (pg. 101)
Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#7)
52.  Why do you think Eddie is upset (to the point of tears) when his father stares at Eddie’s wounded leg? (pg. 103)
53.  Do you agree with the statement that: “All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped”? (pg. 104) Explain.
54.  Eddie’s father damaged his son in a number of ways. Briefly explain how each happened (pgs. 104-110)
Denial of Affection
55.  From Eddie’s memories, why, while sitting at the docks, did Eddie “feel he was like the fish pulled in on the nets, embarrassed because he saw himself in those helpless, flopping creatures, snared and beyond escape”? (pg. 113)
55.  What was the connection between railroads and amusement parks? (pg. 115)
56.  What was the old woman’s name and her connection to Ruby Pier? (pg. 116)
Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#8)
What bars happiness and joy from Eddie’s life? (pgs. 117-118)
57.  What devastated Ruby and Emile’s future and broke his spirit? (pgs. 121-122)
58.  Why is Ruby there/what is she going to tell Eddie? (pg. 124)
59.  When Eddie held up his hands, showing his dying father his grease-stained fingertips, what was he “saying” to his father? (pg. 125-126)
60.  What does Eddie believe caused his father’s pneumonia? (pg. 127)
61.  What did Eddie take of his father’s from the drawer? Why did he take that to represent “a piece of his father”? (pg. 127)
62.  Why did Eddie “curse his father”? (pg. 128)
Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#9)
Is Eddie used to the “darkness” in his life? (pg. 130) Yes No Not Quite(circle one)
Chapter 9: The Third Person Lesson
Insistent (pg. 135) –
Vouched (pg. 137) –
63.  Why did Eddie’s father save Mickey instead of killing him or letting him drown for what he attempted with Eddie’s mother? Explain. (pgs. 135-139)
64.  What was Eddie’s father’s last act? Why do you think he did this? (pgs. 135-140)
65.  What does Ruby say to Eddie about Anger? Do you agree? Explain. (pg. 141)
66.  If you were Eddie, thinking about all that had happened, could you forgive the father as Ruby said Eddie needed to do? Explain. (pg. 142)
Yes No Maybe (circle one)
67.  What did Eddie mean when he told the spirit of his father, “It’s fixed”? (pg. 144)
68.  Based on Dominquez’s answer to the pastor, make a prediction about the next chapter. (pg. 145)
Chapter 10: The Fourth Person Eddie Meets in Heaven
Participatory (pg. 149) –
Accordion (pg. 155) –
Amid (pg. 165) –
Protocol (pg. 167) –
Sallow (pg. 167) –
69.  What events does Eddie keep “stepping” into? (pg. 147-149)
Weddings/Receptions Funerals/Wakes Job Interviews/Retirements (circle one)
70.  Who does Eddie meet that he knows (4th person)? (pg. 150)
Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#10)
71.  Although Eddie had been promoted to Head of Maintenance, how did his job compare to his brother, Joe’s? (pg. 151)
72.  Did Eddie’s wife, Marguerite, already meet her five people? (pg. 157)
No, none yet Some of them Yes, and she waited then for Eddie (circle one)
Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#11)
73.  What happens to Marguerite as she is driving to the track to get Eddie? (pg. 163)
74.  What illness kills Marguerite, how old is she when she dies, and what is the last familiar thing she sees before going into the hospital? (pgs. 166-169)
75.  What is one, old warm feeling that Eddie had missed for years, but found again in Heaven? (pg. 170)
Chapter 11: The Fourth Lesson
Tousle (pg. 173) –
74.  Eddie’s wife tells him, “Lost love is still love, Eddie. It takes a different form, that’s all”, what does she mean? (pgs. 173-174)
75.  Why do you think Eddie asked his wife to change back to the age when he last knew her and not the age when they were first married, even though they were dancing at their wedding? (pg. 175)
76.  What did you think of the attorney’s thoughts at end of the section, where he and Dominquez go into Eddie’s apartment to find any important documents?
Explain. (pg. 178)
Chapter 12: The Fifth Person Eddie Meets in Heaven
Vacant (pg. 179) –
Cacophony (pg. 181) –
77.  About what age is Eddie (or does he feel/appear) now? How can you tell? (pg. 180)
78.  What person signals to Eddie? Who do you think it might be? (pg. 181)
Today is Eddie’s Birthday (#12)
How does Eddie’s life progress through his birthdays, from 51 to 82? (pgs. 183-184)
When Eddie is in the cemetery, visiting his relatives, and stops at his wife’s last, he thinks about taffy. He thinks it would take his teeth out now, but he would eat it anyhow, if it meant eating it with her. What does this say to you? (pg. 184)
Chapter 13: The Last Lesson
Iridescent (pg. 186) –
Anguish (pg. 189) –
79.  Who is Tala, the little girl, and how did she die? (pgs. 187-188)
80.  What was the darkness that shadowed Eddie all the years of his life after the war? Did he deserve that guilt? Why/Why not? (pg. 188)
81.  Eddie washes Tala’s burns and scarring away. What do you think it shows or represents? (pgs. 189-190)
82.  What does the Tala reveal to Eddie, when he tries to explain that he was a nothing person and his life was nothing? (pg. 191).
83.  Did Eddie save the little girl at Ruby Pier? (pg. 192)
84.  Whose hands did Eddie feel and why were they there when he was trying to save the little girl at Ruby Pier? (pg. 192)
85.  Why were there thousands of people at the pier? What does this say about Eddie’s life? (pg. 193)
86.  Who does Eddie meet again, on the Ferris Wheel? (pg. 194)
87.  Who is Eddie waiting for and why? (pg. 196)
88.  The last lines of the novel read: “That each affects the other and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one.” What is the author trying to say? (pg. 196)

last updated: 2/09